Sup Forums quickly go to Jefferson Davis monument!!!
I've been in NOLA last weekend and seen that bulshit
I can't help anymore than this bump!
I live nowhere near enough to help.
I'm in cali but this deserves attention
> Rebel flag
> Patriots
You are clearly retarded.
The rebel flag is the antithesis of patriotism you mouth breather
> Show national pride
> Display flag of hostile enemy
That's a big participation trophy.
I'm across the lake :I save the statue!
wish i could be there brother, but im 2000 miles away
>Implying the USA is a nation
> Leaf
>Being a Union cuck
>Not plotting for your state's independence
They FORGOT to bring the hoods and the rope!!!!!
Lul good one. We are not a nation, we are nothing but a cesspool, and so is Canada
The hostile enemy was the tyrants of the north taxing the south out of existence, south played 75% of the taxes. The north was getting rich off of the south starving to death and dying. They fought that tyranny and the pos lincoln
Shit right now? I can be there. Im glad there was a protest Sunday.
But that's right, what the hell does an Albertan have in common with a Quebecois? Nothing at all, America and Canada need to go.
Can anybody livestream?
Bump, I visited Nola today and as we drove by on the way home gave honk and a holler
FUCK off we want them to come down
A guy beamed Black rebel was livestreaming on Facebook but it just went down. Not sure what happened
> Being a confed retard
Don't put a label on me. There is blatant cognitive dissonance in identifying ANYTHING relating to the Confederacy as american patriotism..
> Up is down
> Jews are white
bump for king and country
>trying make a stand in that godforsaken chimphole
If you didn't bring at least 1,000 people with you, you're going to get BLACKED.
Fuck off you anti-history illiterate
fuck off reddit
bumping this thread
> Lincoln
> The north
> The United States of America
> Davis
> The south
> The Confederate States of America
The Confederacy does not exist any longer. Patriotism is directed towards the United States. This nation is the same nation that Lincoln presided over and the same one that was situated in the north during the war. The Confederacy was a hostile enemy of this nation. You cannot support a hostile enemy of your nation and still be a patriot. You fucking idiot.
> Anti history
Give me a lesson professor.
BUMP BUMP BUMP! Even though i'm a yank I want to preserve confederate history.
Preserve history. Please. It is vital. Don't call it patriotism.
nolafag here - ain't nothin gonna stop Mitch's crusade
bump please join me and my sisterwife to protect muh history
First off Im not a confederate. But the patriots fought against a tyrannical government. I wouldn't consider it was anti-patriotic if lets say Texas broke away from the union. That doesnt make them not a patriot.
When a literal tard has a larger dick than you. Just kill me now senpai
Read "To the victors goes the myths and the monuments"
Metarie fag reporting in
Low T Yankee detected
did she really say that?
Nigger detected
I doubt any one in the US would care if some shitty southern welfare state left.
>"Protecting history"
You cry about your history and your heritage but it's all a fucking joke. You guys fucking lost. You proudly wear and staff a flag that didn't even represent your pseudo-country you so love. You build monuments to pathetic, incompetent losers and cry about rewriting history; you are the ones trying to rewrite history. The CSA wasn't noble, it wasn't just. They were a bunch of incompetent hicks that got their asses handed to them. You worship losers Sup Forums. The Nazis, the Confederacy, Pinochet. You steal some has-been celebrity's flag and help get an absolute fucking retard elected and think you're gods.
Man, imagine if the confederates won
Any streams of New Orleans?
You sound like a fed worshipping cuck.
No we dont. Are you a carpet bagger, snow bird, or gutter punk? Over 70 of the city wants them. Not even a majority of blacks want to take them down. My liberal and progressives friends don't even want them to come down.
> Tyrannical
How so? You want to elaborate on this?
My point is simple. The Confederacy, as an armed hostile combatant with the U.S., is the antithesis of patriotism for the U.S.
You are not a patriot if you celebrate an enemy. It does not work that way. No person is a patriot if they cherish the Confederacy.
