100 days. No dog.
Is Trump secretly a Muslim?
100 days. No dog.
Is Trump secretly a Muslim?
Maybe he as a cat?
When busy people don't have dogs I never hold it against them. I don't think he'd have time to take care of a dog (and if you're going to let someone else do it, why have the fucking dog in the first place).
No, looks like he is not an animal person. all biz.
Dogs are for African savannah dwelling niggers. Everyone knows bunnies are the ultimate redpill
Dogs intimidate him.
He should get a dog and name it "Jeb"
He could have called him "tax releases the wonder dog"
maybe he pets are on another level, like his chess playing.
He has a pet Ivanka.
Honestly the current dogs (8 and 6) I have are going to be my last.
After 20+ years of cleaning up dog shit and dealing with the inevitable deaths it gets tiring.
I forgot what life is like to not have perma-babies around. I probably have another decade left of this, no more after that, officially retiring from dog ownership.
This, when I was a kid up until I was a teenager we owned a Doberman and I used to walk the silly fucker everyday. Now that I have a job, I don't even want to own even a cat.
>tfw no pet ivanka
at least a dog wouldn't lobby it's owner into invading syria
its more about "image and perception."
Dogs for Coprophags
Looks like he's the second president not to have any pets at all, coming after James K. Polk.
he can't into Camp David
he can't into a dog
he literally vacations indoors
I like him and I know he's not gay, not gay at all, but sometimes it seems like he's doing everything he can to make me think he might be.
He reminds me more of my mother than say, Winston Churchill.
He's tall, which is manly.
he's talks in a manly way.
But am I wrong for wanting him to DO some manly thing, ffs.
Go to Camp David and ride a horse, chop down a tree, catch a fucking fish, ffs.
no secret muslims get faggot dogs and you know what i mean.
Uh...didn't you see how that photo shoot turned out?
Because he wasn't hired to maintain the standard and he probably doesn't want a dog. I like dogs, and I'm not a Muslim, but I don't have a dog. Not worth it to me.
Know who else doesn't like dogs?
Ya life for a dog in NYC kinda sucks anyways.
fake news.
This is a joke, yes?
How many layers of autism are you on?
Because as everyone knows, having unpredictable retarded animals running around and bothering people is better than the alternative.
>no secret muslims get faggot dogs and you know what i mean.
muslims are terrified of dogs.
it's fucking annoyingly childlike and weak.
last president not to have a dog was 130 years ago.
NYC has some great dog parks and a really good dog culture. the fuck are you on about, m8?
you're just a rural snob who thinks dogs can't thrive in a city. dogs love cities. they get a lot of love, big parks, lots of great smells.
It's different than the country, but good different.