Historian here. Ask me anything regarding Andrew Jackson's attempt to stop the Civil War after he saw it coming during his Presidency between 1829-37
Historian here...
Other urls found in this thread:
did Jackson's penis size play a role in his attempt to stop the civil war and incidentally how large was his penis
OP must answer Nipponsensei , or face a permanent banishment back to whence he came: /r/politics.
What about his attempt to stop the Federal Reserve. Dude had a crystal ball.
Op here.
No and large enough that his future kinfolk ended up fucking slaughtering your great grandparents after a less than successful banzai raid on Okinawa.
Can you name some documents by southern politicians like Calhoun,that show the south was planning succession early?
We have IDs on this board so you don't need to say OP here unless you are a dickless moron with a tiny dick
OP is clearly a retard.
Your lord and savior here. Don't you have a pillow with the likeness of a child, roughly the size of a child with purple tentacles to hump?
Oh yeah, also OP here.
Obviously you need to read Gordon Wood. How bout dem apples?
did holocaust happen?
my lord and savior is Jesus Christ not some fag from redbit
lol. troll plz go.
>Starts LARP thread
>Doesn't even attempt to LARP before sperging out.
What did he mean by this?
You wanna step outside, we could figure this out...
>asks question
>expects serious replies
I appreciate your field of work, but this isn't the place
>implying you're anyone to tell me what I'm not
>implying your quick play of the autistic card this soon is really not a factor of your over compensation
>implying when I'm not occasionally on this fucking dying craphole of a site (oldfag here) I don't actually working in the historic preservation field and also as a history educator
>implying my educational background doesn't contain both a BA and an MA in history
but you know whatever.. Seriously who the fuck wants to LARP as a historian? The pay ain't all that great. I'd rather LARP as a 1980s wall street trader with a thing for Huey Lewis and high quality business cards.
>asks a question
>doesn't expect anything serious.
Welcome to Sup Forums. If this place wasn't full of little shithitheads who are too busy circle jerking to the latest TWD comic and playing internet racist, they might actually read a fucking book - hell even David Irving.
I mean just so we all know that this is indeed a containment board, right?
Yeah alright. Whatever. Let's accept your little Q&A session devolved into a verbal assault game, okay? You failed.
nope. I won. YOU failed.
Apology accepted.
what did andrew jackson do to attempt to stop the civil war
what makes you say he saw it coming
>what makes you say he saw it coming
The President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump said so.
How did he see it coming?
What did he do?
Why did it not work?
>How did he see it coming?
Historical revisionism over 150 years later.
>What did he do?
Got angry
>Why did it not work?
He died
Nigga that's weak.
how do you expect us to believe you're a historian? You haven't said anything of value so far.
Not a very informative historian
fuck off now
Did Andrew Jackson ever Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun.
why don't you teach in schools about Andrew fight aggainst banking families (Rothschilds, Schiffs, Warburgs etc.) who took control over usa by establishing FED and monopoly over money production
Not as weak as your bloodline.
You first. Not my fucking job to tap dance for you. Go fucking read faje ass historian Bill O'Reilly
No but he did enjoy walking indian tacos.
I don't set state education curriculum. I teach higher ed, so I really have very little oversight when it comes to academic freedom.
> You first. Not my fucking job to tap dance for you.
> "Historian here. Ask me anything regarding Andrew Jackson's attempt to stop the Civil War after he saw it coming during his Presidency between 1829-37"
You're a retarded faggot for a """historian"""
why is the history of the money creation and financing the wars exempt from the history ciriculum?
As an historian are you aware of those facts?
Again, can't speak for what goes on in a high school public history classroom but I teach about the connection of economics and war -especially so when it comes to WWI but please keep in mind I typically teach history courses aimed at gen-ed and therefore just getting these kids to comprehend World War One or read a 3 paragraph summary on the Marshall Plan and Truman Doctrine is a big fucking deal.
It's also a challenge when you're teaching such a span of history over one semester. You can only dive so far into the depths not just because the largely the base of students belongs in the kiddie pool but because of the serious time constraints. It's not my goal to turn them into scholars in 16 weeks but to give them a foundation of knowledge and a brief glimpse into critical thinking which we hope will transfer into decision making process within the real world
ok fair enough
but you didn't answer the question?
are you personally aware of these less know parts from the history that are verry much important?
internationall money changers took significant part on the outcomes in the history by financing politicians and royal leaders thus influencing the world outcomes?
i assume you can recite every detail from the WW1, but did you know how many millions of USD JP Morgan wall street branch made by selling weapons to both sides of war and lending money?
So what exactly stopped him from stopping it?
>are you personally aware of these less know parts from the history that are verry much important?
The money and war connection is a big Howard Zinn thesis. While this is not a go-to source, it is widely utilized and has paved the way for others. I think the thesis becoming more mainstream, especially regarding America's decision to enter the First World War, which really has set the theme of America's global police which let's face it, is a costly and arguably impossible to maintain and within that cost, someone must be profiting.
>i assume you can recite every detail from the WW1, but did you know how many millions of USD JP Morgan wall street branch made by selling weapons to both sides of war and lending money?
Often a misconception, it's not the job of a historian to be a walking encyclopedia. That's what encyclopedias are for. That said, I'm still pretty good at trivia.
Did 6 million jews die in the holocaust? Explore the 6 million figure throughout history.
