US Civil War

Redpill me on why the US Civil War started and why the south seceded.

I always thought they seceded because slavery was banned but this happened afterwards

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Same guy?
Which point did you not understand?

Yeah that's what they tell everyone is school now a days. Basically everything in the south was being fucked over or ignored by the north. Which included slavery but thats not the only thing

Because they KNEW Lincoln would keep high tariffs and they FEARED he would end States rights and slavery

Rural and suburban retards wanted slaves. All city people didn't. So there was a war. Simple as that.

Because Southern fags belong in gas chambers. NORTH POWER

Tell me more of what the north had been doing

Tariffs which wrecked the south economy

Something something states rights.

>bigger army with more resources, still get btfo'd
I don't blame ya. I'd be salty too.
>here's where you post a picture of a sham of a general who couldn't win a fight without zerg tactics and who starved widows and children as a means to victory

same guy, but is it just tarriffs and slaves?

They had been attempting to nullify Federal laws. Non-payment of taxes, refusing federal orders. State's rights shit.

Andrew Jackson put an end to that, and the Civil War was delayed another 35 years because he is a great man.

Voting rights and States rights for future purposes (States rights died in the war)

The put slavery in the confederate constitution.

South was dumb as shit. They would have never won against the North because of all the factories and development the North had. Not to mention the groups of people leaving for "states rights" refused to help each other. Georgia let there confederate 'brothers' freeze to death because they would refuse to give coats to non-Georgia troops. They seceded because the slave-owners, majority of which were jews, wanted slaves. Not only that, but they shot the president that wanted to send all the blacks back to Africa.

Confederates are the ONLY reason the US has a black population today.


Wow you sure showed me by filling our country with niggers. Good Job.

Regardless of why they Seceded they shouldn't have been invaded.

Anyone disagree with that statement?

>Confederates are the ONLY reason the US has a black population today.
that's retarded. the British were the ones who brought in the vast majority of slaves. They were already here when america was founded.


north always looked down on the Southern states and made scheming backhanded deals in all of their legislation that hurt the south and enriched the north. this went on from the time of the colonies. eventually the straw that really broke the camels back was something went through the senate called the "omnibus bill" which was a massive piece of legislation where the south ended up making huge compromises but retained a section called the fugitive slave act, which youve probably heard of. anyway, after taking their gains from this bill, the north then goes right back on it in their scheming lying way, and says its morally corrupt to follow this law and they wont enforce it (but they will take all of the gains they just got out of the omnibus bill).

following this there was a presidential election where not a single southern state voted for the radical anti southern president, but all the northern states did and lincoln was elected. seeing how incredibly poorly they were represented in the ill-fated union (and still hot blooded, keep in mind the revolution was only 80 years prior to this), south carolina hastily said to hell with it and seceded. after the north lied to the face of the southern secretary of state and promised to not resupply fort sumpter (and then promptly tried and failed to resupply it) the south fired the first shots of the war keeping the resupply effort away.

slavery was the big economic rally at the time, but the fact is bad blood had been brewing since before the country was even formed. it's pretty plain to see that many people thought the union should be dissolved for many reasons other than slavery at the time.

Yankeecucks wanted more and more federal power, south decided to become their own country, north baited them into a war so they could reclaim the south and continue taking their land and taxing their wealth, after the north won they used slavery as an excuse to engage in civil war.

Basically, the north became what they fought against in the revolutionary war.

If the civil war was about slavery why did it take until 1863 to emancipate the slaves, but only the slaves in the rebelling states. Missouri, Kentucky, and Maryland were allowed to keep their slaves. Because slavery was not bad to the north, just southerners profiting from it.

The South wanted northern states to ignore their laws and return slaves who were fleeing slavery. "States Rights" is code for "slavery is really fucking profitable and anything that stands in the way of this profit is bad".

Slavery was societal poison, how the fuck does your average white southerner compete with literal slave labor when earning a wage? And was on its way out but the rich slave owning plantation owners who also ran the state governments wanted it to continue on and so fought a war in order to do so.

>African slaves first brought to america in 1619 by the dutch
>American colonies sign declaration of independence in 1776
>it was the south's fault that the slaves were brought into the nation before it existed as a nation.
Yanks sure are smart. Especially them New England cuckold racists.

Lincoln ran on a platform of limiting the expansion of slavery into the new U.S. territories. This was seen as a way to gradually end slavery because over time more and more free states would join the Union so the slave states would become more and more outnumbered until eventually it would be abolished by Congress.

When Kansas became a state in 1861 there were 19 free states and 15 slave states, and the last slave state to enter the Union was Texas in 1845. If the Republicans had their was the divide between the number of free and slave states would have continued to grow and the slave states would have eventually lost the political power to stop laws further restricting or even abolishing slavery from being passed through Congress.

The states that seceded did so because they saw the election of Lincoln as a sign that slavery would eventually be abolished. The saw the writing on the wall and decided to get out before it was too late.

Lincoln was going to ship the slaves back to Africa. Unlike the Republicans after him, he didn't resent the South and wanted smooth reunification. Bookes chimped out over MUH NORTH OPRESSION and we got stuck with Jackson and Radical Republicans.

Southern casualties are lower because they didn't know how to write their battle reports

Not sure what this article is meant to be a reply to.

Lincoln wanted Lee to win the war to enslave everyone under the federal franchise ten miles sqaure. Horrified by the madman the greatest general ever returned to virginia.

Ft. Sumter empty in the process of being sold is then blockaded / false flagged to disrupt the biggest port from delivering foriegn material support assisting the states in resistance to the the victors of 1812, the barristers accredidation registry BAR.

The city, the vatican london and district columbia 10 miles square from where the nimrod obelisks rule man.

Mystery babylon won, enslaving erryone. It is insulting that christians wanting niggers to be free is the excuse to cause misunderstanding.

>Lincoln wanted to send all the slaves and blacks back to Africa
>Southerner Shoots him

The war started because Lincoln raised an army of 75k men and invaded the South.

It wasn't about banning slavery immediately, it was about the spread of slavery. Lincoln won, but he was against spreading slavery. The South saw the writing on the wall and they seceded.

Because the Jews in power in both the north and the south conspired to divide the nation and create an immensely destructive war that killed hundreds of thousands of Americans and wrecked the southern economy. Also freeing the slaves was a major step in their globalist plan that we are seeing come to fruition today.

That's a really dumb argument.

The obvious answer is that Lincoln wanted to destabilize the South during the war. Once the war was over slaves everywhere were freed anyway, he just didn't want to tear apart the few slave own states that decided to side with the North.

What did Lincoln ultimately think about the Blacks? What was his racial endgame?

He was a pawn for the kikes. His personal opinions are irrelevant and he had no endgame except to carry out the will of his masters.

>pawn for the kikes
The South was being funded by the (((Bank of England))) during the war, while Lincoln created Greenbacks which would've been America's own currency.

If anyone was a pawn for the kikes it was the South.

does anyone have that video that debunks the (((Prager University))) video on why the Civil War was fought?

If the war was about slavery the north would have emancipated them immediately. They only freed them to fuck with the south and to virtue signal to their friends.

Lincoln's writings show he didn't care about slavery one way or another.

He said red pill. So use facts. Not emotions ya kike.

I dunno man, this bleeding kansas thing happened and then next I know im surrounded by niggers. Feels bad man.