He's not going to deny us Harriet Tubman on the $20, right?
Will Andrew Jackson-admiring Trump ruin Tubman $20s?
Wait, what? I thought Oprah was on the $20.
We should start a meme that Tubman is a symbol of white power
>Nigger sheboon will never disgrace the glorious greenback
Please, at least make my vote worth this much, Donald.
Andrew Jackson should be removed from the 20 because he was a horrible and retarded president. But that doesn't mean we should put a nigger on there. He should put Reagan on it.
No, fuck that nigger, may based bank destroying Indian removing Jackson stay on the 20$ bill until the federal reserve falls and a new currency system is made.
Only presidents belong on currency. Ben shouldn't even be on there.
YES! Then put MLK on it.
Spitting on an affro'ed black panther.
That criminal nigger has no place on currency.
Should put Trump on the $20 bill imo.
Should put Clarence Thomas on the $20 to keep it black and piss them off
Reagan turned California red. He was an idiot.
I really want her on it so i can write nigger on every bill i get, i can't wait to see the chimp outs.
Nah, Trump should be on the rare million dollar bill. Put Reagan on the 20 though.
Are you the same person who posts that we should make everything a white power symbol? Or do more than one person make posts like that?
blue you mean?
>Reagan red pilled Cali, idiot
Reagan was the only President who criticized the Israel State.
Put pictures of niggers on everything you fucking racist.
Hamilton wasn't a president either
Don't fucking insult the greenback so much as to call the kike dollar shit your Jewish masters peddle out of the (((Federal))) Reserve after it. Disgusting kiked runt.
I personally prefer Andrew "one more trail of tears" Jackson
Trump will be on the new thousand dollar bill.
fuck niggers I hope he cancels it and puts Jefferson Davis on the $20 bill
>Jackson is retarded
>Jackson called out the Jews and removed the Natives.
What is wrong with you.
Hollywood turned Cali blue, Reagan had nothing to do with their retardation. Reagan was the original red pilled president, started as a blue pill normie, turned red pilled and became president.
Aunt Jemima should be on the $20 bill
I'll take Nixon for a thousand
is this really gonna happen if the Trump administration does nothing about this, seriously?
fuck pls trump do it
Having Jackson on a Federal Reserve note is a disgrace for his memory.
However, you don't put monkeys on 20s notes. It does not work, trust me.
Jackson was anti free speech. So was Lincoln BTW, any president who doesn't respect the constitution should be automatically disqualified from being put on money.
I think it's the ultimate irony
Not me. Tubman being a symbol of white power just sounds like a fun challenge
>Free speech is good
Why are you here.
>Jackson was anti free speech
kike detected
Why are you here? if you don't like free speech go to reddit where you can ban people for hurting your SJW feelings.
If you don't like free speech then you can shut up.
Crash this society
Jackson in every field
Yeah I'm sure Harriet Tubman would care about getting her face on a piece of Fed Reserve currency. That'd be like really important to her.
What a fake nonsense culture.
If enough symbols become WP symbols, WP will be an everyday thing and people will eventually get on board with "meh, might as well gas the kikes".
>On April 20, 2016, Lew officially announced that Alexander Hamilton would remain on the $10 bill, while Andrew Jackson would be replaced by Tubman on the front of the $20 bill, with Jackson appearing on the reverse.[1][21] Lew simultaneously announced that the five- and ten-dollar bills would also be redesigned in the coming years and put into production in the next decade.
holy shit lol american dollars are gonna get blacked in the next decades
Youre just so daft, I can't find it in me to resist replying to your posts seething with kikery
keep your jew hands off my constitution you SJW. and "daft" what are you a fucking brit? should I shoot you you fucking redcoat traitor.
Free speech is my 2nd amendment trigger you touch that and I will get violent.
>(((people))) are worried
He's easily the most handsome person on the money.
But every single Tubby will be defaced in a month. It will be a farce.
Will they simply be destroyed? I think the plan was to have a series of notables starting with Tubman. Perhaps a pristine Tubby might be worth collecting.
Will they keep re-issuing her or will they give up since they all get defaced? I plan on defacing as many as I can without social awkwardness. Eventually they'll all be defaced.
>America is a white man's country!
>How dare the white man steal people of colors' cultures!
Also leftists:
>Harriet Tubman deserves to replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill!
I guess cultural appropriation is bad when white people do it. Never change, leftists.
affirmative action plan man better stay off the bill
I really hope he does.
Tubman is historically irreverent, she did fuck all.
lol imagine sjws and kikes thinking this will be a victory to them, then they start defacing the faces and putting hidden swastikas on them just to fuck people up
Trip fag I suggest you lurk more and come to realize you cannot have free speech with kikes arounf because they will come a long and ruin it just like they did with all our other freedoms. They abuse freedom of speech to slowly worm their way in and subvert countries. It's similar to capitalism. It'd great when normal people use it but then kikes come amd abuse free trade to set up monopolies and banks that destroy the common man
Probably not. It's unnecessary and a waste of money and also devalues the currency to an extent when you change it all of the time. Trump will cut the redesign because it's a waste of money.
