So, what does Sup Forums think of this guy? Hero or cult weirdo?

So, what does Sup Forums think of this guy? Hero or cult weirdo?

Other urls found in this thread:

CIA operative.

Cult weirdo, but he got screwed over by the government when he shouldn't

Interesting. Care to elaborate?

He's politically koreshed


I think he was a pedo with a god complex. Would have been at home on Sup Forums

Oh you took the bluepill, fuck yourself canacuck. Koresh was not a pedo.

Shove those pills up your ass boy

I mean it was just some leftovers from the MK Ultra experiments. Waco was one location where they carried it on experiments after it supposedly shut down. They just put the people there to good use.

Think of it as Sandy Hook.

I'm not a faggot like you, sorry you dumb canabitch

So, what's the verdict? Hero for standing up the ATF (and, although unintentional, gun rights as well) or delusional cult leader or arguably led people to their deaths?

Interesting. So you think Koresh was an MK Ultra test subject?

He was a pedo cult leader. You goys retards or what?

80 innocents lost their lives because the ATF decided to raid the compound instead of arresting koresh during when he was conducting his firearms business in town (they tried to get him on a firearms charge). Koresh was not a pedo because after multiple official interviews of children (pre-ATF raid) there was no evidence and Koresh could not be arrested for anything sexual - any talk of "pedo" was rumor most likely by dumb faggot canacucks like the guy above me

go ahead and worship your pedo cult fags. this is why america will fall.


Yea, I never understood why they didn't just arrest him when he was outside the compound. I'm not saying the Davidians were justified in shooting and killing ATF agents, I'm just wondering why it had to come to the point where a simple arrest escalated into what was essentially the government using military-style force against its own citizens.

Yep you're right.

Also there's evidence that the ATF agents were shooting while other ATFers were climbing on the top of the building- could have easily been friendly fire.

I actually do recall quite a bit of media coverage regarding the innocent victims of Waco (the children). I was in 3rd grade at the time of Waco but I still remember there being quite a bit of discussion about the kids that were killed. Not sure why this comic is asserting that the dead children of Waco weren't covered by the news.

No, we'll be the one's annexing your gay assess soon enough.

I've read a lot of the accounts of ATF officers as well as video footage and it looks like that could have been the case. Part of me thinks that these ATF agents were way in over their heads. They were trying to conduct a military/special forces type raid and simply weren't trained for that kind of situation. Maybe that's an oversimplification of the situation, but that's the impression I get.

The coverage difference was massive as well as the comments by ol' Bill.

I was in my last year of high school at the time and remember the coverage very well; I recall going wait didn't the media just brush over the kids the ATF burned alive? Why are they never shutting up about that fucking day care?

Ah, thanks for your perspective. Being rather young, I had no concept of media bias in the first place. When you're that young, you just assume anyone on TV is right and telling you the truth because, well......they're on TV!

I recall the news saying stuff like a real soldier would have reconned his target and that it must be been intentional.
In the 'explanation' of the explosion they always were sure to point out the location of the day care.

I don't have any proof of the coverage and video from back then while not rare is hard to find. Someone cared enough to make a picture about it.

But the key is that after the OCB the US government hasn't been pissing off US citizens in stand off like attacks and has backed down on a number of occasions under both Bush and Obama. At least on the federal level.

The FBI HRT has even managed to level out the number of people they murdered to less than the number of people they have rescued you know in like 20 years.

Arms dealer which is why ATF started the shit.

>The FBI HRT has even managed to level out the number of people they murdered to less than the number of people they have rescued you know in like 20 years.

Wow, progress! As for your comment about US gov backing down in standoff situations under Bush and Obama, what are some examples?

Hey Sup Forums, I've been hiding this for years, but I guess I'll let it spill.

I know where the missing front door is.

Troll comment was inevitable, 8/10.

Martyr. Not hero. Nothing good about him, but his death showed the foulness of government.

Fair enough. What wasn't good about him?

Except I'm not trolling. I was informed by the evidence officer for the mclennan county sheriff's dept at the time. I'm from a local town around waco, word spreads over time.

Do tell user

Also, he was gaining fame and notoriety in the Seventh Day Adventist and Christian fundamentalist community preaching that owning and trading arms including fully automatic weapons was every believers God given right.

ATF didn't like and wanted to shut that shit down.

Explain the significance of the "missing front door" please?


The only good thing to come out of it was exposure to people of my generation of what the government is capable of doing.

B-b-bbut they """""knocked over a kerosene lamp""""". They totally didn't launch napalm into the compound. The fire dripping from the turret was just an illusion created by light.

