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What else are mouths good for

>cock holster

thats a keeper

i really dont get the whole trump/putin thing

The 2016 election pretty much ruined late night shows for me

I used to like John Oliver back in 2014 but now I just can't bare any of his stuff since the election started


Great truth spoken here.

This is coming from the same man that kissed another man on the lips. multiple times.

They're still clinging on to this shit?


I don't think anyone does

We all know it's you keith olbermann

Russian hacking conspiracy that has never been proven yet everyone takes it seriously as if it's gospel.

Is Conan or Fallon still ok or did they both take the big blue suppository?

No one does but they have to keep it going or else the forced meme will die fast

Colbert is not stupid. The fact that he always pushed the Russian narrative bothered me. He definitely is friendly with some politicians.

Hoo boy really activating my almonds right there, Colbert.

I never liked Fallon anyway so I wouldn't know and Conan is doing ok I guess

rollin for trump to rip colbert publicly on his shit ratings

>still forcing the russian hacking narrative

Read more outside of the Sup Forums echo chamber and you will get it.

Don't know about Conan but Fallon is apolitical, or at the very least unbiased about who he lets on his show.

I'm gonna feed little Stevie Colbert a cockmeat sandwich. Seriously I hop a message is sent to the left and little Stevie commits suicide with two bullets to the back of the head.

Man Colbert really fell off a cliff

Why are the "Oh so tolerant left" who are totally OK with two men sodomizing each others bung holes so quick to call someone "gay?" Are they insinuating there is something wrong with being homosexual?

Good bait 8/10

Thank you based smugman for your smug jokes. Masculinity btfo.

The gravy train is drying out.
Dems had these fuckers swimming in money and now - not so much.

Every show in America clamored to have obama on. Having a president in your show has been an honor for decades.

This is unacceptable. Trump has done nothing to deserve this level of disrespect for the office

Hmmm....never thought of that. Quite hilarious actually
Trump is a faggot !! Trump hates gays!!

Leftists are still doing the Russian conspiracy theory?

Liberals aren't even talking about reality anymore. they've created an entire narrative, and they only talk about it.

Please tell me this is January 5th and not the first of May.
>May 1st 2017
>Still falling for the 'Russia hacked le election' meme
You can't get any more pathetic than that.

He lost his colbert show because of his anti asian twitter rant.

Colbert is a dumb pro establishment entertainer like the rest.

Just do research for more than 5 minutes. There are ties.

>Right: Obama is illegitimate!!! Fuck government!!!
>Left: Trump is illegitimate!!! Fuck government!!!

(((They))) are setting up for the installation of a one world government to (((fix))) the current system.

My favorite is "17 agency's are investigating and said Russia hacked the election" "can you name these 17 agency's?" "um... the FBI... CIA... Forest Service... and..."

>Hur Dur, Trump works for Russia Goyim! That why he attacked Russia' s ally Syria for Israel.
I hate these people

Leftists have such perverted thoughts. Truly degenerate minds

Projecting again Chaim?

>le paid to harass Trump man has another ebin moment

go back to r3ddit you shill

This is very homophobic desu senpai.

>He lost his colbert show because of his anti asian twitter rant.

Does anyone have screencap of his tweet

If you think this is homophobic than you are a racist Nazi. Go back to stormfront faggot.

>the polack speaks about denying reality


>using gay as an insult

how is it ok when he does it?

Found the shareblue

>its there if you look, but uhhhhh i dont know the answer right now
doesnt answer my question

What makes it better is all of these agencies based everything on the one report by Clowdstrike which was proven to be inaccurate. If he were still around, McCarthy would be impressed that the commies are so good at playing the game he created.

Listen up goyim. Colbert is working for us so BTFO!!!


They never reveal anything about their claims; just that Muh Putin controls Trump and somehow hacked the election

Steven Cuckbert Sucks the balls of George Soros. So he should look in a fucking mirror.

This is pretty homophobic desu senpai
How can he get away with this queer shaming?