I will 1776 your traitor ass keep you jew hands off my constitution.
You could actually do this. Say white people mostly use credit cards and that the reason they are putting black faces on money is due to the government only thinking that black people use cash.
liberty or death, either my liberty or your death. Are you willing to die to suppress my free speech. To call you a faggot, kike loving SJW.
Jackson should be taken off the $20 because he was against the Fed. It's a slap in the face to him by having his portrait on it.
Just change the nickname of $20 dolalrs to 'nigs' the way people call $100 franklins.
"Hand me a couple nigs."
You know they won't stop unitl every single dollar is changed cuz dem whitie presidents be racis n shit, except lincoln he was a good goy
Its annoying that the only Black person that they can get behind putting on a bill is technically a criminal.
There must be another important black person that wasnt a lawbreaker that they can put on.
Digits say Jackson stays
Honestly we should just start calling it a 12 dollar bill.
>"Hand me a couple nigs."
top kek
OK but admit that it's inherintly flawed as our freedoms become more and more restricted every day as kikes abuse their freedoms to take it away
how is this still a fucking thing?
She make some good ass pancakes though
I though this plan was already shot down.
sure bro
I still don't understand why a fictional character is on the currency.
Put another President on there, preferably Teddy Roosevelt
>In a campaign called "Women on 20s", selected voters were asked to choose 3 of 15 female candidates to have a portrait on the $20 bill. The goal was to have a woman on the $20 bill by 2020, the centennial of the 19th Amendment which gave women the right to vote.[14] Among the candidates on the petition were Harriet Tubman, Eleanor Roosevelt, Rosa Parks, and Wilma Mankiller, the first female chief of the Cherokee Nation.[15][16][17]
On May 12, 2015, Tubman was announced as the winning candidate of that "grassroots" poll with more than 600,000 people surveyed and more than 118,000 choosing Tubman, followed by Roosevelt, Parks and Mankiller.[18]
On June 17, 2015, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew announced that a woman's portrait would be featured on a redesigned $10 bill by 2020, replacing Alexander Hamilton.[19] However, that decision was reversed, at least in part due to Hamilton's surging popularity following the hit Broadway musical Hamilton.[20]
On April 20, 2016, Lew officially announced that Alexander Hamilton would remain on the $10 bill, while Andrew Jackson would be replaced by Tubman on the front of the $20 bill, with Jackson appearing on the reverse.[1][21] Lew simultaneously announced that the five- and ten-dollar bills would also be redesigned in the coming years and put into production in the next decade.[1][22]
It was, they are going to have Jackson on the front and Tubman on the back.
The Jew, telling me I need to be silenced other wards the Jews will win. clever kike, but you are losing this argument.
>that pic
I'll take two tens, thank you.
Jackson took Florida from Spain under he own decision. Jackson forced the annoying Indians out west. Jackson only president to pay off national debut. Jackson was cool to his slaves
You don't even have guns in gay Europe. Or freedom of speech. You trying to comprehend the importance of both of these is like my dog trying to comprehend why I'm changing the oil in my car.
It's already working with "fascist" and "racist." The left have muddled those terms so badly, and applied them to people who used to be against fascism and racism. Now we have a bunch of centrists in our camp because leftist cucks have pushed them here. This is great. Need to keep manipulating these fucktards into further damaging their cause.
That's even more stupid than the first plan.
This is wrong. Jackson is a historic president. The first elected in a period where non-landed white men finally got the vote, in the majority of states. For many white people Andrew Jackson is a cultural icon.
>unironically sounding talking like a supervillain
Do you take yourself seriously?
You're wrong in so many different ways. Maybe the constitution was written for the white man, maybe it was supposed to be a nation for white people, or maybe it was supposed to really be the city on the hill. But obviously through its very researchable history, America is no such thing. In fact free speech is always going to fail when Jews and people who subvert are introduced to the mix.
You are a ignorant trip fag, who knows nothing about what truly a European Civilization needs.
naa, he can go on the penny
they're both orange and worthless
If you read the post I was responding to you would know I was defending Jackson you cunt.
We need to be able to criticize government.
The constitution was written for the government...
Ignore the blatent truth then fag. You know it's true. Just take a look at history. Its what happend to america economically in the 1900s and now its happening socially.
Honestly if they were going to change the $20, they would have done it already. It would take less than a year to upgrade the mints to the latest tooling and start printing out the new bills if they actually wanted to.
The Tubman 20 was literally fake news from the start.
Depends, are you a beta NEET failed-school-shooter?
Would be nice, but Ivanka would never allow it.
>anti free speech
you fucking triple kike that was during war where necessary powers were needed. People who would go against the government would be highly targeted as traitors in such times.
Why don't we demand Sacajawea instead since Jackson did the Trail of Tears. This will turn libs against blacks and then we'll never have to change the $20
Seriously go do some actual hard, pen to paper, studying of European History and why it's successful and how to become successful again.
Hint: It's not your ability to criticize the government.
Libertarians get off my board.