Restoration Thread V3

Please help in restoring the Kekistani flag,479

Other urls found in this thread:,634


fuck off plebbit, let's break it instead

Fuck op Im destroying it

I'm destroying the bottom left corner of the flag if anybody wants to join me.

But seriously fuck off this thread is off topic.


Building the /mlpol/ insignia. I see at least one user with me working on the bottom name.

I dislike ponies, but it's impressive how dedicated they are.

let it die

hey u fascists wanna stop covering my beautiful irish flag???? thatd be great

cooldown timer is waaaaay too fucking long

I contributed a single pixel, have fun

We did it.

Screw the flag, come contribute to the void.

Devour the entire canvas, spare only the Kek emblem off the lower left corner of the flag.

Here's where we are now

fuck me rigid this still exists

Just keep the tab open aside and color occasionally.

Progress is slow

whats our goal?


where is black void?


Find the dindunuffin from Pretty obvious from there

I'm filling the gap in the flag.

Godspeed user.

To hell with the flag. Feed the void and let chaos take over everything except the Kek emblem.

It grows

Anyone who unironicallly likes kekistan should return to reddit. It was force fed by sargon of mossad until it could gain popularity. It wasn't even that funny to begin with. I hope the spaniards can take over that flag for their spanish car form.

Then feed the void, we're going to eat the flag eventually

Delete the forocoches text

Join the void

What is this.


The only reason you dislike the flag is because you are a paid shill.
>You're tricks have no power here

It sort of got reclaimed by changing the flag to an NSDAP version


Hahaha I destroyed like 3 irish flags on my own. There was a fucking huge one I kept putting the britbong flag on. There was a few guys defending it and they had written IRA in big letters above it so I wrote PE next to that so it looked like "I RAPE" and they started deleting all their letters while I wrecked the flag ahaha

Join the void and destroy all flags

Here it is hahaha Ireland BTFO

Ponyfags fucking with our flag, fucking cancer.
If you want to fuck with their degenerate shit, they're at,634

No because I'm not a nihilistic faggot

I'll help growing the infection

make a swastika on the right side

The void are paid SHILLS from the spanish to make us destroy our own nations while they spread forocoches everywhere

Do you want your children to be spanish? Because that's what they'll be if you keep adding to the (((void)))

