From a major company
I'm trying to find out about the alt right
>what is it according to you?
From a major company
I'm trying to find out about the alt right
>what is it according to you?
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off, Jewish shill.
Mostly it involves you killing yourself
> Now check 'em
A bunch of homos larping from mom's basement.
Go hang yourself!
tits or gtfo
like we'd trust anyone with only 1 post
Literally national socialism.
Alt-right doesn't exist. It's a spook created by companies you work for. 90% of people here are purposefully misleading you to make you look stupid. The media is being played for a fool.
Fuck off.
The alt-right = made up bs that doesn't exist
It's the alt on the right side of my keyboard I guess.
Yes you can quote me. Yes I'm the leader of the organization.
Is my, is it glorious?
It's a Talmudic hex cast by the Jews to demonize anybody who doesn't worship the illegitimate terrorist Zionist state of Israel.
It's a hamfisted label fostered by jewish interests to paint a target against individuals who associate with individuals that are subverting their plans.
I apologize for my friends here being rude, but seriously tits or BTFO. It's the rules around these parts.
Ps. Tell that dude named Maddow to hang himself
Simply put: it exists to be taken down, at their leisure.
>reddit spacing
look at me larp
Hey faggot, I'm a shitposter. And I don't believe you without proof. Have a sage.
Fuck you and the propaganda machine you came from.. kill yourself
Samantha Bee is kind of the "duchess" of the alt-right, if you will. I mostly follow her for the updates on Sup Forums & the alt-right.
some faggy version of heavy metal?
i don't know bro i'm all about left
check these
I wish I could help you NBC dude but I'm alt-lite
digits confirm
Hey OP I found his video quite helpful and I hope you can find some use of it.
Much love -Alt
hows it jewing you fucking jew. go destroy america on your network you fucking kike, not here.
The Alt-Right is a fictitious term created by MSM for anyone who did not like the King Nigger and his policies.
Go away, shitty troll.
welcome, youre here forever now
The alt right is a label made up by leftists to group together everyone that has a dissenting opinion in order to more easily target and demean them. Thus they make themselves look better with absolute minimal effort.
The alt-right is a identity label used by the (((left))) to divide and conquer those with dissenting opinions.
Fuck off.
Didn't I see a similar post to this in the morning? Same photo and everything.
Larping Faggot
The Alt Right is a fictitious faction of the Younger GOP that resides online and is used as a label by progressive leftists to label racist leaders and thus associating them with the rest of the Younger GOP as if we are all White, all Christian, and all Neo Nazi Facists.
A lot of us are Ethnic, a lot of us just wanted a Stronger America, a more stable and safe America for our children to grow up in, but you faggots turned this into a name calling game, probably to inflate your egos after you let Tyrone Cuck your white wife for repetitions.
Fuck Jiz Lul
I am the OP of this thread now.
She's our...Queen Bee if you will.
still a fag
alt right is gay and so are you...full on national socialism baby
tell us about yourself, friendo :^)
OP is always a faggot
shut the fuck up and leave.
We don't like the trajectory the regressive left has set the Western world on.
It's pretty simple desu senpai.
gtfo kike
Go ask the le Donald about this stupid bullshit. There are probably at least five Jewish transexuals in MAGA hats still there who know the answer to your question.
This is strictly a NatSoc/RWAncapDS/sexyWNQuadroon fetish board cunt.
A bunch of Nazi Larping faggots that are heavy into the buttsex in the closet.. Now fuck off and go find them cause they aren't here//
Fuck off
You'll get better answers going to your local high school and asking them offline.
Everybody on Sup Forums is underage b&
Fake news fuck off.
Fuck off and die
Rick Wilson nailed down what the alt-right is
>Alt-right doesn't exist. It's a spook created by companies you work for. 90% of people here are purposefully misleading you to make you look stupid. The media is being played for a fool.
Great thread loser.
We Are Legion
fuck off
Hey. Leader of the alt-right here. AMA
Fuck off shill journalist.
One day angry mobs are going to come for you and your ilk.
Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun.
The mainstream media is a scourge that must be reformed.
People call this board alt-right, but all it really is is a place where people can say anything and not get downvoated/doxxed.
It's just a free speech board. Right wingers, left wingers, commies, Nazis, Antifas and grandmas all regularly come to post. It just so happens that most people, no matter what they say in public, support Donald Trump and his policies.
I have 5 friends who tell people that they voted for Hillary so they don't get attacked by angry social justice warriors in educational settings, but they actually secretly voted for Trump. That's actually quite a lot, and I'm sure those same types of people post on here so they have an outlet.
these guys will tell you
Sup Forums is not the alt-right. In order to understand what's happening you have to pay attention to it for a long time, and also do quite a bit of reading. Often, this sentiment is condensed into a pithy slogan so you can remember it, such as: "Lurk more faggot"
don't forget pic related and Alex Jonestein
the alt-right is a word invented by that spencer LARPer. but yeah likie ^ said. Lurk moar Faggot
praise him
I can smell your penis, you need more zinc in your diet.
I'm the leader of the Alt-Right.
The alt-right is a group of men who want to nut in Brittany Venti's pussy. We gather here to share her pictures and discuss it.
Why are you such a faggot? How did you become a faggot? Are you aware that you're a faggot?
The altright is a memetic reaction to a flaw in the system.
Your propaganda and soft censorship coupled with the destruction of trditional cultural adhesion has left a group of people who cannot grasp the intilectual and phylisophical deficiency but are acutely aware of the hole that it left through the unconscious ascertainment of contradiction.
This question drives them to the vacuous spaces of truth knowing only that the system is a lie.
I will give them truth and the truth will set them free sempai
The vast majority of us don't consider ourselves "alt-right" because that's an artificial label that the media uses. We're simply either libertarians or nationalists; ergo, not neoconservatives.