Canada and USA relations

>Canada to USA, love you f a m,
USA hockey team in Canada and the sound system craps out during USA national anthem. Canadians pick up the slack.

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yet another fucking leaf

united north american ethno-state when?

LY2 bro


allies forever

burgers are inherently stupid and exist only to be trolled, lurk moar


who cut that pupper in half?


Canadian hate thread now



I may politically and culturally disagree with you Canadians on some things, but I hope our brotherhood continues long into the future. I couldn't imagine having even tense relations with y'all.
Love you bros.


Two can play that game

I can't look at this gif without hearing the balloon squeaking loudly as she fucks it.



nein :(

pretty soon that image will be worthless

pretty soon your nation and lives will be as well

I still hate Canadians, god damn leaf basterds


OP was wrong. Gas all yanks.

bants aside, why do so many canadians live in that one region? I would think the rural life out west would be preferable to city life.

Drown the leafy menace in the great lakes, may they run red with leafy blood!

Winter blows. A lot of us are living where are grandparents lived, be it semi-cold rural areas or urban areas.

Nobody wanted to wait 8 months to plant food and starve to death generations ago.

Honestly OP, that was alright, if hope we would do the same.

Pictured: jersey of greatest AMERICAN hockey player


wtf i love canda now

Eastern Canada legitimately thinks it's the center of the universe. It gets worse the closer you get to Toronto.

I see, thanks.

it started due to climate really. also once you start going north it turns into just rocks, forest and millions of tiny lakes. farming is pretty much impossible and really the only thing of value is natural resources so you'll just see small mining towns

now once industrialization and trade with the US kicked in it made more sense to have factories close to the border so things could be shipped far faster and cheaper. as a result most of the jobs were along the border so that's where the population continued to grow and now here we are today with 90% of our population with 200 miles of the US border

>Eastern Canada legitimately thinks it's the center of the universe.

What in the fuck are you talking about? Atlantic Canada is literally the most downtrodden part of this entire country, we don't think or care about you faggots at all.

western fags count Quebec and Ontario as east. they are also eternally butthurt knowing those are by far the 2 most important provinces

I mean out west, like above Idaho, North Dakota, and Montana. Seems like a nice place I would genuinely like to visit. Large open places.

there's nothing but desert/cold prairies (out west) or rock ( in the other places

also cold, can't grow crops well, low population, and services are poor, just like in Russia/USSR, these regions will be the last places on Earth to be populated because the quality of life is very low compared to just moving south a ways.

We're all on the same rock together, you crazy motherfuckers. We even share it with those God damned Mexicans, but it's okay. We will remove the Jew from our continent together, and then we will remove them from existence.

Man, fuck this stupid country. Nobody gives a fuck about anyone but loves to pretend anyway.

yep, unless i know you personally i really don't give a fuck. hell even then i likely fucking hate you anyway

>implying those are things that only Canadians do

Yeah and talk about how much they're better than Americans.

t. rural retard

we're not savages competing with the world's worst, if nothing else

>St. Louis, Baltimore, Detroit, New Orleans