I kinda feel the same desu. But I send my energy to the patriots out there. I wish I can make it out there tonight but I can make it out there later this week. Just keep protesting guys. Anyone going to the big protest on the 7th by Lee circle
Who cares. You white trash dixie junkies lost anyway
leftist shill DETECTED
Ayy what part?
Texan stationed in Mississippi Reporting.
Do the wards need back up?
General subject? Civil war specific?
you know there's nothing to stream, right?
its a little parkway in MidCity with about a dozen rebels camping out at the statue. Nothing to see
If we leave, blacks will leave us and come to you for the gibs. :^)
First off not a confederate. But you clearly have no idea about the history of the civil war. It had nothing at all to do with slavery. They were taxed out of existence and payed 75% of the taxes in the us. Many more reasons. Go read a fucking book that isnt in your high school cirriculum. Also they would have won if the north didn't come and burn down Atlanta and other cities killing women and children while the confederates were up north.
Well he's in hiding right now and Firefighters union just told him to fuck off so he lost his improved crew. Also wife just moved out. So he few road blocks to deal with.
I hope they fast track preservation bill in the bill in Louisiana legislator.
From Oklahoma
Nope. Just smart enough to recognize it isn't patriotism. Call it heritage. Call it rebellious pride. Whatever. It isn't patriotism.
Yeah lets all go defend the group that decided to import millions of brown people and kill over a million white people in an attempt to expand their nigger importing effort.
North was racists too except they literally had people arguing this. It's why family fought family. Northerners were like, "Your top few percent assholes want to keep slaves and are making you die so they can be rich and replace you with brown people."
Honestly. How can you be racist and pro confederate? Does no one in the south read history?
over by greenwood cemetery
No I won't. I don't give a fuck about a failed rebellion unless it has something to do with Lee.
Too bad Lincoln didn't share your view.
> Nothing to do with slavery
Have you read the articles of secession? It doesn't seem like it. Slavery is quite blatantly identified as a significant reason. I don't care either way, just pointing that out.
There is nothing more patriotic than fighting a tyrannical government. The south was being taxed out of existence, they payed 75% of the taxes, their cotton business was being destroyed while the north got fat of their wealth while the south starved and died. Read "to the victor goes the myths and monuments" you clearly have no idea about the civil war
Even if you consider the Confederacy an enemy of the US, destroying American history is wrong. You sink to ISIS levels of savagery by doing so. ISIS also destroyed the statues of other gods because they considered them to be relics of their enemies. Should we do the same and destroy the statues and remains of the Confederacy because we consider them an enemy?
Should we destroy history simply because it offends some people such as yourself? Why not just destroy the Colosseum and Pyramids while we're at it? Seems like they were built by slaves and used to oppress people.
If I showed up and peacefully tried to stop the destruction of the Confederate monuments in New Orleans, would the cops arrest me? If so, how can anyone say they exist as anything but order-following bootlickers employed by corrupt politicians? "They're just doing their jobs" can be used for all sorts of hired government thugs.
Imagine if law enforcement officers let people protest and keep these monuments on public property from being removed, refusing to follow orders to use force against peaceful people. I might have some respect for them. I'm no Confederate, but I do view the monuments as a middle finger to the feds. Why cave to scum like Landrieu so they can erase and manipulate history? The cops are complicit.
Conservatives refuse to take the redpill of libertarianism, and this is what you get. The state will dictate your morals, you history and your freedoms. They're already coming for your history, your heritage. When they come for your guns, what will you say then?
"They're just doing their jobs."
Pic related?
Exactly new Orleans even said they are going to tear down the Andrew Jackson statue. We have to stop history being destroyed now! Im not even a confederate but understand how slippery this slope is.
Potato get out
jk bring shine jars
Ah. I'm down airline. Been a long time since I've seen the city so united against a poltician. Pretty fucked up with Drew Brees and Harry Connic jr giving so much support though his tricentenial commission though.
