Why are men so suddenly antimarriage?
They always say "what's in it for me?"
Shouldn't living with the woman of your dreams be enough?
Why are men so suddenly antimarriage?
Because if things don't work out, the woman always gets the better deal
no, because as soon as she feels the security of marriage she will stop acting like the woman of my dreams and turn into a frigid bitch who emasculates me to my face about forgetting to take the trash out
>living with the woman of your dreams
there's a reason they say "die before your sleep"
modern women are whores and it doesn't seem worth it anymore, feminism ruined marriage
There have always been men who didn't want to get married. Difference is that now guys who otherwise would get married started to notice how raw of a deal marriage is. The internet aggregates all the horror stories of women's nature, and guys started to realize that society hated them and the traditional structures which normally would have encouraged/forced men to get married (like church) have become significantly weaker.
>drives you insane
>divorces you because you crazy
>takes your house and money
>give her more money every month for years
>no one else wants you because you're a broke cuck in a studio apartment
No. Fuck modern day women.
Trust is hard to come by. People can be amoral and downright sociopathic. Binding yourself legally to one is chancy even if you think you know them thoroughly and unthinkable otherwise.
dont forget about the divorcing and raping your income for 20 years
Because there is basically no advantage to getting married but as a guy there is a whole lot of disadvantages to it.
>It's all women's fault
Notice how the alphas never complain.
>woman of my dreams
not possible desu
Notice how the alphas don't marry.
Women are provided for by the government to the point that they can actively brag about not needing men and be praised for such.
It's politically incorrect to question this. So most of us grew up hearing how we weren't needed, and how we need to be more feminine for women. Fast forward a few years and most of us see how the 'feminine' guys are treated and how the guys who just want sex get such.
Women have more rights than men now, but say 'men fix it' more than ever, instead of taking more responsibilities such as their own fuck ups(which happens when you call the shots, no one's perfect). To make a marriage work as a man you need to be the spiritual leader in the relationship. How can you lead someone who has been raise to be the biggest egotistical moron one can be, and expect men to fix said personal problems that come with the real world eventually butting in their feminist fantasy they call life? All while being able to leave and USE sex to get another guy?
Men are shamed into silence. That doesn't mean we don't think marriage is a very bad deal for us. It just means any who say so risk losing their job.
They have the right idea.
The only reason you beta faggots are bitching about something you propose not to care about is because you actually want to get married.
do u know how rare finding a decent woman today is?
cant really blame them, look at our (((society))) they dont know any better
Because if the woman leaves them they always end up with a shit deal.
Most women I know HATE men. At best, they view them like mildly retarded siblings who are good for moving furniture and that's about it. Condescension and loathing, that's what women have waiting for men right now.
And if she changes her mind she takes my kids, half my assets, and robs my paycheck until my kids are 21.
I wonder why we're hesitant?
>80% of marriages end in divorce
>you will lose everything you worked for
>you will lose your children
There's no positives.
All relationships in the modern day are degenerate, it's just hooking up and moving to the next
Anyone that decides to settle for a person that does this is cucked
>Because if the woman leaves them they always end up with a shit deal.
Tough shit. They signed the papers.
Why the fuck is ANYONE supposed to sympathize with retards?
>Why are men so suddenly antimarriage?
>They always say "what's in it for me?"
Lean about cost analysis and risk vs reward
>Shouldn't living with the woman of your dreams be enough?
It was enough for most men until they got divorced.
Exactly. The only way to win is to not play.
>Why are women suddenly so demanding in marriage? They always say "what's in it for me?" Shouldn't living with the man of your dreams be enough?
They came to their senses and can do just fine without a parasite.
Why can't you perpetually date until you know she's not going to leech off of you? Even then, is marriage necessary?
Woman of my dreams is fiction. Half my stuff is real.
Tbqh she can rob your paycheck after your kids turn 21 too. It's called Lifetime Alimony.
Not sure if you're a guy or a girl
But you see
It's all an illusion
This Disney type of romance you believe in doesn't exist
And if you're a guy it's obvious you either 1) haven't experienced it yet
Or 2) haven't seen through it yet
Women want certain things in men
Women are attracted to alpha behavior
Women do certain things
When you get married
Unless you are one of those alphas (and even then it still sucks)
All she is doing is locking you down for stability
Logically this makes sense right?
