How does it feel to know that Neocohen Blumpf is but a puppet to the Eternal Han? Thphumphth sold out to the kikes by making May 1st Jewish-American Heritage Month, and now he's also sold out to the chinks by making this Asian-American Heritage Month? Whatever happened to America First? I'm voting Democrat next election and I encourage every white nationalist to do so too.

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We like azn shill, its the niggers and the jews we can't stand.

where do I get my complimentary azn gf?

Im encouraged to get doobs

t. Xi Jingpingpong kys yourself r/The_Donald

He's a Neocohen through-and-through and is now in bed with the chinks
>inb4 "MUH 4D CHESS"


This is the first time Ive genuinely laughed at one of these things

Trash posts belong in the trash.

>He's a Neocohen through-and-through

then why is he making openly anti (((big Bank))) statements?

You Drumpfcucks are just butthurt that he was a Judeo-Asian pawn. (((Kushner))) is but a distraction as Zimzamzumphthf rapes you're country by putting China first. Fuck him. He's worse than Hillary


Bread and circuses. Another false promise from Tzumbf as he secretly eats dumplings whilst his anus is ravaged by an entire dry cleaning establishment

> vote

I'm not a fucking retard. Vote for what? To feel like my opinion or contribution actually mattered? Only a good goy would vote thinking the candidate would make any difference. The people that want to destroy us are in control of our nations. Fuck it all to hell.




Voting is for shabbos goyim, I know. Paper ballots are manufactured in China and benefit only the Chinese. Making May A-M Heritage Month confirms that America will always be th ebottom bitch of the slants.

>ITT autists sperg out


Even the president wishes for the white race to be mixed away. Just accept it white boi.


Samoans don't get enough credit for all the work they do making the NFL great

You guys are going multi cultural more and more. It's going to ruin your country

Go suck Bill Mitchell's wart-encrusted cock /ptg/.

Rhumpth is a Chinese puppet and no amount of nth-dimensional chess can prove otherwise. You're deluded go back to plebbit you fucking subhuman pig

>muh BASED island savages!
i bet you're fine with Flumfs gradual genocide of his base by promoting chink breeding

we're still about a century away from having a cuck like Trudeau in office though LUL

Bumph is worse than Trudeau. Trudeau is a white leader of a white country. Drumpf is the concubine of Jewish chinks like Zuckerberg's hapa spawn.

>inb4 Shareblue

Just because I'm not a blind slut to muh God-Emperor doesn't mean I was paid to be so. I do it for free.

Lmao. Pthumpthfth