So, why could he consent, but she couldn't?

So, why could he consent, but she couldn't?

Because the man is always is consenting.

>SJW believe this.

To be honest,

you are a degenerate if you have sex outside of marriage anyways.

Dues vult, heathen scum. May you be Charlemagne'd quickly.

This. Also drinking is degenerate.

Logic isn't required when fems are involved.

>jake was drunk
>jake drunk drived
>jake crashed his car into another car killing the wife, two children and the husband lived
> jake isn't responsible because he couldn't consent to drunk driving

I think the logic on this is that if a man was drunk to the point where he could no longer consent he'd also be at the point where he couldn't have and maintain an erection, or at least that's the conclusion my mother came to when she tried to wrap her head around it

This is total bullshit I can't see how any sane person can defend this, you can't have equality when it benefits you but have special privileges, this proves women are more privileged than men, this shit is enough to drive you insane

because men are objectively better than women and can occasionally think for themselves.

>t. Achmed Muhammad Abdul al-Sahin

This, live a degenerate lifestyle and pay the price.

I think you mean white men.

I wonder what feminists and SJW would think if I told them that black men rape more women per their own population that whites do.

>replace Jake with Jane
>Jane is still responsible if she drinks and drives
>she isn't responsible if she gets the D and regrets it the next day though :^)

The man consents by definition. It's literally impossible to rape men, because even if they don't want sex, they still do.

>drinking poison to retard your own mind because it's fun isn't degenerate

Literally coming full circle to when defense lawyers would argue that if the woman didn't want the sex she wouldn't have let him rape her.

I'm not saying the follow is correct, but this is the idea:

Two people get drunk and have sex, neither one can consent to the sex. So if one person accuses the other the rape, they CANNOT say the sex was consensual, since consent is impossible.

Can both accuse each other of rape? Sure. And then the police will investigate to try to determine who was more at fault. It's usually the initiator, which is usually the man.

Not arguing for it, just explain how I think it is meant.

>angry feminist: "Name one thing a man can do that a woman cant do!"
>man: "Consent while inebriated."


Because having a moist hole instead of a stick of meat increases your oppression score.

>tf2 getting to third base is considered rape nowadays.