Why wouldn't you want stability?
It's because it's unecessary to get married
You can have it without the women being able to ruin your life with the lift of a finger
Half of your shit, can slander your name etc
Women are just as bad as guys are
Once you realize that you'll see the world in a
Because they're contributing to the devaluation of women by encouraging their sexual liberalisation hypocritically, they might tap her for fun but they don't respect these girls and because of that nobody else does. Polygamy always lead to societal problems and only worked out well in war oriented tribes.
the problem is there are hardly any good women and an abundance of good men
Cause women are behaving like niggers, jews, and fags today and we don't have the power to beat them into their place. Remember, You are the white man, all of civilization is thanks to you, women especially white women should be worshiping you for all of your awesomeness. Women are inferior animals, like the niggers who need a hard beating daily to be put into their place.
>Because they're contributing to the devaluation of women by encouraging their sexual liberalisation hypocritically,
The problem was those women's fathers.
See here is the issue with me. I promised my father 3 white children, and I want to have kids that I can raise instead of just spawning a bunch of bastards.
But I really don't want to get married. What do?
>the woman of your dreams
the woman of my dreams i will NEVER acquire
>Shouldn't living with the woman of your dreams be enough?
Why do you need to get married to do this?
>an abundance of good men
In what? Personality?
The alpha male providers are dwindling in number.
The beta providers are increasing.
You could use a surrogacy service. I hear they are cheap south of the border.
Also, as I've gotten older I've realized that a man must do his own thing, or he'll never be happy. Weighing the risk of something and acting on it yourself and dealing with the consequences is what keeps us strong enough to help ourselves and each other after all.
Women legit seem like they have no benefits beside sex. They treat themselves like whores(weather they know it or not) to get what they want, and know it works. They don't see such behavior as bad because it clearly benefits them in the short run.
Here's the thing. When they start getting the late 20's, their looks start to fade, AND now they have to deal with a couple generations of younger women acting even more whorish to get the same thing they want. What ever a man can do for them.
Now how the fuck can a man witness this, see the obvious bullshit that comes with marriage, and think 'WOW I SURE WANT TO SUPPORT AND LIVE WITH THIS 28 YEAR OLD WOMAN'.
We've reached the point with political correctness becoming so unquestionable with certain subjects, that common sense has finally overwhelmed a male's protective urge for the females of his environment.
Women act like whores to get shit. Why are we so surprised that men don't want to marry whores? Whore's with the government's backing?
Would I ever say this shit in public? No, I'm not an idiot. I treat all the females in my life with courtesy and respect. But I would never think of marrying them.
And I for one believe that most men are humbled at some point in their lives. I know I don't deserve a good woman or anything. But like me I would wager that most men are just choosing to live alone than with a woman.
I mean I volunteer at a homeless shelter 3 times a week to keep my head on straight, realize how much I actually DO have. But what motivation is there to be with a female? There comes a point where you just can't care anymore.
What kind of faggot beta male has his highest goal as "living with a woman"?
Women hates men, society hates men, government hates men. I will not put forth effort in a place that despises me. It's completely irrational and fucking gay.
the women of my dreams changes every night.
If you can't red pill your girlfriend, you don't deserve a wife. Quit your crying and man up you fags.
Thanks breh.
Yeah but if you get it wrong you end up severely fucked.
Men supporting women after divorce used to be reasonable, but these days women are just as capable of earning an income. Modem divorce laws are a fucking mess.
No man here wants to think of marriage as a disaster waiting to happen, we're a traditionalist crowd after all. But we call it as we see it, and right now divorce law is so poorly structured that logically there's every reason to avoid marriage, even if emotionally you do want to marry.
statistics, user. you have much to learn
For the rest of my life? Sure.
For a few moments before she divorces me, takes the kids, half my belongings and alimony? Fuck off we're full.
This. Women overwhelmingly are marxist liberals relative to men, Women are more likely to be christfag semitophiles who will mutilate your son's penis. Women are also more likely nowadays to mutilate themselves with piercings and tattoos. There are far more pure men out there than pure women now.
