What is your honest opinion on Adolf Hitler?

What is your honest opinion on Adolf Hitler?

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I wish he did more

literally any other senior officer would have been better

The Jews did it

he was the greatest man of action we've ever seen in world history

Im glad he was retarded enough not to tap his world class officer corp, otherwise we would have lost that war


he was kind-of a dick

d ubs of truth, faggots


He was a great man and he does not deserve the hatred he has been given. I also never thought he'd be less radical than I am.


he was a germanic barbarian larping as a roman


you have to realize that he did make some pretty good tactical decisions himself when fighting with france, and not to mention his generals told him the allies wouldnt be landing on normandy when he was sure of it.
Not saying he didnt single handidily fuck off the invasion of russian and pick the worst allies but he had his good points.

He was shit because he didn't finish the job

He made too many mistakes and alienated his cause forever.

He destroyed Europe by trying to save it.

How many Germans, English, and Italians had to die?

Hitler: a genius in everything except military grand strategy.

>be Hitler
>live through (Second) German Empire
>throughout Medieval times, the tribal empire of Germanics following the collapse of the real Roman empire started calling themselves the Holy Roman Empire
>Jews fuck up everything
>form Axis powers
>try to rebuild Holy Roman/Second Empire as Third Reich with muh blood and iron
>team up with Italian who wants to rebuild Roman Empire
Seemed pretty legit to me, senpai. Besides, with regards to someone like Napoleon, I could easily say "He was a manlet frog larping as a Roman".

Faggot ruined ethno-nationalism for possibly centuries.

Great politician.

Horrible strategist.

You say that, but the only reason ethno-nationalism is off the table is because of the Holocaust, a propaganda event that never happened.


Cap this

Just because he was thoroughly red-pilled on the jew problem, doesn't mean he wasn't an absolute cunt. Fuck Hitler.

He should of killed more Jews. Seriously fuck Jews, i hate them more than niggers.

This: Racism is the poster-boy for Hitler. If he never went off the rails, Europeans would be so sensitive to muh racism. He ruined it for good old fashioned ethno-nationalists.

Good man who has been maligned through history. Literally everything anyone has read or heard about this man is not true.

Ironically miley the degenerate skank is a jew.



He lost to the New England patriots after an undefeated season
Guy was a chocker
Trump is actually winning

Genuinely cared about his country but had too theatrical of a worldview. The theatrics made him a compelling speaker and leader so you can't really remove it from his personality. But it did lead to poor strategic choices and an overly aggressive attitude that eventually resulted in being overwhelmed.

Would have gone down as one of the greatest leaders in the 20th century if he never invaded Poland. Even the jewish ghettos would have been forgiven in the long view of history. US has segregation, UK had apartheid. Most western colonial powers had long rough periods before figuring out human rights. The only reason Hitler is viewed as negatively as he is, is because he lost and victors write history. Stalin killed far more people in equally brutal fashion yet he doesn't get 1/10th the scorn of LITTERALLY HITLER.

Unironically one of the greatest heroes of human history, along with Francesco Franco, Saddam Hussein, Vladimir Putin, Assad, and Jesus Christ himself

The Jews are our misfortune!

But he already killed more jews than the total number of jews in Europe!

This says it all. Hitler never wanted war. He had the audacity to unshackle his country from Jewish financial slavery in order for his people to realize their full potential. For challenging Jewish power, Germany was destroyed and unspeakable crimes were committed against her people. He was not the aggressor in WWII. He literally did nothing wrong and was one of the greatest men to have ever lived.

The UK, France, and Russia (controlled by the Jews) convinced Poland to commit genocide against ethnic Germans in their country, thus baiting Germany into war.

Re: Operation Barbarossa, Hitler attacked Stalin because Stalin was about to attack him.

Wait i thought it didn't happen at all?

What is pol's favorite flavor of holocaust denial?

Is there any source on the Polish Genocide. I keep seeing that meme here and I've litterally never seen anything other than unsourced blog posts and larpers try to confirm that it happened.

Holocaust happened, mixed with lies as a psyop to have people outright deny it.

Hitler was Jesuit controlled, he practically admitted it. Only NSLarpers and papists will deny this

Oh, and himmler was also a knight of Malta, which is controlled by Jesuits.

As are the rothchilds. Given even their name in German means redshileds aka romans...

Favorite flavor is Jews were rounded up and put in camps, but not gassed or executed in any way.

There are plenty of credible sources that validate Poles genociding ethnic Germans after the invasion and before the Polish surrender. No mainstream media sources, to my knowledge, discuss the genocide before the invasion for obvious reasons. It's all eyewitness accounts. Diaries and letters that won't be published on (((credible))) news sites.

he fucked up big time.

how so?

The greatest (the most capable) leader of 20th century.