How bad is it in South Africa and at what point will the US become like it?
How bad is it in South Africa and at what point will the US become like it?
5 years tops
It's fine. We're fine ok. Stop asking.
kaffir detected
But didn't you have that dustup with Zuma firing the only finance minister with half a brain in his head, and South Africa losing its investment-grade credit rating?
Zuma still singing he's white genice songs
It's bad in South Africa.
As long as I have my braai and my anime I couldn't care less.
When white genocide happens
All the western governments will say they never saw it comeing and didn't have time to react .
Don't worry because it will happen in Europe one day too!
Lmao. We should all just go to sleep right?
Less than 25% white by 2100. Probably too hard to forecast beyond that.
the states will never be africa tier. latin america tier sure but africa tier pretty much never. we would need hundreds of thousands more blacks for that to happen.
hundreds of millions more blacks*
And Castle beer. Damn do those fucking boers know how to eat.
Is that a wish?
The fairys are working on that right now
Hope any whites in SF have a escape plan worked out already .
You know it's happening
Maybe someday we'll go back. Until then...
Fuck, this Saffer is being held hostage by the EFF.
I have a question about apartheid. Were kaffirs completely blocked off from white society or were they just systematically kept out of white schools and facilities n sheit? Cause I think if SA had just built a wall around an area and kicked all the nogs out and let them keep to tribal lifestyles SA could be a pretty hopping place.
Am I making sense or am I being very retarded
you could stop it now, or just wait for your grandkids to do it, but oh wait, they won't because they're half black
>Everything's perfectly alright now. We're fine. We are all fine... here... now. Thank you. How're you?
Watch this, gives good idea about apartheid
By fine you mean your fine killing whitey?
boring conversation anyways..
I studied there for a semester last year. Its pretty great if you are white. Felt like a god sometimes.
First you will become like Brazil, then South Africa.
South Africa during Apartheid shows that even a white population as low as 10% can maintain a high standard country by controlling the kaffirs. So there is hope
>over an hour long
Fuck this is gonna be depressing innit?
>at what point will the US become like it?
Whites will be a minority in the US by 2040 OP
it will give you better understanding of what's happening in sf right now.
It's a good story anyhow, well worth the time
It's pretty shit right now. This is another Rhodesia... White genocide is imminent.
Whites were a much larger share of the population here during the 20th century
So far it's about some bitch going to zimbabwe...?
She's hot right and looks great nude! Have to watch it to see for yourself
Get the fuck out kaffer.
Look up the South African farm attacks if you really want to know the worst of it. Seriously, don't do it before bed though. The image search results are nightmare fuel.
Nope, poplulation peaked in the mid 5 millions around 1990s. It's about 4.5 today, 8.4% of population. Get your facts straight kaffir
>looks great nude! Have to watch it to see for yourself
wow fuck my final tomorrow
The US will never become as bad as South Africa. Individual parts of the US? Well, that's already happened. But the entire country? No, never.
US is still safer than Europe, but it's coming
Sad to say but maybe a white genocide in sf is the only wake up call Europe and America will understand and half the time I'm not sure that would wake them up till their own head is on the chopping block
Got a time stamp for that buddy, I don't have all day.
Nope, life's hard huh
And this is why Israel is our greatest ally
i'm 1/2way and no sex content yet. its a very elaborate porno methinks
The best ones always are.
Good documentary tho
Are you an Anglo or a Boer
South Africa is the rape and murder capital of the planet.
Proof that multiculturalism is a great idea!
11 official languages! Hooray!
Israel was South Africa's greatest ally too and look what happened
Also she's british """hot"""
Y'all need to get better looking women m9 your standards are fucked