Biological slavery

I'm so fucking sick of lusting after women.

The more my dick lusts after them, and the more of them I see, the more I realize what shallow and vile creatures they are.

It's like a biological chain made by the devil himself, to forever be cuck'd to the worst collective of people on the planet.

Holy shit what the fuck do I do though? Just marry one and get it over with? I don't want to substitute anything with porn either, since that's as irritating as the real thing, if not more (literally the worst type of women on the planet are in porn)


Just marrying one also means I have to live a fucking lie, and compromise on a lot of personal freedoms, and probably fucking change the way I live my life and act.

>love you for who you are
literally a cuck'd fucking disney fantasy delusion. a fucking myth.

That's not even cum. Looks like cream or conditioner

I know retard. mods would instantly ban if it was real.

Go for the D user.

>promoting faggetry
wow nothing has changed over the course of history, except the fact that your country is even less relevant now

man up you little bitch

Become a monk.

Speaking some real truth here. White women are the real enemy of mankind. MGTOW master race.

Why are you still awake by the way?

That's messed up man.

not an argument
>haha just keep having casual sex
a fucking waste of time. an endless loop with no fucking point.

answer your own question

go for the true redpill

Such testy toothpaste. Get some pussy before you turn gay and anhero

you overthink user. just pay the fucking 200$ every 3 weeks and enjoy your life. It seems you took a lot of red pills over the years.

>can't have kids
The only reason not to.

you are mentally ill. so are the dudes you fap to.

>Get some pussy before you turn gay and anhero
my problem is the opposite of not being able to get pussy. in fact, it's the issue that all there is, is cheap pussy with unlikable females attached to them. the more I'm around women, the more they annoy me.

that and the mental illness issue.

Hold me lads.

monk or priest

Accept jesus and holy spirit into your life. If you devout yourself enough you will be able to overcome this shit

>worst type of women on the planet are in porn)

Not even close.. Theyre teaching in universities, working in retail and management, running countries into the ground and preaching a strict and rigid death of the white man. Have you ever known a porno girl or a stripper? Theyre totally pyscho like a frightened animal and it takes a long time to get used to them but they at least try to be cool and arent rigid in the same way as these anti-white demons. They want you to be cool with what theyre doing so they give you alot of space.. Its part of their pathology and adjustment. The worst people dont do any of that and likely dont have much sex.

>Not even close
oh fuck off. if you think women are high on themselves, then take a concentration of that cancer, and you've got yourself every cunt in porn.

The vile creature is the one taking over your brain, the subhuman ancestor from which we all evolved and still exists inside us. The problem is you, not women. Yes, you have to be careful who you pursue because yes, the law allows any woman who wants to to abuse and enslave you. The problem there is the law, not women. Take it properly into account and you may be able to protect yourself without having to go full MGTOW.

You need to stop feeding the fucking deranged vile subhuman animal inside you. Chill with the lust.

Also watch pic related film, based on a memoir. Plenty of women truly love men. But if you just follow your dick you won't find those ones.

Whatever you do, don't go the (((PUA))) route of mindless fucking. You'll only get the trashiest women, which seem to be the majority today, and waste your energy in something that is nowhere near worth the effort. I hate these faggots who claim to be "redpilled" but then contribute to degeneracy by fucking 10 skanks a week and increasing single parent families and female narcissism.

Or you could stop acting like your Moroccan ancestors and have some self control.

>falling for the Jewish mental illness meme
yes goy buy the pills

Kill yourself kino you pathetic homosexual faggot

Not really, you are just failing to find the right one user

remember, no hymen no diamond

Nice blog post, fag.

>marriage means live a lie
>change the way you act
>watching porn ever

If you were a real man you would already act virtuously and would be steadfast in your ways. A real man finds a woman he desires and stands firm in his convictions. A good woman will absorb pieces of your personality if you know how to lead her.

You sound like a child and I can see why you are having trouble with women. Protip: women sense it on an instinctual level when you're a sniveling pussy.

stfu and get a fleshlight until you grow up a little

everything will be fine, so long as you don't project your fantasies onto a woman or over-romanticize/put on a pedestal, etc.

but for now just concentrate on the fleshlight

Just get a decent hooker, it's cheaper than a gf and less annoying.
Fucking autists

>A good woman will absorb pieces of your personality if you know how to lead her.

Femanon checking in to attest this is true. Fiancee has improved me. I think I may have improved him too.

I hate lusting after women, because I can never get them. Fuck this gay earth. only idiots breed.

>Tfw you hoped the hormones would make you not so lustful but they just have you a terrible cocklust
>Tfw you're a shutin and it's driving you crazier than any lust you had as a guy
w-what if I just get the whole thing cut off, maybe it'll be better then...

Quit using porn and quit jacking off. That's most of the battle right there. Too many guys are being good goys and regularly use porn.

