what do they even do?
Why do governments require 20% of their citizens income in 2017?
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To spend of military shit.
some governments provide public services, your government on the other hand spends it on bombs and black people but for some reason doesn't combine the two, which would count as a public service
Military is only a quarter of the budget. Half of the budget is welfare.
>what do they even do?
You really are so stupid that you have to ask this question?
Foreign aid to pay for little girls in africa's education
Cut that too. This shit doesn't give me a freedom boner like some Fox news watching rube.
Quality post. Japan flag always delivers.
>what do they do
nothing private markets couldn't
t. ancap
3% to spend on defense, 17% to spend on the elderly and single moms
Picture related.
>Half of the budget is welfare.
wow I wish they were only taking 20%
20%? Jesus I wish. Its way over that if you make anything substantial.
Anyway, its all to satisfy entitlements that never math'd out in the first place, let alone after we opted to start funding degeneracy and changed which nations we primarily accept immigrants from. Now its not even close. But still any politician that suggests entitlement reform is committing political suicide, so it goes on.
>little girls in Africa
Not anymore if the MSM is telling the truth. Apparently Trump cut Michaael's little girls in Africa initiative
Fucking savage Nippon!
Well over half is redistribution of wealth (not all redistribution is considered "welfare"). Health care and pensions are redistribution programs to benefit the elderly and single moms. Welfare is also to benefit single moms.
Source: usfederalbudget.us
>what do they even do?
"transfer payments"
in the US it's social security, medicare, and then medicaid
believe it or not the things like foods stamps aren't that much in comparison
% of GDP is misleading. Tell me a dollar figure and I'll tell you if I'm outraged.
See The link has the dollar figures. You can be outraged at basically every single item on the list.
Maybe if we had universal healthcare, that money could be used for something useful. But nah, let's buy more shitty jets and kill more brown people in a middle eastern shithole.
>only a quarter
I'm not a nazi so it was a bit of pic related when I thought about entitlements and socialized welfare and went "The principle is great if you have a cohesive common people with a high level of public trust and solidarity with one another to prevent the usual abuses of welfare you see. I guess it'd be called a national socialist waaait a fucking minute"
The funny thing being it's 100% true. Reason the Nordics do so well with their socialism is because of that high level of trust and solidarity. Starting to see it erode once you've got gibmedats coming in.
The worst part is that even after that, they need to borrow more money to make ends meet.
>the American Republic will endure until Congress realizes it can bribe the public with the public's money.
Was Alexis de Tocqueville the most based Frenchman ever?
They raise taxes to pay interest on loans they take from jews. Then in order to increase spending to meet public demands (more healthcare! more pensions! more gibs for nogs!), they take out loans. Then they need to raise taxes to pay interest on the loans.
And these loans will never, ever be paid off. There will never be a time when you have such a surplus that you can just pay them off. Actually raising taxes enough to have a sustainable debt repayment plan would crash the economy.
This is why it's so important to BALANACE THE BUDGET. Usury is just a giant trap that ultimately consumes all wealth and enslaves you to jews.
Tocqueville or Bastiat.
Japan has the government issue quality control for all katanas made nation wide to keep their value up
The more the government "spends" the more the federal reserve gets.
Poorfags fuck off. I paid 35% of my income in taxes last year. Over $60k.
All dollars are on loan from the federal reserve. Therefore it is impossible to pay off. You must think about and understand this and you'll realize the futility in talking about anything else. The system is fucked at the very root.
Ya know.... I hope you've been working on a standup routine. I see your work in many threads and considering the height of the bar for "comedy" in my country I gotta say you have real shot kids.
They give most of it to Israel I believe.
In California more like 45% if you are in the low six figures
Youre a fucking idiot, unless you include corporate welfare and tax breaks for the rich, then maybe.
20%? thats cute america. with such a low amount of taxation you will never make your country great.