The money and war connection is a big Howard Zinn thesis is not true at all - and has every logical fallacy written into it.
you need money for the war - big time money
someone has control/possesion of that money and someone is paying and lending that money to the stakeholding sides that are partaking in the process of war
and it has been since the battle of waterlo when lord rothschild financed both sides of the war and bought most of the shares of the bank of england
i mean it's on the official website of the familly for godsake
i understand why is this is such evaded/forbiden topic in the usa education, i was just wondering are the usa academia that are educating usa future generations aware of these
are you also aware of the fact tha you're propably going to experince and goe trought to what Russian empire went when the communist bolshevik ovetrhown the government and commited genocide on russian population
did you know that Trotsky real name is Lev Davidovich Bronestein and that he was living in the Sciff banking family house on the wall street writing communist magazine
did you know that Lenin was financed by also from the Schiff banking family and that he literally came to Russia in a train full with money/gold from switzerland
can you connect the dots and see what is happening in your country?
is that how you answer a question in the lack of the arguments?
ok next question? this is much more known and should be easier to you?
Hitler financing and cooperation with American corporations
Hitler was:
financed by Busch family
buying special oil from the Rockefeller Standard Oil
IG Farben(today Bayer, Merck, Sandoz Novartis and Monsanto) also cooperated with Rockeffler Standar Standard Oil
IBM was making database machines for the Nazi party
AT&T suplied them telecomunication netwoork
Ford Motor company made motors for the army machinery
Karnegie Steel also sold steel to Hitler
Kaiser Whilhelm institute was financed by the Rockefellers
Vatican Bank also financde hitler and later provided rat lines for the nazis to escape to argetina
Hugo Boos was making uniforms for the nazis
and manny more?
Coca Cola was also operating in the nazi germany
History undergrad student here. A reminder that Canada was the only nation to burn down the White House (under the British Empire).
There was a day when even Disney was a Fascist favoring corporation. Look at it now.
You also landed at Juno Beach (which has a fantastic museum operated by the Canadian Gov't) but jesus just look at you now. The only thing worse would be having an inept tactless jaring New York business mogul who would rather be golfing as your leader. Oh wait..
yes i know that leaf
i was asking him is he aware of the internationall money changers history and their involment in the world affairs
but that doesn't exclude his evasion of my question
Sooooooooooooooo, the british burned down the whitehouse
where is my taxes yank?
Is it true that Jackson threatened to hang a young Jefferson Davis for his supporting Nullification?
you dind't answer the question?
hitler and nazis needed money and weapons to fight war, all those aircraft, submarine, guns and tenks were have to made and someone was paid by doing so?
either you are unaware of these facts which means you're not a verry good historian or your cognitive dissonance is working in full time because you evade to adress serious questions which are unsettling to your political agenda or to your beleifs?
It almost seems like you might have an agenda to push, perhaps yes, Comrade?
i'm not commie, nor liberal, nor do support corporatist consumer invertetd totalitarianism
i can think for myself, do not put a label on me
tell me about this?
is this one of the greatest theft in the history of usa - The United States Gold Reserve Act of January 30, 1934 required that all gold and gold certificates held by the Federal Reserve be surrendered and vested in the sole title of the United States Department of the Treasury.
Federal Reserve was founded in 1913 and few decades later they decide to literally steal property from the usa citizens?
are you aware of that part of your history?
also did you know that wall street financed communist bolsheviks?
Thats real rich coming from you Nip
also communists did the same when they overthrown the Romanov family
Lenin and Trotsky slaugtered tens of millions of the christian orthodox russian people and others and PLUNDER russian people in The Red Terror
they've stolen everything their hands could grab on form gold, bicycles, land, property, clothes, money, houses, cars, horses, stocks, grain.
i equally despise them and the banking capitalists class?
What do you know about Jackson's involvement with Free Masonry?
>It's also a challenge when you're teaching such a span of history over one semester. You can only dive so far into the depths not just because the largely the base of students belongs in the kiddie pool but because of the serious time constraints. It's not my goal to turn them into scholars in 16 weeks but to give them a foundation of knowledge and a brief glimpse into critical thinking which we hope will transfer into decision making process within the real world
That is quite a lot of words to say "I'm a scammer"
im genuinelly verry intereste into the open discusion about history of the finance even moresp with someone that comes from the academic professional background and who seems to be an expert to the manner
but i'm just dissapointed because you come of as either uterrly dishonest or verry ignorant
it's so sad that you can recite me insignificant anegdotes from the war and history events but don't know nothing about the key palyers and most influential powers that took huge part into shaping the history by financing the decision makers
i wouldn't be supprise if youre also completelly unaware of the lobying influence that corporations have in the daily politics?
goldman sachs doesn't pays hillary clinton hundreds of thousands of USD for nothing nor does the Koch brothers pays Donald Trump for the same reasons.
fuck your a faggot no wonder half of the thread is accusing you of being a larp faggot.
Start a thread and immediately start talking about Jackson and how he stopped a civil war, do not wait for comments and replies like some attention seeking faggot
I have this feeling that Trump drew a connection between Andrew Jacksons fighting off the central bankers, and Lincoln attempting the same with his green back money, only to be assassinated.
that was what the Sup Forums has been suspecting from the moment trump placed AJ portret in the oval office
I believe Trumps dyslexia led him to tie Jackson and Lincoln, but it wasn't the civil war that tied those two together, it was their war with bankers. This is one of those moments when only the most astute critical thinkers can see his true meaning. Normalfags don't understand how our brains work, though...
>Historian KEK
How does it feel to have spend 5 years of your life and tons of money for college to just end up unemployed?