> no hymen no diamond
> less than 5% of women over age 20 are virgins

Yeah, great prospects. Fucking idiot.

>ignoring the rules
c'mon friend, you know better

only some examples of what will happen when society gets morally corrupted. more will follow. eu is gonna collapse slowly just like greece, rome, japan, ottomans, germany and others did.

You marry for children and ethernal life. Find the less degenerate woman you can and have at least 3 kids.

Women are clay, you can mold them into any shape you want as long as you make it clear that you are the one in charge. If you don't want a shit woman, then don't allow her to be one.

Ralph wiggum lookin glue eatin bitch

I'll take this opportunity and write a blogpost of my own before the thread dies.

I'm a pathetic beta virgin but at least I'm attractive. In my late twenties, quality women are becoming harder to find. However, I found the redpilled woman of my dreams; she's attractive and we got along. After a while of hanging out she just started ignoring me, and after a couple of weeks I became increasingly frustrated. I decided to let her know how I felt about her and she just told me she wasn't interested in relationships. I thought she was the one but now I'm just depressed

I'm with you Dutchbro. The more I lust after them the more I realize what a stupid fucking waste of my life that pursuit is.

I'm working on learning about the Orthodox Christian Church, escaping this endless cycle through the teachings of God and the patristic fathers.

Check out and just read read read.

Yes it's a strong bond even kings fall for these creatures and all they have to do is be born beatiful and have a nice body, my theory is Sat an himself gave this power to women when even took head to his voice during the apple fiasco, no matter how hard you try or how holy you maybe the sight of a beatiful women humbles your strong bold soul. They truly have an unseen power

>Just marry one and get it over with?

gotta find one you can truly trust before then... in my experience that's next to impossible.

for fags
>The problem is you, not women
white knighting for the cunt collective is pretty pathetic. the problem is women. the problem is their impact on society and laws. the responsibility for not getting your life fucked over by them, lies with the man. but the problem is them.

>Whatever you do, don't go the (((PUA))) route of mindless fucking
I won't. those people are just as fucking delusional as the average cunt if not more since they choose the route and women are inherently like that.
>You'll only get the trashiest women, which seem to be the majority today
I have yet to find a bunch who are not trash and don't extremely overestimate their own value. these cunts are all used to betafags putting them on a pedestal. they know not how to be humble, how to fucking view the world realisticly instead of thinking their some one of a kind cunt sculpted out of fucking diamonds.

you think moroccans have an issue with cheap pussy? see: >the right one
AHAHAHAHAHAH of course, the brazilian knows about "finding the right one" in the country full of shemales and child prostitution.
fuck off you basemendwelling delusional cuck.

>Nice blog post
thanks fagget.

>If you were a real man you would already act virtuously
hey retard, that is the opposite of how I would have to act if I married the average cunt. are you fucking retarded? you think the modern woman cares about virtue? did you just wake up from a disney induced coma?

why a fleshlight if the easiest thing I can do is keep fucking women? read the fucking thread retard. if anything, virgin betafags are the ones white knighting for sluts and putting women on a pedastal.

Biggest redpill on a while, OP.

That sluts lips look like princess peaches

You have two choices: Man up and learn how to handle women, or give up and swear off them. I won't say which one you should go with, but there is literally no other option.

>he isn't on SSRIs


wait you sayin taking hormones made you more gay?

Are you trying to trickme into liking traps?

Just wait.
Technology will provide better alternatives soon enough, thus restoring the gender power-balance. For now, the hand must suffice.

Marry a good Christian woman

Women? Seriously? God that is weak.

The only reason you find them the slightest bit interesting is because you've been programmed to impregnate the first one who'll spread the legs for you by year's of evolution.

But today, they won't even do you the courtesy of getting knocked up. Fucking a woman today is like paying the full price of a car for a few rides in a fucking Uber.

>Literally gay, first crush I ever had was on my male best friend
>Never understood what others saw in women
>Feel like a complete degenerate and miserable most of the time after realizing the truth about what I am

>taking the school shooter pill

>Women are clay, you can mold them into any shape you want
you can't make them unride a lifetime of casual cocks. you can't make a slut into a housewife.

>gotta find one you can truly trust before then.
literally in which fucking world?

>Man up and learn how to handle women
not a problem. but the women around aren't the women I want to waste any effort on anymore. the most they offer is pussy and since that comes easy, it has no fucking value anymore. holy shit stop making this about getting pussy. read the fucking post and try to comprehend the fucking issue.

easily said, almost impossible though

>the slightest bit interesting is because you've been programmed to impregnate the first one who'll spread the legs for you by year's of evolution.
no shit retard. what did you not understand about "biological chain/slavery"?

can americans not fucking understand basic english?

>>love you for who you are
>literally a cuck'd fucking disney fantasy delusion. a fucking myth.
because you are trying to project the disney fantasy delusion, you are litteraly a myth, standing up for what you believe to be true, fear not to be judged, you'll be loved by those who share the same ideas, but be ready to be hated as well. You cannot be loved if you aren't ready to be hated.

