Why do white nationalists have an image problem? Why aren't we taken seriously as a movement? Shouldn't we be the powerful, the beautiful, and the ruling? Shouldn't it all be the opposite since we're superior?
Why do white nationalists have an image problem? Why aren't we taken seriously as a movement...
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You're just another kike that seen this picture and started freaking out.
The degenerate neonazi meme was invented by kikes in the 1960's and is one of our greatest weapons to be used again them.
For the same reason "spherical earthers" aren't taken seriously as a movement. The position they espouse is self-evident, so a person shouting that position seems silly.
White nationalists are already freaking epic, we don't need to change, everyone else does.
Edit: thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
biggest strawmanpost i've seen of 2017
Don't respond to shill threads without sage.
its a game OP, and ur a faggot; not much rly changes, on a global scale of course
There's no way you aren't a degenerate looking fat ass or hungry skeleton.
There's a reason why people are drawn towards radical politics and hating women, its because they can't get laid
The white hate group SPLC has a 370million dollar annual budget. What do you think they are spending it on? Defaming, vilifying and hating whites and anything to do with white nationalism.
Us white nationalists have no such budget.
>There's a reason why people are drawn towards radical politics and hating women, its because they can't get laid
lol, you think i don't pound pussy every week??
This argument again.
Come up with something true or new.
t. butt-blasted fugly white nationalist
thats a chaplin stache you bigot
ur in the place where boys r turned into assholes. & im the kind of fuck who shows them how ez it is 2 get laid, :*, 4 reasons that r all 2 thanks 2 ala ppl like u my bro.
As white supremacists go, this guy is the cuck version of one. xD
Why do white nationalists have an image problem? Why aren't we taken seriously as a movement? Shouldn't we be the powerful, the beautiful, and the ruling? Shouldn't it all be the opposite since we're superior?
Och I'm goin' for a rant; 666
This is where the debate should begin. Now I am not a race realist - I do not believe race is relevent criteria for determining someones worth - yes it is a factor of identiy but for me it's not as pressing a culture (where does culture derive? - don't bother going there with me - I'm not that edgy ) which is the cornerstone of a society - so as identity polics has manifested as copeting groups of retards the whites have joined the fray - so it's just natural really - I thin it's unavoidable. But white pride - is overkill for most people - you want your communities fair enough find a white woman and have a little kindgergarten m'kay. But the notion of white superiority is daft and simplistic - Example I work in the healthcare industry - the smartest people ain't white,black - brown. They are middle-fucking-class. Get what I am saying?
Where's the like button? I can't find the like button. xD
I watched styx on reality calls and he said that exactly. That you guys would be like "Aww styx man why you not like white proud brah - you such a cuck" You take this bigotry too far it becomes retarded - fair enough have boundries within yout race realist perspective - but don't let it make you dumb.
White History month
nah dude he cucks out way too hard. he takes every chance he can get to distance himself from his audience. He can talk a lot of shit from the great white haven of Vermont, where I have lived before. Biggest problem is meth and maple syrup, not rampant urban jungle interracial warzones
White nationalists are intellectually capable but know absolutely nothing about marketing or public relations.
I just sit there watching these white nationalist conferences thinking about all of the things they should be doing differently.
That Nathan Domingo guy is definitely an improvement, but the movement itself DEFINITELY has a PR problem
>know absolutely nothing about marketing or public relations.
>were an integral part of the largest organic and grassroots campaign to meme some retard into the White House
>got a cartoon frog labeled as hate speech
>got a hand gesture labeled as hate speech
Tell me how we don't know about marketing again
I agree about Damigo though. Good guy
America is already fucked 5/8 of your babies are born to non-Europeans.
it only takes 1 man to say that 'God is my witness'; bearing false witness is like putting a bulls-eye on ur head 4 animals 2 trophy.
there is no debate anymore, its either, u respect me like i do 4 u, or u dont; & i'll show u what this means mutually-literally, instead of just civically
God bless
Help me settle this bet. Are you a degenerate fat fuck or hungry skellington?
Styx may be well spoken and for the most part he expresses his opinions without poising the well too much, but the simple fact of the matter is the matter is that he still leans to a political view that believes that whites are the superior race, while having spring allergies... When I said that he's a "cuck" it was more referring to the fact that he does not embodies the "normal" white supremacist self image.
I agree with you when you say that race does not determine someone's worth (as a Portuguese we don't have a specific "race"), but it is a factor, based in History, Economics and Culture, but this type of thinking is being eroded by both the Regressive Left and Far Right because it leads to long and complex arguments that both sides aren't interested to have. Has of Spring 2017 the Alt-Right has declared war on the Regressive Left and from here on out all you'll see is physical and verbal violence masked has "political discourse".
