Nigger Hate Thread

Why are niggers so fucking degenerate low IQ violent scum.

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>be nigger
>evolve over thousands of years in a harsh environment
>get taken to the New World
>get artificially bred to be stupider and stronger for more than 200 years
>get freed from slavery
>spend the next 150 years making no significant cultural progress
>literally drugs, sex, and sportsball are the only things offered to society
>user on Sup Forums don't understand why niggers act like niggers

>Those names


>Why are niggers so fucking degenerate low IQ violent scum.

You mean "such", not "so".

Look, you're uneducated and poor and frustrated with your life, but that's no reason to take it out on black people. They're not responsible for your failure in life.


>harsh environment
oh right, like the icy environment of Europe was much worse than the continent with half the world's minerals, fuck off.

I never blamed my failures on them. But I am not happy that I have to pay for there welfare, only for them to demand more welfare.

Why is it that niggers seem to be the only ones attempting to pull credit fraud at the store I work at?

I've never had anyone other than fucking niggers try this shit. I even had some bitch try it in front of her monkey kids, while trying to get them to calm the fuck down. Little shits ended up breaking the brand fucking new Spectre x360 we'd just put up for display less than an hour ago.

Because they aren't human.


It's a matter of genetics. They didn't choose it, but that's how it is.

I hate going to the grocery store and then stand in line at the cash register behind a nigger. They have the shopping cart full and they always pay with food stamps. To top things off, they always get mad the the cashier for the stupidest things...

Why is this funny?

I don't understand blacks







REDPILLED VIDEO about niggers and racemixing:

50 IQ


are you a mensa test evaluator good sir?

I've never seen this before 10/10

That was painful to watch. I guess you really do have to have an IQ of 50 to do something so painful and retarded.


That's actually a circumcision


Absolutely fucking sickening.



It's in every culture now, user don't be so racist goyim

they act like niggers everywhere else too


This is supposed to be a nigger hate thread, not a retarded body mosification thread.

I love red panels.

Why do blacks get to be the most racist people?

Because the bullshit idea that "racism = power + prejudice" exists.

Basically because they're niggers. No actually valid reason exists.

Becuz somehow they believe that they can be racist against other races and get away with it.

Then again, Asians are the bottom of the racial totem pole, below spics.
Everyone, left, right and centre can be racist towards them, treat Asian Women like whores
and get away with a slight tap on the wrist.

Yeah, because of all the niggers.
Aside from that, it's literally a paradise.

PROTIP : the sahara ain't africa. Literaly jungle full of fruits, unending grassland, sources of fresh water everywhere, THAT is africa, and THAT is why Rhodesia and South africa were such shining marble of civilisation. And our future due to retard like you enabling the jews and women subhumans into importing their civilisation-destroying black kin.

I know its common in China to play the race card, but some times you guys are worse than niggers when it comes to that. see reaction to United Airlines video inside china

Also Asian women are the most smart and beautiful breed of a human out there


You are just saying that because you want to fuck Asian Women and cuck the Asian Man.

If you want to contribute to your own race's 'genocide', go ahead.
We will toss you our scraps.

I didn't know it was possible to be so incredibly black. Like look at that one guy, he's so dark he's practically a shade of blue! He's a fucking Dunmer!.


nigger tech vs roman tech


Im a 6 foot 4 blonde green eyed Singaporean did my NS at 21 and now at 26 make 200k a year and my gf is one of the hottest asian babes you have ever seen.

Here's the deal. Culture is in a symbiotic relationship with biology and evolution. That is why white culture is a builder culture. For thousands of years whites in cold climates had a lot of planning to do to make it through the winter. Also they had more invested in the survival of their children. In warmer climates you don't see the industrious spirit as much.
Now, American black culture is straight up degenerate. It celebrates criminality and ignorance. But this is by design. If a black empowerment and responsibility movement can gain any traction, you will see marked improvements. I grew up around black people and I quite like them. Yes, there is an iq gap, but the bigger issue is lack of paternal involvement and a shit tier culture. Side note, the people I've known to talk the most shit about black people are other black people that see the situation for what it is.

Because they have the lowest IQ and as such pose the least significant long-term thereat to any other race.

I mean think about it objectively. When left to their own devices, they can't even run a farm or build a two story hut. They can't even be fathers to their own children.

Niggers never have done anything great in africa. Every "black" inventor either was from america and 20% white due to generations of racemixing or had one white parent. If niggers are such great inevators, why is this pic true?





Nigger names are fucking hilarious

And I am a 7ft Half Chinese Half Punjab with brown Chinese eyes and brown hair with a 8-incher and have dated/sexed every babe of every race.

What makes you so special, snowflake?


What the fuck

it's just the same couple anons as everyday


would you trust this man?





African average IQ of 70 means for every 1 african with IQ above the white average there are 24 morons and 25 retards.
And IQ's not their only problem.
It's not really surprising that they didn't manage civilisation.

Because im actually who I say I am. %5 of this countries naturalized not expat pop yet %40 percent of the the wealth

>get artificially bred to be stupider and stronger for more than 200 years
They were "naturally" bred to be themselves for tens of thousands of years and accomplished next to nothing except to be the perfect demographic for slavery; dumb, content with destitute conditions, and complacent with life as a servant.

I feel no sympathy whatsoever for niggers. They are a genetic deserts destined to be nothing more than takers of the obvious and apparent. They weren't and aren't even aware enough to massively disavow their captivity to the rest of the world because they come from an ancestral line of subservient simpletons who are satiated by the extremely simple pleasures of life even if they include murder and violence.

and I went to an international school I too have slept with all races perhaps even all continents bar eskimo

Audibly laughed twice.

>get artificially bred to be stupider and stronger for more than 200 years

muh whitepepo did dis to us

Except actual niggers from Afrika are even dumber than Afrikan-Amerikwans

nice image quality

>Not human

You can't deny it, they look different

apparently a priest said to eat grass metaphorically, idk

Someone explain to an ignorant roo why all niggers have names like those? Is it a cultural thing? Or is it because they sound african? Or what?

nope I'm a tard it wasn't a metaphor.

How does she eat?

This has potential to be a meme.

>Implying that the true master race isnt a hybrid between asians and whites.

yea that must be it

Thats pretty much it. Too few black people want to actually improve themselves and be responsible. If only there was someway to accelerate natrual selection to force this degenerative behavior out of black people.

Poseidon craves MORE

>reaction to United Airlines video inside china


Eliot Rodger is the most cherry picked example. I am actually surpised no girl wanted him, he was smart, funny, and very handsome.

Its easy, in fact. Abolish welfare, flood cities with cops and its done in some generations.

it's not though, hapas are generally fucked up and crazy

Stop being a fucking weeb u dork

>peak of architecture is mud hut. never built a boat.

>Highest IQ
>Strength and Build of Whites
>Immune system of whites
>Metabolism of Asians

With better eugenics better hybrids can be breed.

We have the technology.

why are niggers the same everywhere?

Girls care more about behavior than looks or smarts though, and this guy was a creepy weakling. Also we see only what he described in his distorted worldview, girls might have been interested in him but he didn't notice.

>be me, blonde hair blue eyes
>be poor, never see a pool or the ocean until you are a teenager
>be able to swim without being taught how, on the first try
>realize that niggers are fucking retarded

Dude, you're not making white people look good. For everyone else's sake don't try to type sentences if you can't into grammar