>because you are trying to project the disney fantasy delusion
no retard, I put that greentext there in case retards came here with that disney shit.

>easily said, almost impossible though

What do you mean? Are you practicing?

Yeah :(
It's really bad
I just lay down a lot and can't stop thinking about how I want a guy to be there with me and to cuddle me and kiss me and talk and laugh and take me on dates or not even that just going outside with him anywhere would be nice

This makes no sense. This is some 98D Jewry right here

Jesus fuck the autism! You are in denial of the fact that no woman will ever find you appealing and in a bout of autism you reject women as if it was their fault and embrace faggotry. Learn how to handle them otherwise you'll end up a wizard or worse.

Eric Harris and Dylan klebold did nothing wrong

I have personal experience with the christian community and let me tell you what: if you're a decent looker and pretty fit, you will see the true face of all these christian girls acting all innocent and shit. they're one of the most cock hungry sluts I've known. the difference is that they have to hide it more because of their family/friends.


here your solution


Surrogacy. Dont you know about the new procreation methods now? They can only be made or used by males
>mental illness
All fake. You have plenty as well

>You are in denial of the fact that no woman will ever find you appealing
read my posts idiot. I have the opposite problem. you only see the true face of women when you can easily get their attention and see that all they have to (and can) offer these days is pussy.


But you're vagina hungry. So you're going to hold her to a standard you don't even meet? There's nothing wrong with a woman wanting dick. The point is you marry her and give it to her.

You talk too much

Orthodox Christian shill alert! They're hiring shills to convert us

if you don't want to read and or make a fucking argument, you are welcome to get the fuck out of my thread.

>still caring about filthy, smelly, dumb 3DPD whores

Take the 2D redpill senpai~!

You should honestly commit suicide. You're a disgrace.


>period cramps

whoa you should publish that theory--genius

top kek

>no hymen no diamond

Every white woman in the west has fucked 20 chads by age 20.

And you're ok with a man's attraction for you being a fetish? (I guess that might be a good thing in your eyes, as he probably lusts for you more than any other type)

Also how do traps turn out when they age. I've never seen a picture of an old trap. Do they all commit sudoku?

>i have the opposite problem

You're now taking the ultimate redpill, which is the fact that men make the best women.


But I don't want to anymore. I really like living now and I'm scared of dying. Do I really have to?

>Sat an himself

what did he mean by this

Yes goyim make slaves for us. Direct vaginal intercourse is only way to do this. Sept 23 is not a thing

OP u fucking fag noobie, everyone knows the *only* way to get a proper waifu is to find a 16-18 yo virgin (rare but possible) and groom her.

Supreme Gentleman shit right there OP.

In Brazil is 100

>holy shit stop making this about getting pussy. read the fucking post and try to comprehend the fucking issue.
I didn't say anything about pussy, you can either handle women or you can't. That means in every way, not just in bed you idiot. If you can't find women you want to waste effort on, here's a thought, don't.

The reality is that you aren't looking for a solution, you are looking to complain and possibly get a sympathy lay out of it. You know who else likes to complain without having to solve the problem? Women. This is why you fail.

That's why you have to say fuck you to the law and start secretly meeting 15,16,17, and 18 year old women, it's risky but if you manage to find one keep it cool til she is 18 and you win, besides if you get caought the pain of being locked up will be better than getting with one of these loose whores that will suck your happiness, money, and very soul away.

>And you're ok with a man's attraction for you being a fetish?
Not really and I would want my bf to love me for me and see me as a real girl but beggers can't be choosers

this. the girls here usually date a couple of guys at the same time, and when they decide to get a bit more serious with one of them, they have a whole bunch of "Plan B's" on a leash. I don't know where all these virginfags think you can find a 20yo with a hymen intact (unless her ass has been drilled to hell, which still means she has the mentality of a slut)

inhale mustard gas

mgtow is literally one of the most cuck'd shit ever.

look up the "cash me outside" meme and realize that's a fucking 13yo.

those are mad because they can't get pussy. I am mad because I have had it and know there's nothing else on the table.

>you can either handle women or you can't.
that is not the issue. handling a slut is still handling a fucking slut. god damn retard. if you're okay with sharing your fucking life with used up whores, then go ahead you cuck.

Sat, the devils brother in law living on his couch

Yes good goyim, it is bad to get married and the worst thing possible to reproduce, never forget that white women are your enemy.

Meanwhile outside of incel hyperbole coping mechanism land people are having less sex than previous generations.

I can confirm this is true. The modern Christian community is rotten to the core.

Makes perfect sense to me but then again my verbal skills are on pair with a schizophrenic

>it is bad to get married
I actually WANT a woman who is fit for married life and raising children. the issue is that those are fucking extinct in the west.

>inhale mustard gas
*pees on a cloth first*