why is it culturally acceptable to cut off the nuts of cats and dogs?
Why is it culturally acceptable to cut off the nuts of cats and dogs?
So that we don't have a bunch of strays running around getting hit by cars and causing a plethora of problems.
The obscene amount of them is a problem. Especially all the wild cats in the cities destroying the bird populations in some parts of the world
it should be mandatory
Population control. The only issue is we don't do it to humans.
Why isn't it culturally acceptable to do the same to niggers?
It's mostly women and leftists. They hate masculinity.
As long as you keep your pet contained, you shouldn't need to cut his nuts off. De-balling a pet is cruel. It messes up their natural hormone production, and causes their bodies not to function correctly.
They piss everywhere you stupid fuck
Uncontrolled feral populations are major vectors for disease. It's the same reason civilized cultures have closed sewers, garbage pick-up and disposal, and rules about basic hygenics.
Cruelty. That's why I only had my cat circumcised but didn't neuter him.
Prisons used to but they got into a lot of shit for it.
I think the next time I get a dog I will get him a vasectomy instead of going full amputation
my family fixed my 2 year old dog secretly while I was away at work. I was so fucking mad at them for doing that.
his nuts were huge though, and really just hung low, and he got wet smelly boners all the time. It was super gross
because the dog will fuck another dog and then there will be lots of dogs and what are we gonna do with all these dogs?
But we do
Cat's are much more comfy and relaxed without nuts. Would work wonders on niggers
So keeping it confined indoors all the time is better? You do realize that animals get depressed if kept inside too long, right? You also can't control everything they do. A cat is gonna go where it pleases and a dog is prone to a lot of impulse decisions. In the case that your animal runs away, you should have had it neutered so that there don't have to be any strays brought into the world.
Cat dicks aren't like human dicks.
That said I just imagined a world where Americans routinely castrate young boys and only let those intended to be chads have balls. The worst part is it's just a slight change in the already routine genital mutilation that occurs in your country.
Really. Would put blackie back in his place.
Also I mean wy womin love the BBC so win win
i don't think it's ok
if you want a pet, fuckin control the enviroment
plot twist: why is it ok to talk to dogs or cats?
you know which retards i am talking about
-questioning pet
-answering for the pet
is it any different than a hobo talking to a wall?
not in my eyes
The Orientals have a solution for all this.
You tell me, why are you circumcised?
It's already happening when young boys pre pubescent take bitch hormones to make them bitches. And then their junk never develops.
You're clearly an imbecile.
Live with a male cat that isn't neutered.
Contain him.
He'll reward you by pissing his smelly scent in your shoes.
What am I saying?
You probably do this already.
It used to be when we had eugenics.
Oh shit are we turning our male pets into traps??
>That said I just imagined a world where Americans routinely castrate young boys and only let those intended to be chads have balls
You mean like the Catholic church did in the middle ages?
enjoy your cat spraying all over everything.
Do you by any chance live in a trailer park?
>and you were super mad
because you like licking dogs junk you sick fuck.
That was only a small number of them not 50+% like circumcision in the USA. Doesn't make it any less wrong but morality in the middle ages wasn't exactly a strong point of the societies back then.