So Sup Forums, tell me again why Marxist communism does not work and is a waste of time.
I'm strictly speaking about total Marxim and not some bastardized version of communism that some shit countries are using.
So Sup Forums, tell me again why Marxist communism does not work and is a waste of time
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meant to kill the 1%, killed 50%
Can you read? I'm talkung about total marxism, no country has ever even come close implementing it.
It' slightly different from communism, and completely different from communism Russia or cuba is has/had
Because it wouldn't work, and the hunt for a ethopan society will lead to total chaos, pluss we are doing pretty good as it is.
You people are so easily manipulated, get out
Tankies go home. Marxist Leninist socialism is literal cancer that has killed over 60 million people starting with any and all semi rational voices with positions of power within the party itself.
The result, now fuck off
Under communism you're stuck in the certain class you're born into. Everyone will be lower middle class or poor as fuck. The politicians and military officers will live rather lavishly while you eat potatoes the size of thumb. Communism makes it impossible to progress socially. Communism doesn't get rid of the class system. It only works to put the power in the hands of the few. At least with capitalism someone can move up and attain capital and resources, even though it's getting harder.
Communism is shit tier
digits confirm
>l be lower middle class or poor as fuck. T
Dude communism is the complete lack of class. Politicians and every other person makes the same amount of money. No one is better or more powerful than the next.
>no money
>no government
>no class
>everyone voluntarily hands in everything they produce to the community
Why would anyone do difficult jobs like doctors if they got the same reward for doing an easy one?
Not much better than what it ends up being, they're both equally insane.
Remember to sage.
The thing is there is no reward. We cant have nice things because people like you think that you should get something out of doing something, and dont just do things for the greater good.
It exists solely to take away liberty. Fuck that
>So Sup Forums, tell me again why Marxist communism does not work and is a waste of time.
1) The people who advocate for forced worker ownership of the means of production wouldn't know what to do if they got it. The economy would crash and burn
2) Believe it or not, most people don't want socialism or communism.
3) It's a retarded ideology created by lazy, entitled assholes with zero business experience and zero knowledge of economics. Marx was a lazy bum that nobody respected, not even his family. He left a trail of stench everywhere he went and was always looking for his next gibs. His only talent was convincing future generations that being lazy and having no aspirations makes you a victim.
historical materialism doesn't exist
anyone who has actually read Hegel would understand this
>people like you
OK, donate all of your paycheck to help the homeless. Prove to me that you are a real Communist. What's that? You can't? It's almost as if we, as humans, like to have things.
>muh liberty
nu-Sup Forums
most people can't even conceptualize something like "the greater good"
Marxism is retarded and incomplete, it fails to conceive of a service based economy like the one we live in. IT WILL NEVER WORK. Just stop. Grow up.
Because most people are greedy
>Politicians and every other person makes the same amount of money.
This either never happens or you have the situation described above where wealth disparity is even worse for the poor because every instance of pseudo communist government throughout history has failed abysmally at destroying the concept of wealth class.
Thanks, I was gonna post this but you beat me to it.
Yes, welcome to life. You expend energy for reward. Nobody would do things like shovel human shit if assholes like you think they shouldn't be rewarded for it. Admit it, you picture yourself creating art or poetry, not doing, hard, dirty work. You entitled faggots are so cringey.
Max was the founder of modern economics. If you read a macro economics text book then read Das Kapital, you will see that Marx was a revolutionary for his time, understanding how our economy would work before it really existed.
Finland is dumb. It's full of a bunch of squinty-eyed chinks.
>Max was the founder of modern economics.
HAHAHAHAHA!!! I've seen a lot of retarded shit come out of Marxists, but that takes the cake. Congrats.
>forgot pic
This is the most retarded thing I have ever read
>I'm talkung about total marxism, no country has ever even come close implementing it
Yeah that's because a leader has to decide who gets what and generally decided he gets most. That's why it doesn't work, faggot.
I do hard dirty work every day and am content with it because I know that society is benefiting from my work even though I am being paid shit.
Bullshit. Stop lying.
>So Sup Forums, tell me again why Marxist communism does not work and is a waste of time.
Because you can't magically force everyone to share things equally across the board at a societal level without there being a government structure to enforce it.
Its because of people like you that we cannot have nice things.
Let's. It forget that it's an economic system created entirely in theory by a guy who lived with a friend that leached off his wealthy parents... a guy that never worked and a guy that wasn't a FUCKIN ECONOMIST.
>tell me again why Marxist communism does not work and is a waste of time.
Burden of proof is on you
>So Sup Forums, tell me again why I won't fly if I jump off a tall building?
You do have nice things, liar. Everyone in America does, including the so-called "poor" who usually own a car, has the latest I-phone and is overweight. What percentage of your altruism income do you voluntarily send to the skeleton children in Africa, and how many skeleton kids do you see in the USA? Yeah, didn't think so.
We need a mandate that has anyone who brings up Marx unironically getting necklaced in the town square.
>No one is better or more powerful than the next.
Reality begs to differ. People will just find other ways of differentiating themselves. Good luck holding that together.
>Please tell me why my ultra super specific brand of Marxism doesn't work. It hasn't even been tried!
Said every commie who ever got into power. And remind me how many successful communist countries there are today that haven't moved to a mixed economy? Yes, even communists who don't follow your ultra super never been tried before perfect Marxism
cuba was close and it's impossible to implement just as Adam Smith style capitalism is impossible
>reality will never measure up to my communist fantasies, check mate capitalist pigs!