>the woman of your dreams
Good luck finding one, I doubt any man has ever complained about THAT, what they complain about is the useless lazy whore who tricked them into marriage so they can raise another man;s kids.
Bite the bullet, demand full custody on the prenup.
Get a good lawyer, as many witnesses as possible and a lengthy consideration time to remove any doubt.
>At best, they view them like mildly retarded siblings
yep, and the fact that women have achieved so little and can actually believe this shows the mentality of that disgusting gender
White Women = Niggers Jews and Fags all in one semitophile package
White Men = Creators of pretty much everything, Invented human rights, all technology, and treat their women way better than they deserve to be treated
>woman of your dreams
Divorced Female here.
Marriage is not worth it. Unless you look at it financially. there are tax breaks, or maybe one person has better insurance than the other. Unless you can get that type of benefit without being married.
Females are only in it for themselves. It's "their day" they want the wedding of their dreams. yadda yadda.
Most do not look at the future. It's just a piece of paper.
A piece of paper that the soon to be ex wife can use against you to take half our shit.
Live together. Split the rent. put both names on lease. Put both names on all bills.
Because once you split, if both names are on it, no one can stick the other with a balance without getting their credit ruined as well.
Just...Don't get married. It's a piece of paper that can be used against you.
Simple, women broke the social contract.
Monogamy was instituted to reduce intra-sexual competition between marriage, leading to a more cooperative society.
The deal is that you marry one man, have his children, and you get the rewards of his work and effort.
Today, women are perfectly capable of defection from that. With no fault divorces, women can cheat and not be punished, while still stealing your stuff for her and her new target.
Men have seen through this, and now avoid it out of their own self interest.
We're becoming a society of defectors, which is why we're losing to the Moslems, who are still willing to cooperate
Alimony and Child Support is stability, my guy
I honestly think I would have better luck redpilling my Cat.
t. butthurt tradcuck
Enjoy your cheating wife and forfeiture of everything you own, tradcuck.
> "Not me! I'm different! Muh wife 4ever!"
Sure thing, cuckboy. You and 80% of other men, top kek. Everybody's got a unicorn but none ever last, can't imagine why!
>strip away incentives to work hard
>turn the courtship process into a confusing mess that feels like applying for jobs
>make marriage about muh tru wuv rather than what's best for your country
>financially punish men if their marriage ends
>into age has made beta males fully aware how women feel about them
>lmao why men not marrying tho?
Stop acting like its not fucking obvious. Remove the incentives, people stop caring and opt out. You don't blame others for not buying your product when it's not selling, you change your fucking product so it appeals to others.
>there are far more hot men out there than pure women now
I think you're just gay, bro
What's really scaring the shit out of them is the Betas are getting wise and saying fuck that.
if you have a dick you just Owe a woman stuff.
This, White men always keep trying to find substitutes for white women as they are so far inferior to the white man but are supposed to be given equal rights without equal toil, so white men first went for Hispanic women, and found out they were as bad as white women, Then they went for Asian women, and they were a bit better than white women, but were still garbage. The only truly good woman is a 2D one because a man created it, and a man knows what other men want.
>A generation of men who were raised in broken homes think marriage is a waste of time
What the fuck did you think was going to happen?
Why would a generation of men who watched their fathers have the woman of his dreams strip everything from him, often through no fault of his own, not want to fall into the same trap? Solid question my dude.
I said pure, not hot. I am more evolved than just fucking a bitch because she is hot. If you were to sell out your values just to fuck a hot girl, I would think of you as less of a man.
i lucked out on the marriage thing since i have cancer
>White Women = Niggers Jews and Fags all in one semitophile package
tranny pill is best pill
Only low IQ men would still fall for it. It is like putting your hand on a hot stove again and again never figuring out that you will get burned if you keep putting your hand on it.
Woman of my dreams?
>More like settling
Most women are pains in the ass.
I just want two tits and a moist hole (no tranny) with the occasional bj.
Because they're falling for (((their))) tricks and removing themselves from the gene pool.
Remember not to reproduce and spread your superior genetic material, goyim.
>I said pure, not hot
You did, whereas I said what you really meant.
If I am going to provide for her for the next 50 years, what I want in return is the lion's share of her youth and beauty.