Found the coal burner
>Indeed, there is a vital critical difference between the two unjust causes we have described: the British and the North. The British, at least, were fighting on behalf of a cause which, even if wrong and unjust, was coherent and intelligible: that is, the sovereignty of a hereditary monarch. What was the North’s excuse for their monstrous war of plunder and mass murder against their fellow Americans? Not allegiance to an actual, real person, the king, but allegiance to a non-existent, mystical, quasi-divine alleged entity, "the Union." The King was at least a real person, and the merits or demerits of a particular king or the monarchy in general can be argued. But where is "the Union" located? How are we to gauge the Union’s deeds? To whom is this Union accountable?
>The Union was taken, by its Northern worshipers, from a contractual institution that can either be cleaved to or scrapped, and turned into a divinized entity, which must be worshipped, and which must be permanent, unquestioned, all-powerful. There is no heresy greater, nor political theory more pernicious, than sacralizing the secular. But this monstrous process is precisely what happened when Abraham Lincoln and his northern colleagues made a god out of the Union. If the British forces fought for bad King George, the Union armies pillaged and murdered on behalf of this pagan idol, this "Union," this Moloch that demanded terrible human sacrifice to sustain its power and its glory.
Literally fighting to grip the right to slavery and because they lost an election. Started civil war without modernizing, co-opting potential enemies, or securing allies. Lost everything. Never got over it and almost caused a second civil war because they wouldn't be equal with the children of those they enslaved. Still whine about how unfairly they were treated. too retarded to realize thing they keep waving around was never the actual official flag.
>Its patriotic to want to rebel
Admit that the only reason you want to leave is so you can be racist assholes.
I've seen bigger
>that got their asses handed to them
Unions are voluntary. Empires are mandatory.
You people are so historically misinformed. It had nothing at all to do with slavery. Read "to the victor goes the myths and the monuments" then come back when you aren't such an ignorant fuck
> Patriotism - Vigorous support for one's country. - love for or devotion to one's country
If the government being fought is your government, then you aren't being patriotic by supporting it's opposition. That isn't what that word means man.
> You clearly have no idea about the civil war
I know enough. I know multiple states, the first to secede, specifically mentioned the need to uphold their slaver owning way of life as the reason and justification for secession. I know that the rebellion was a premeptive attempt to resist "tyranny". I know the abolition of slavery, the tyranny they feared, was only enacted during the war in an attempt to further break the southern economy.
I'll read you book. Certainly. I'm open the perspective. but I also know there has been a great deal of work done revise the history of the war and downplay the southern faults. Read the articles of secession.
I enjoy that black people act like slavery only happened to THEM as much as jews like to think only genocide happened to THEM.
Again it isnt unpatriotic to fight a tyrannical government. Also 5% of southerners owned slaves. It wasnt about slavery. Every legit historian will tell you this except for a high school history teacher
>Exactly new Orleans even said they are going to tear down the Andrew Jackson statue.
Nigger city officials yapping their lips, but nothing will come out of it.
Reality of the situation is that:
>it cost money to hire a company to remove the statue.
Nigger city cannot manage money, so it will not pay for the removal
>finding a company willing to remove a monument to the history of the city
Impossible. They would have to hire an out of state contractor to deal with it.
>contractor remaining safe
pic related
>If the government being fought is your government,
Their governments voted to secede, their country was the south. The state of Virginia had existed for hundreds of years and only within the union for 70. Would an european fight for the EU against their country.
Keep praising that false idol in D.C.
>pic before the torching
Best watch what contracts you take around here.
I never advocated the removal of Confederate history. I find all history to be of vital importance to. I simply disagree with the backwards logic of considering upholding the CSA as patriotic. It simply isn't. Be proud of history. Be proud of of heritage. Be proud if you ancestors fought. Don't call it patriotism.
> Not anti history
> Not anti Confederacy
> Not pro union
> Don't begrudge the south for slaverly
> Don't consider the rebel flag or Confederate iconography patriotic
Weird huh. You people are trying to argue a different subject then I am addressing.
If they're patriots why are they flying a domestic terrorist flag?
Nolafag here...We are badly outnumbered. The city is very dark. I thought Katrina would help the city but it just set the precedent for buffoonery very high.
>Stupid white trash get BTFO
You stormfags disgrace the real right.
Damn how long are yall gonna be out there?
This country is no longer a nation of, by and for the people.
It's no longer deserving of such loyalty.