>Trump's a faggot!
Wow! I hate fags, fuck trumpf!

ITT: pic related

and he's a Sunday school teacher?

What exactly has he done in office that shows he's Putin's puppet?

Colbert who is bought out is using vague and childish insults against the very opponent he was exposed to be on salary in order to attack him?

Colbert doesn't have a fucking clue. Like many careless Catholics, he promotes anything he "feels" like, because hey, God has a plan, man!

You mean (((Saturday school))) teacher?!

((They)) wanted war with russia for getting rid of its central bank, and Trump winning fucked that plan up. So now they still talk about russia being the next hitler but say trump is cockriding putin because he doesnt go along with their plot.

Communism is shit leftypol.

>Leftists are still doing the Russian conspiracy theory?
Only the Kremlin is trill trying to pretend their 'active measures' were all just a "conspiracy theory". As a security professional, I've met with the analysts at Crowdstrike, BelinCat and ThreatConnect on the mountains of digital evidence they've gathered. The CIA was already recording and monitoring the Russian Embassy and Kremlin when Trumps transition team was receiving their instructions. Plenty of righties know that Russian hacking is real and continues to be a national security threat to America. I refuse to believe that the liberals are the only patriots left in America.

God should do something about that (((pope)))

>poltard speaks about poltard denying reality

Dinosaur media sure knows how to exhibit death throes.

quick, what's a good comeback?

Why haven't we gone after Colbert? That would be good for Sup Forums

>trump is putins puppet!
>and...that's how he'll...START WW3 WITH RUSSIA
was hilarious watching the rights propaganda dept have a brain fart

>You mean (((Saturday school))) teacher?!
no, he said he was a Sunday school teacher

like what kind of ties?

Because this board can never plan ahead and has the attention span of a kid with adhd on crack.

"What's so bad about sucking dick? Is Stephen Colbert a homophobe?"

There, I just wrote the next HuffPo piece.

did you really need to include the word "literally"?

Supposed to sound tough and funny but it just comes off as him being a whiney bitch. Liberals really don't get that all the bellyaching is just making them look like sore losers. There are plenty of criticism that can be leveled at Trump yet he chose the Russia angle which is completely unproven.

you're a sad strange little doublenigger, and you have my pity

Lol, trump the cock holster.

This meme is growing ever truer by the day. His childish humor, all liberal humor as a matter of fact, has to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
He will be sputtering GLMPF sounds to a laughing audience by the end of the year.

I guess he didn't hear that Trump bombed Assad's weapon storage and is now at odds with Putin.

I literally did

He knows podesta

>Sup Forums is home of the (((alt-right)))
You're thinking of reddit

Cock holster is pretty great, I'm gonna have to give it to him on this one

they've been in contact with each other man!
presidents talking to each other?
so is china

fuck off nigger

The joke is obviously in Trump being subservient to Putin, dumbass.

Trump to Colbert: "Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun."

The politicians and business men in Trump's cabinet have political and business ties to other countries. This is BAD!

>when the one side is actively colluding with russia and the other side sold weapon secrets to china

Can I get off this ride?

Do you see the age Colbert is experiencing now? Its the age caused by extreme lying. His Colbert shtick wasnt real lying. Thats why his youth remained. But then he got the Letterman show and was forced to start the real tricks. And the real tricks take their toll. He's had the show less then a year, and he's already looking like death.

All these shills in here

That incident was years before he stepped down. He left his old show willingly because his current gig is higher paying / more prestigious

How did the Russians hack my ballot?


>trying to shame and insult someone by calling them a dick sucking faggot

that's not very progressive. Colbert should check his privilege.

>Forest Service

idk why but that made me kek

So brave, so funny, such wow, 100000 leddit sheckles

But it has homophobic undertones. I don't appreciate that kind of """""""""humor""""""""" coming from my television personalities. He needs to be fired.

someone really needs to break this mans jaw

Colbert is a shameless deep state shill, when he dies I hope people shit on his grave.