Read: don't slut around until you're 32 and then expect me to put a ring on it. Rings are for ground floor investors in my future, not Janey-come-lately and her two bastards.
>Why are women so antimarriage?
>They always say "what's in it for me?"
>Shouldn't living with the man of your dreams be enough?
dreams are real, love isn't real. your same question could also apply to women. Sieg Heil and fuck off, cuck.
But I did mean pure. Men are not involving themselves in Jewish degeneracy like liberalism, communism, anti-fa, tattooing, and white man hatred like white women are. Thus men are purer for not being corrupted by the jew
mgtow ftw
Love was something invented by the Jews to ruin the white race. It used to be marriages were arranged for the good of the race, or women were sold to men via a dowry, and it worked in the west for a long time. Now that love is involved white women will racemix with niggers and wetbacks just because they are better lovers rather than doing what is right for the race.
>What the fuck did you think was going to happen?
Unfortunately this. But I have a message for cynical anons: make yourself into the kind of man that good women want, and eventually it will work out for you. I look at my parents, happily married for 25 years. My aunts on my dad's side, happily married for even longer. My grandparents, happily married for almost 60 years. A pair of my cousins, happily married for five and ten years respectively. Good men and women exist, and yes you do have to get lucky, but marriage and families are good things. The good thing about being a man is that you have much more time to find a good woman than women have to find a good man. Just don't be a dumbass and date a woman with red flags
Sounds like you're a shitty lover who blames his impotence on nignogs.
Get gud
A lot of us are from broken homes. We already know the marriage meme is a scam.
Living with the woman of your dreams would be enough, but that ain't marriage anymore.
monk in pic is jewish
It's (((their))) way of destroying the family unit
1. Turn western women into whores
2. Encourage men that love is dead and they don't want to end up marrying a whore who will divorce them or who has sucked 100 dicks
White population declines
Chances of me meeting a woman who is genuinely the woman of my dreams? Low.
Chances of me meeting a woman who is genuinely the woman of my dreams and she feels the same way about me? Slim to none.
Single for life bitches.
>Shouldn't living with the woman of your dreams be enough?
Where is this woman? She does not exist.
>what are numales?
Yeah they exist but are very small in number relative to howmany degenerate women there are. Just look at the election results in the US, Austria, and the U.K.
>Why are men so suddenly antimarriage?
Because marriage is a bad deal for men that fucks them over and only benefits the woman. Men have no power or rights in marriage while women have all the power and rights yet men get all of the responsibility.
>They always say "what's in it for me?"
Marriage is a legal contract that entitles a wife to half a man's assets, his kids, his house etc there better be something in it for him worth risking all that for (aka in the past when women had to contribute to a marriage and could not divorce rape a man or refuse to put out,or not wash dishes etc).
>Shouldn't living with the woman of your dreams be enough?
That would not be or require marriage in any regard and when it comes to women of your dreams it is not logical yet marriage is a contract which requires logic to understand.
Love is different then signing a contract that gets the government in your bedroom that tilts the power toward the woman. So if you love a woman don't fucking marry her and if a woman loved a man she would not let him marry her.
>woman of my dreams
>she doesn't exist
>she never will
>love isn't real
>still dream about it though
Why even live, lads?
Try this , go to any dating site and see how many womens profiles start with .... I WANT ...
Women don't even look at me, or know I exist, it's more likely that I'll marry a pillow than a human female at this point.
>go to coffee place for the regular pick-me-up
>notice beautiful blonde woman, around my age
>wide hips, tight shirt with big tits
>gaze at each other
>this happens several times
>one day, same story
>she's with some skinny redhead cuck
>college mates
>focus on reading redpills instead
>glance over at her just the one time for boredom's sake
>French kissing the cuck like armageddon happened 5 minutes ago
>months later
>still run into her
>keeps looking me in the eye
>never returned the favour
Tasteless thing, treating a 40 foot table like a bed. Utterly revolting.
when women can end a mans life with a divorce, take his kids, all his money, his house, everything he owns, marriage tends to loose its glamour
I'm going to get married but it's purely for visa reasons. That is to say, I love here to death but ideally we'd just hang out all the time. But we can't because she can't come here unless we married or something.