It's literally false advertising. Imagine waking up next to pic related.
Makeup can't make you have a chin
As someone who has also suffered from acne let me ask you this
Wtf is your problem?
She doesn't look bad at all
How did you clear your face up?
We know what your problem is you faggot, you have a deformed fucking cancer face bubbling with puss.
anyone with a set of eyes can spot her face rotting off at the bottom, makeup-or not.
Just open your fuckin eyes and don't stick your meat into anything with a pulse and you won't have to worry about cosmetics.
Wtf is YOUR problem?Just take a fucking shower
>cover shit instead of healing it.
It's that herpes or what?
I now realize why it's needed it should be the law
Every girl should wear makeup even in the privacy of their home
Blister face.
Go pop a nose pimple and buy some more kike creams.
Nothing in particular other than washing my face and stuff daily. It goes away in time, but i still get the odd pimple.
That's a lot of herpes.
If you have acne you should just kys.
Disgusting people cannot keep their skin clean. Plus shit genetics.
Oh, your feelings, faggot?
you'll have to defeat the fallen angel Azazel first.
>can't tell from the highly textured skin
men sure are retarded
i highly doubt she sees a dermatologist. if you walked in with an infection like that, a doctor would prescribe you the strongest shit ASAP.
Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles and onions on a sesame seed bun.
Virgin here, is that Herpes?
her face looks fucked up one the right still
Stop falling for the 3D trap user
You'll be shocked at how average/borderline ugly most women look without makeup. Even 1/10's easily become a 5 with makeup. It just makes you appreciate it even more to see an actual pretty women with no shit on her face.
>racemix with a gook
>child inherits your shitty acne
lmao cucks btfo
why would you ban one of the easiest ways in spotting an insecure emotionally unstable cunt?
makeup can't hide ugly. it only accentuates beauty. otherwise you get a cakeface like in OPs pic.
some women look even better w/o makeup like kim kardasian.
How do you get this shit so bad? Never seen anything like it irl
After all that pizza clears up she'll be kinda cute.
If you get close to her you could still see the huge bumps on her face. It's still a dead give away.
Looks like an autoimmune condition, where the immune system attacks the skin. Or she just wears too much make up all the time, causing massive irritation to the skin.
Is it true that semen can help against acne?
She still looks awful in the right.
Luckily, it's easy to recognize which women use makeup to hide something and which ones just to "enhance" their faces. Because every fucking woman uses makeup. We can't get rid of it so easily.
If she'd stop putting on 4 pounds of make up every day that shit would clear up.
Just take a week off from going outside and she'll look human again. A trip to the dermatologist for some hyper strong acne medication would help.
She is cute. She should get medicsted ointment and use less make up 4 sure.
>t. Sweden
yes. rub some in your face.
Man, I fixed my face with Accutance and it too forever.
These girls can paint there face and it's gone.
Really makes you think who is walking around hiding something.
if that cunt stopped wearing pounds of makeup every day her face would clear up significantly
Did she suck off too many herpes dicks?
That much makeup is probably why she has such bad acne.
It's definitely Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun.
pls respond
Accutane. Get accutane fast
She actually looks worse in the right
On the left she has a rash
On the right it looks like her flesh is peeling off.
I actually feel bad for the girl in OP
Why do men look inherently better than women even though they don't wear makeup?
I guess its a bit of a dark circle. She uses makeup to hide the severe acne and to feel somewhat comfortable to go out in public. But using a lot of makeup probably only adds to her acne problems.
>WTF is that!?!
from the thumbnail I thought she had a herp flair up or somshit but its worst, that shit isn't going away.
She is beautiful though.
The acne sucks, sure, but that can go away if you work really hard at it (and not putting fucking makeup over it, making it worse)
When a man looks more feminine he is more pretty boy when a man looks more rugged he is masculine
When a woman doesnt look feminine she just looks like a dude
>men look better
Yea, no
>tfw you wear makeup to be hotter only for it to make you uglier because you're a nasty bitch that doesn't wash your face, but just cake more shit on it reducing your actual attractiveness.
Why don't you give up animal products and do some liver/kidney flushes?
The body has 3 ways to push out acidic waste. Piss, poop, and skin. If you're kidneys aren't filtering to pee or poop it out, its coming out your skin. Study the lymph system and its relation to the kidneys. I used to have really bad acne too. GL man.
No. It looks like acne.
If I pop those zits will she die?
Haha you're such a virgin no one replies.
I'm a virgin too.
I'm just saying, if it does help then I wouldn't mind helping her if you know what I mean
It would be extremely painful
I would be okay with this tbqhwy famalam.
That shit would be obvious up close in real life, makeup or not. Have you ever even talked to a woman? You bitter, absolute fucking walnut.
I knew a girl like this in school. She thought the makeup made her look better, but it just got more people laughing at her behind her back. It must suck to have acne that bad, but trying to cover it up by caking on makeup makes you look like a clown.
He said men
cystic acne on chin
take a cold shower and stop eating shitty food faggot, and for god sake wash your sheets
but it would be extremely painful.
Men, as in humans.
Is the Lovely Melissa Moore. No?
Make up itself is pretty damaging and men usually don't wear make up.
If she man'd up and started popping them and eating more healthy they wouldn't be so bad
>Uses a image of a famous celebrity that has a team of people to ensure he looks as good as possible
That's not acne on her face it's fucking AIDS
put a cork in it, pizza face. no one cares
shes hideous dude
>man'd up
>wanting the government to ban something you don't like
>giving the government that much power
This is why national socialist and fascist are a million times more retarded then communist.
acne has nothing to do with hygiene you imbecile. have you ever seen a bum with acne?? it's all diet related.
obviously it comes from a fucking leaf
>like kim kardasian.
looks like a discount riley reid
Also, not eating sugar and low quality fats is usually enough to become healthy and good looking.
The bitch needs to wash her face with toothpaste.
Those zits have shadows
Which demon taught us Makeup? Azazel right?
Why everyone thinks this is acne? It's a rash like eczema on her face. Even worse than wearing makeup on acne all that crap is irritating her skin more.
You a big guy
Beat me to it, faggot
Because you see the white heads you dumb fucking leaf, day of the rake when
acne aint shit compared to psoriasis
man up faggot
imagine waking up as pic related ahaha
disgusting, how does it get so bad?
Isn't putting on a thick layer of make-up over all those pores only going to make the acne worse?
she still looks like shit, and it's only the picture hiding the discolored skin/matte look of the makeup
it'd be obvious face to face
I've never understood the hatred of women who wear tons of make-up.
Do you HONESTLY think that bitch really looks like that? It boggles my mind, you know good and hell well that she looks completely different when she washes all that shit off.
I would assume so, I don't know maybe they have makeup that doesn't make it worse but I doubt it. My guess is her face looks so bad because she's been trying to cover it up for so long instead of treating it.
>just take a shower
Bullshit. As someone who used to have disfiguring acne, I can tell you that personal cleanliness can only go so far. I kept my sheets and pillow meticulously clean, showered twice daily, and washed my face several times a day with all sorts of overpriced soap for years to no avail.
Accutane was the only thing that actually worked.
Bitches be all fake and shit
-Plato, 375BC
I can see that bitches acne though the makeup. I realize this is hard for you Sup Forums, but try not to be fooled by mere color. Texture and topography are things as well.
As a male I have never need to wear makeup. What do caked up whores need to hide?
Makeup should be banned. I can live without so can you
I pop all of mine, I have cystic acne too. just pop it and wash often