It's pretty easy to talk a good game with your utopian pipe dreams. How come no one has ever bothered actually trying out le real Marxism before? It'd honestly help if we had a real life baseline upon which to judge how awesome it's be to live under Marxism...
>food insecurity
LOL! They know hardly anyone is involuntarily starving, so they have to come up with bullshit categories based on recommended nutritional macros... From the same bureaucrats who told everyone that eating fat is bad\makes you fat, causing companies to replace it with sugar.
>Low food security: reports of reduced quality, variety, or desirability of diet. Little or no indication of reduced food intake.
Real communism has never been fully implemented
leads to dictatorship
no checks and balances
>my special snowflake version of communism is the only true communism and every other communism that has ever been tried wasn't communism at all
Well, I'm sure that's a very reasonable foundation for risking millions of murders at the hands of our own governments, again!
>But it wasn't real Marxism
Lol. What a dipshit response
You don't get to dismiss the evidence that it doesn't work as simply being "bastardized versions of communism." Look at all of those "shit countries." That's life under communism. It would be no different if it were to be implemented anywhere else.
The base idea of Marxism, that being a utopia that has surpassed physical wants, is poison to the human condition. Human success is defined solely in the context of austerity, stress, and struggle. The basal level of a satisfied "person" both physically and mentally, requires a stressor to work against. This is exhibited through hypertrophy and cardiovascular improvement in the presence of physical work, and through mental capacity via everything from learning your multiplication tables to building a shelter from concept.
To want to remove the idea of struggle and risk of failure is a want to remove humans from the equation as a whole. There is no indication in any form of reality that removal of a stressor that was not permanently crippling resulted in a positive effect on the person in question.
If you disagree, then please tell me why olympians are not people who "saved their strength" on a couch for 20 years, or why renowned scientists all have decades worth of education instead of having played video games for a decade, or why Toastmasters is always listed by public speakers as an improvement tool, or why musicians will play thousands of hours in preparation of a performance.
Marxism, as a whole, shows a distinct lack of understanding of motivation and reward, both philosophically and neurologically.
It's unimplementable for one, and even if it was implementable, nobody wants to live in a world without property rights.
boy you're naive
It's impossible to obtain "true" communism without it being in heaven. And you wouldn't need it in heaven either.
It's a natural instinct of humans to have to do as low effort for the highest reward possible. With communism, you either get NEETs/Artist/Philosophers/etc with no one doing the hard work, or you get a leftist totalitarian state that forces people to do work. Both options lead to massive starvation.
And hypothetically speaking, lets say society is advanced enough to where intelligent AIs and robots can take care of the dirty jobs and everyone can be a NEET freely. All that is going to do is make mankind weak itself. Unable to adapt to anything nature offers. If humanity doesn't die out as every NEET is too lazy to even breed, it surely will crumble when the AIs and Robots are defeated by nature. Or can't solve a vital problem. Or when AI deems us unworthy of their labor/protection or inferior to them. Or when the robots die off. Or any number of outcomes. What ever the case, we will have become so genetically weak that we would die if anything wrong happened.
You need a way to make resources out of thin air in order for communism in any form to work.
Communists in the western world have realised that the fiscal system allows them to print money at leisure. Which postpones the problem until the bubble collapses.
This is also why the only form of communism to sort of work has been the free software movement. Which basically allows the creation of desired goods out of thin air.
You need a fully robotic workforce in order for communism to even begin working. Which is sadly ironic as communism will never want automation because it has stupid ties to worker movements.
>not real communism
>> muh "real" Marxism has never been tried before
Fuck off shill. Kill yourself
>Marxist communism
Not communism kek
look man, it's not hard to figure out that collective property is just a completely debunked idea. Go to any truck stop bathroom, that's an exercise in socialism. Not to mention the economic side of the house, socialism is literally an impossible environment for entrepreneurs. Nobody starts business and takes massive risks with zero payoff if the wealth gets distributed to the masses. The whole thing is just bunk. The only way anybody, invests, or for that matter takes care of any damn thing, is if they privately have a stake in what happens to it. Karl Marx was no different than these antifa fucks agitating for class warfare on the basis of the notion that you FEEL like you're getting ripped off, which is absolutely not difficult to convince somebody into feeling. Karl Marx caters to the most pathetic, greedy, violent parts of what ever poor sap that decides to read his garbage.
I mean seriously, labor theory of value? The dude was a fucking dolt.
Because this is reality you Smurf Faggot
No (You) just sage
After having gone through a Securities Regulation law final today, I cannot fucking agree with you more. Our entire system is based around the accumulation of collective capital and balancing risk and reward.
You want to make sure your kids never succumb to socialism? Have them do chores and in exchange, put some of their chore money towards penny stocks for them to choose and watch.
Also, keked at the truck stop bathroom. Gotta use that.
If I am not mistaken Marxism is the idea that the worker should be payed exactly by the work he is doing in other words basic LTV. Let us ignore the unethical behavior you want to implement on the other classes and the capitalists, how exactly do you want a Marxist society to be organized for LTV to be realized?
Or in short what and how is is this "true communism" I've heard so much about implemented.
Communism believes that man buys out of necessity rather than comfort. It's literally nigger-tier as an ideology. It needs capitalism to create and advance technology and make life easier, then socialism to slowly put it's own in positions of power, then like a pack of niggers forcibly take from capitalism the means of production, the technology used to produce goods. Doing so would reach a hating point for mankind where innovation wouldn't continue anymore because there's no need nor no gain in it. Communism collapses because it can't understand mankind, it believes man to be a rational and logical being unable to make errors.
My nigga