Are you racist because its easier to be racist than trying to understand different people?

Are you racist because its easier to be racist than trying to understand different people?

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Are you gay because you like dicks in your butt?

I'm racist because I can do pattern recognition.

Wow, you really made me think OP.
also, I'm not racist.

Nah; Drug dealers are missing more teeth, and their skin sags. Plus, location: I see this spic walking down the street at night in a black hoodie? Fuck off. At the local target, picking up cat food? Eh, what ever.

I don't want to understand rapists and murderers

HE has the face of a criminal I'm sure he's a motivational speaker because he comes from a rough gangster background . Not everyone who grows up like that get the opportunity to be speakers.

>former drug dealer who's on parole and needs to pay child support.

Whoever created that is the one saying the first picture is what a drug dealer looks like. God damn you people are stupid.



Different people causes racism.

No, but don't try to understand too many different people or else you'll end up either as a racist or culturally enriched. Or both

Fuck that wetback

I'm not racist! Niggers make wonderful laborers!!

No. It's because you realize being around certain people rather than others is inherently more dangerous and brings forth worse social outcomes to you.

I just hate modern society in general and multiculturalism is an aspect of it's alienating nature. Racism is actually stupid though, I've never been a "true believer". I just want people to be honest and good. I want to destroy this world to make a better one.

I'm a racist because I get to experience niggers and all kind of shit colored people first hand almost every day.

Left looks like hardworking people

Both look like a drug dealer to me

Fucking Spics


I grew up as a white minority. Had to go through primary school with a bunch of spics and blacks. I will never go back to that kind of life. I know how they treat white people when they have power. Fuck all of them.

No, I don't think I'm racist either. It's not my fault if race based statistics paint a negative picture of some races, what am I gonna do, ignore reality because it's unpleasant?
For example, in my personal experience, most black people I've met have been unreliable. Does that mean no black person is reliable? No, but if you keep that knowledge in mind when setting your expectations for a black person's behavior, you'll be prepared if it turns out to be true(which it most likely will), but pleasantly surprised if it doesn't.

>stand up comedian
>motivational speaker

I literally have more respect for drug dealers

>its easier to be racist than trying to understand different people
Wouldn't understanding differences in populations mean that you're a racist?

I'm racist cause the chimps in eighth grade beat the shit out of us white kids.

>Image implies viewer is sheltered white.

And drug dealer.

Well, you would say that. I worked with a hard working hispanic who had 5 brothers and sisters. Every single one was in trouble with the police for drug violence.


> but totes not a drug dealer

> no Oxford comma either

try harder next time

I'm racist because its fun.

i am racist because i lived among them. i soaked in the content of their character. i breathed the stifling coconut oil in their hair. i watched them respect nothing, least of all each other. and i thank god i escaped that hellish place

>understand different people
do you mean different races of people? that's strange because whenever we use race to compare and contrast groups, we are told that we are racist and imposing biased social constructs on our research:
>give 10 niggers IQ test
>give 10 kikes IQ test
>compare results

you are the one imposing "social constructs" on me, you filthy jew rat. I do not accept the premise of your "morality". you alone are able to classify "different people". if youre not jewish, you are still arguing from a position of jewish supremacy and therefore are extremely cucked. Christ be with you

>Father, son, youth counselor, motivational speaker, coach, author, rapper and an aspiring stand up comedian
AKA Unemployed

Is it racist to think he would make a better drug dealer

If I was wearing a gold chain and had big ass earrings in and was making a serious face, people would assume I'm a criminal as well. This goes for most people desu senpai, libs are retarded.



>Today, James Lathlin is a public speaker raising awareness about the dangers of crime and drugs, but in a former life he walked Winnipeg’s streets as a gang member.

>“I've been shot, I've been stabbed, thrown through windows, car accidents because of being a thief,” said Lathlin.

So anyone who looked at that picture and thought "he looks like a drug dealer" was completely correct

I'm racist because I understand different people. You'd have to purposefully blind yourself or employ some strong doublethink to not see that mosts terrorists are Islamic, black people are usually more prone to crime and that Jews have been kicked out of all of their resident countries for the last 2000 years.


When do we march on Vienna?


I'm racist because I'm realist. Denying race differences is on the path to being convinced 2+2=5

I'm racist precisely because I understand different people

Who gives a shit. Americans need to learn their own damn work ethic.

I'm racist because I understand people and have experience with them. For example, every turk I've met has been hostile, awkward, and takes themselves way too seriously, so I assume you're a nation of socially inept parasites.

On a side note, I wouldn't have assumed that man was a drug dealer if he didn't have the words "drug dealer" written literally across his forehead.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with preferring members of one's own tribe. Tribalism is literally engrained in our DNA. And is partially the reason why cultures and people's have survived throughout our history on this planet. All these leftists and SJW morons struggle with the cognitive dissonance of this fact because deep down they feel guilty and ashamed that they too, harbor those feelings towards opposing races and they hate themselves for it and go overboard in their actions/words to combat what they perceive as wrong but just can't help but think.

I deal with people on an individual basis in real life. I have absolutely no problem with a number of people i know from different races. I also know that if there's a gang of dindus, it'd be wise to avoid them at all costs. If a few pakis move into your town, they'll segregate themselves away from the native community and slowly turn your town into shittistan.

what did he mean by this? is this a secret third name


Redskin tribe. Similar to your abos.

And I'm sure if that guy looked at me he'd think I'm just some privileged white boy who had everything handed to him. What exactly is the point that this is making

I'm racist because the niggers and spics at my school where shit and when i did anything to shut them up or protect myself the jews in the staff put me at fault so i developed a deep personal hate for them all. And i believe in biology

>when you have to put "son" as a qualification

Every mexican i knew did drugs back in school

Why would anybody think he's a drug dealer in the first place? Stupid false premise.

Anybody who is for the survival of the White race is called a racist

So a drug dealer then

I'm racist because I tried to understand and then did. Subhumans were people I used to call humans, till I actually gave you apes a chance and found out for myself that we should've never ended slavery.

Nope. I'm racist because I believe that if I'm going to get accused of the crime, no matter my beliefs, I might as well do the fucking crime.

It's not racist to demand you drop your victim shit and act like a human being.