Cult weirdo, possible CIA asset linked to MKSEARCH, possibly went off reservation and had to be culled or was a simple victim to the end serving the role of false flag sacrifice to the ever growing deep state. Not a king, just a pawn.

Branch Davidian was a play.

Koresh was the personification of the constitution.

The government was making a statement that day.

The bad guys won.

Close curtains.

Reminder: there is a superlative documentary on the Waco happening called 'Waco: The Rules of Engagement' which will alter your view and enrich your understanding.

Torrent it. It's requisite Sup Forums viewing and highly engrossing, desu.

Including using military personnel (Delta Force) against citizens?

Thanks for the recommendation!

Without Waco, there would have been no OKC/McVeigh. Also, I've heard Waco had a huge impact on Ron Paul.

Oh yeah...


Doesn't he have his own 'compound' where he's trying to live 'off the system'? It's just a coincidence... Right?

Np. Forgot link:

The whole problem has less to do with Koresh and more to do with how the federal government shot and burned a bunch of innocent people to death with their hamfisted assault on the compound.

This is why private intelligence agencies like Stratfor have sayings about the ATF including "Rednecks with a license to kill. Never, ever ask for their help on anything."

Cult leader. He was not evil, though. He actually cared for his congregation- his "wives and children"- in his own weird way. The government instigated it because of rumors of child abuse, polygamy, etc. Anyways, he would not surrender so the government figured that if they fill the place with tear gas, people would come to their senses and leave the building. They naively thought that these people would at least try to save the kids. Anyways, the government tells them to please leave, we are going to put tear gas and David's like nahh, we are staying here. Apparently there was something in the building that made the place catch on fire.

Koresh wasn't his original name.

When I was a kid, my family were members of the Worldwide Church of God (a rather hardcore version of Seventh Day Adventists) and I remember many of them sympathizing with the Branch Davidians. Shortly after what happened in Waco, the church coincidentally denounced Herbert W. Armstrong's more radical beliefs and many members ended up leaving the church (my family included). Your perspective is interesting because I was too young to understand what was going on at the time.

Its on jewtube

Oh, and I should probably mention that some of the people I knew back then actually ended up joining the Branch Davidians. The Worldwide Church of God was considered a cult by mainstream denominations, so it only made sense that some of them would join an even more esoteric cult. It's no wonder that I turned out as a fedora later in life. Kek.

Isn't he in jail.

I'm from West, just north of Waco. I worked for a party production company back in '07 doing a wedding reception at the Paladium in in downtown Waco, for which an elder security officer was contracted. I worked there to deconstruct the decorations for the venue all through the night, meaning the security guy wasn't allowed to leave until we left. So, upon taking smoke breaks on account of my melenin challanged coworkers, I had the opportunity to talk to the security guard several times. One of the nigs shot off a Koresh joke, and sparked a convo regarding the Davidians.

On the next break I was waiting for my darky coworkers to finish their shit and bring it back to the truck. The security guard continued to talk about the Davidian incident, and it's affiliation with Koresh. He informed me the he was the former evidence officer for MCSD, and was stationed at the Mt Carmel compound at the time of the event.

I figured he was just a rambling old man so I practically ignored him while I loaded stuff on the truck. I also knew much about the incident already being that I grew up in the area, so I decided to test him. I knew the door had never been recovered, so I asked him an indirect question hoping he would either follow through with discussion of the door, or just quit his bullshit so I could go home.

I asked him if there was any evidence that would suggest who shot first. He immediately said yes, and began to give me the rundown on the whereabouts of the door. He informed me that ATF was on standby for the primary confrontation, until an order was given to "approach with suspicion of arms" and one of the agents in the first entry team fired upon the compound. He said, specifically, that "the front door" was removed because it provided impunative evidence against the agents for the misjudgement of force, and was brought to his office at MCSD for storage.


Because the ATF was about to get its budget cuts

They needed to go full SWAT style raid in front of tv cameras to try to get funding, they were on the chopping block

>Isn't he in jail.

>Adam Kokesh followed Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, Elizabeth Warren and 16 others

Sounds about right

It would solidify who fired first. It mysteriously "disappeared", thus an important canon to discern implication of wrongdoing.

>removing/destroying evidence from crime scenes immediately before anyone can examine the evidence


inb4 bel-air

There is no evidence for him being a pedo. However, the person who smeared him as a pedo, Janet Reno, had a history of using bullshit tactics to smear her enemies using illegal tactics to win court cases.

See what I did there? I gave you a link, unlike your stupid bullshit were you offer no proof. A good book on the topic of Janet Reno's lies concerning her bullshit pedophilia charges is "Constitutional Chaos" by Andrew Napolitano. Keep taking the blue pill you dumb-ass leaf.