If homogeneous society is good, Why does the people including me hate Japan?
If homogeneous society is good, Why does the people including me hate Japan?
your society was crushed by the judaic west
post eye or gtfo
Stupid jap fuck
Go suck on American penis
Post face/eyes with timestamp, or stop making these threads.
do you want to see my passport? dumbfuck
ive seen your wife's passport five times now, show us your face.
What do you think are Japan's biggest social issues?
Fuck that failed
You've lived with it all your life, so you take it for granted.
If so, Immigrate
sometimes should learn from Chinks
English teacher
Because Japanese aren't homogeneous. They're inbred Koreans mixed with Ainu.
We don't give a fuck about your passport, we want to see your stupid gook eyes.
It's the homo that makes homogenous any good
Because you're a weab English teacher and not a true Japanese. How about you fucking leave Japan if you hate it so much? Fucking snowniggers.
but Why do I have to show my personal info on vietnese chat forum?
Because your schooling is so shit. South Korea FTW.
>tfw based nip in canada gettin white woman to do degenerate shit to my nip balls
A society that is 100% cockroach is worse than a society that is 80% Dog and 20% cockroach
Is that why we need 200,000 immigrants?
Grad student here. How easy is it to teach english over seas? I wouldn't mind crushing foreign pussy while making money.
I love Japan.
Stay strong, you are the Aryans of the east. Right up there with Med/Nords as the master race.
I like japan, I even took japanese in collage even though its useless in my current world. I'm saving up for a camping vacation in hokkaido.
All asian countries are societal (and most of the time literal) hellholes.
unironically capitalism
It is your inner desire to become White. Japan is degenerate beyond saving.
people hate japan? and you post this on Sup Forums of all places?
op you are legit faggot
Because the only Jap flags that post on Sup Forums are expats or active duty military