"The movement" doesn't have a PR problem. It has an ideological problem and there is no PR that will save it.
"White Supremacy" by its own definition is the belittling of every other race/culture in the planet and there isn't enough lipstick in the planet for such an ugly pig.
>leans to a political view that believes that whites are the superior race
tell me what u think is objective(((why?)))
So Jews are the reason these people look like this?
i love some shitskin rage from impotent countries
>"Girls won't date me because of feminism"
>Part 2/19
>Bony, girly weirdness
>Hitler moustache
>PART 2/19
lol, holy shit. This is the reason why doctor-assisted Euthanasia is a thing.
I haven't gotten many satisfactory answers in this thread desu. A lot of complaining about Jews tho but I don't see how it's relevant to why we aren't successful
i-is that you? You're fucking ugly and you have an "autistic" look to you.
You don't need a white nationalist group, intelligent and sensible people already share white nationalist ideals.
Marxists and liberals need groups because their thought process is based on emotional propaganda, not reason and evidence.
I never go the impression he thinks whites are better, just that he see the value in acting in your in groups self interest.
Jews control the media, it's easier to ignore a movement as the desperate cries of virgins and outcasts than it is to face it head on. GL Rockwell went through the same thing with the American Nazi party, it's always been in (((their))) play book. You don't have to answer questions if it appears no one is asking them. Fortunately for us through the Internet and the slow decline of the typical media we're experiencing a new cultural tempest - we won't know if it was too late until the battle is over.
That is a photoshop. He has a girl friend.
He's still ugly.
White Supremacist believe that you are the superior race and seem to have someone above them that's been keeping them down for millennia. There's also another group that makes such claims. They're called Black Lives Matter and their claims are as ridiculous as White Supremacists ones.
(((Why))) is the cop-out reason that WS have for all of the problems and failings of their own ideology just like whites are the cop-out reason for BLM. Do (((they))) have blood in their hands? Without a doubt? Are ((they)) responsible for everything bad that happened to white people ever?
If you think ((they)) are, then you sound just like a BLM supporter.
>it's easier to ignore a movement as the desperate cries of virgins and outcasts than it is to face it head on
This is why MGTOW is treated the way it is. You have psychiatrists being interviewed by news teams talking about it and then they refuse to air them actually explaining the problem and act like the lack of new marriages sabotaging the economy is unexplained and/or blame video games.
Sup Forums approaching self-awareness
I'm loving to see your powerful nation imploding on itself. We did that 200 years ago. It's a nice dose of 'memba berries for us and some topkek while we enjoy our peaceful nation.
We are also running a bet (we have literally bets) on how long will it take for your country to start a civil war... xD
>people unironically judging the material by the thumbnail
watch a video until the end you fucks.
Styx is a little intimidating for most. 10.2 will either make guys self conscious or girl scared that they will be torn in half.
u said absolutely nothing; r u a lawyer?
White ppl r a minority in the global community when u juxtapose them to the black-skins. So y transgress against them when u know they could destroy, literally the world, when blacks cant?
Western culture is built on ideals and beliefs for their traditions and principles not race. I feel like white nationalism is not reasonable because imo the West is open to those who want a better life for themselves should be supported as long as they adapt to western culture.
Western universalism is its great strength and weakness.
even Styx is preferable to pic since you wanna play cherypick game,but who do you think is more aesthetic in general
if you spent any time around women at all you'd realize they're basically large children.
the only people who think women are the same as men are the fags who can't get laid and idolise them. if you have your cock jammed up the ass of a girl you met an hour ago you start to realize she's not that special
I compared the ideologies of White Supremacy and Black Lives Matter and made an argument that they are basically the same and yet I said nothing? LOL!
You claim you want White Supremacy because white people (I'm still trying to figure out which white people you are actually referring to), are a minority in the planet and therefore other races need to dwindle their numbers and/so your numbers can increase? If so, you're sounding like a Left Wing SJW, only difference being the skin colour you claim to be the oppressed one. xD
If you're an American you must really, really hate your native language to write like that.
We don't have to try very too much to be better then the leftest faggots.
if you want white supremacy to take root you have to focus on shit like white kids being attacked by niggers and spiks, normies will always be able to find some ugly fuck with a swastika you need to focus on how shitty other races are without freaking them out by saying niggers or anything before the truth sets in
Because white culture has been eroded to the point where dressing well and taking pride in your physical appearance is passé.
Lift weights and wear a fucking suit you degenerate cunts. The state of millennials is fucking appalling.
Leaf if I could shake your hand I would, I've only RECENTLY come to this conclusion. I don't think it's the worse thing in the world, but it's just an interesting thing to recognize it.