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lmao bump
OMG! Where does Antifa find all these manlets?
Did that guy ask what Valenzuela was?
Someone really needs to start bringing firecrackers to their open carry
Why do they hate Info Wars? Surely Alex Jones is about figuring out the truth about reality etc... (even if he may not get it right)
>What the fuck is Venezuela?
Holy shit
I recognize the guy in the bandana at the beginning saying "FUCK INFOWARS."
Fairly sure it's him. Last I checked he was homeless but he's an insane druggie youtuber.
>we're celebrating Alex Jones losing his kids
This makes me very upset.
Half of them are beaners and women. Beaners and women love their gommunism.
Manlet, low muscle mass, insecure, won't look you in the eye, low test voice. Jesus Christ
Ikr, a basic knowledge of geography seems kinda lacking in America
Lmfao, who was chanting that?
what the fuck is venezuela
I didn't know or care what Venezuela was before I heard Commies destroyed it. Same goes for all the countries to our south, I just think of them as "where those shitskins keep coming from"
Is antifa made up of only white failures?
what is a leppo?
Seems to be. The guy in the beginning saying FUCK INFOWARS is a youtuber named "trotchky." His videos consist of him doing drugs and insane ramblings.
Antifa literally has the mentality of 12 year old girls
>repeat simple one worded phrase nine times
This is a weird group of kids. They all have a certain look to them. Can't put my finger on it...
I thought they were saying "one solution, revolution"
You know, a final solution or something
Then you are just as retarded as they are
Sudaca detected.
Boy, state subsidized public education works great!
how do you like them apples
Look at these skinny malnourished fucks, then look at the lads they were marching against.
What the fuck do they think they're going to achieve?
what is wrong with college kids these days? Is this what they do when their degree's in talking about their feelings doesn't earn them a job?
>white shariah!
They look pretty white to me in fact most libs are self hating white folk.
Why the fuck do these turbo autists always wear bandanas on their faces? Cringe overload
What's wrong with iced tea?
Dat k31 at the 1:10 mark. Dat man has good taste.
Guy at the beginning is a literal autist tho.
I'm fairly certain it's him.
Cheeky scrubs! Guys, don't forget to get your official Kekistan T-Shirt!
Oh shoot, you're right. Thanks.
I bet they don't even realize the significance/historical context behind what they're saying. Stupidity on this level is absolutely dangerous.
Blows my mind that communism isn't being instantly stomped down as soon as it pops its head up. How fucking insane and delusional do you have to be to think that Trump supporters are actual Nazi's?
God forgive me, but I truly despise men with no Testosterone.
antifa confirmed
trotchky: +GentleGinjeet You're not aware of other alternatives to capitalism than communism? Wow you're stupid.
That fact that it's mass produced by a private company who makes a profit off of their product. True communists should not use products made by private companies.
Kind of looks like the guy at the beginning of the Infowars video.
How fucking insane do you have to be to think Communism is a good idea? It has failed horribly every single time, and results in poverty and millions of dead
all of May 1st protests, only a video is of cuck fag who has no clue
what a waste these people are
Alex is an old fucking man to these people lad.
that's not something to be proud of, skippy
these people are leeches, can't produce anything, so they want to legally steal
ShariaBlue, I gotta admit this was pretty clever.
But how long did you actually think you could go before we caught on?
Wow I actually had to look that one up old man
Bump. Is that Aids Skrillex at the beginning?
What the hell am I looking at? When does this happen in the movie?
I've always thought they do it in the hopes of getting laid, but I really don't know anymore.
>getting high of anxiety medication
Fucking degenerate. We need to look this cunt up on kikebook and link this vid to his emplo..... oh right.
Glasses, hair, eyes, voice. 100% it's him.
His YouTube channel is a gradual descent into madness. He's strongly opposed to "goal oriented thinking" and spent his time after dropping out of college doing drugs and living off of his parents money.
So, it's no surprise to see him in Alex's videos rambling against "fascists." If you want to know the fate of the average far leftist, there you go.
top fucking kek
>drug addict
>absolute degenerate
like pottery
Can someone report this faggot to the DEA?
>cops are helping the commies move safely down the street
Someone explain this to me. They do realize the cops are protecting them, right? Why don't they fight the police if they hate them so much?
This was the only protest I saw today where antifa were the ones that needed tl be protected.
Because they've been drinking too many soy lattes...
This does seem to be the victimized crowd-type:
trotchky: "im a victim of prolonged exposure to capitalism."
Seems like an insufferable cunt
they're all so short, deformed and weak looking. lol.
Goddamn. Those videos are fucking depressing to watch.
Greatest chant of all time
We need to figure out it's gender so we can say it 3 times backwards and sage this bitch back to the shadow realm
They are. His last video was released in October of last year. Somewhat surprised to see him out and about, as I had been under the impression that he was too far gone to survive homelessness/overly reliant on his folks.
But, still set in his ways of blaming capitalism for his personal setbacks. Wouldn't be surprised if he's still abusing drugs.
Does anybody else find it amazing that the gov't is letting these people gather together in dozens/hundreds wearing communist flags and black masks when they have a history of violence and behave like they are in a cult? It really shows that the government has completely lost touch with it's own function. We are fighting pointless wars overseas for unexplained reasons and yet a nation-wide communist army is pouring into the streets of every major city threatening people with violence and politicians almost never mention it. It's the weirdest thing. Are they sanctioned by the gov't or something?
Anybody else notice that like 75% of antifa are spoiled white women.
I was there earlier and took some videos and photos. It was good times.
I think I spotted one of /ourguys/
LMAO this fucking faggot needs to get his face stomped on.
These videos are a convincing argument for fascism
what are those red commie hoods some of them wearing called??they look like upside down KKK hoods.
That's Topo Chico, my friend.
>the moment of clarity when the first lad thought of something else than "fuck you info wars", being "fuck you fascist" and he proceeds to continue with that confidentially
Can confirm, fucking everyone in Austin drinks that shit.
If autism had a symbol.
Anecdotal evidence that leaving the house is the worst thing you can possibly do in end capitaism
William Wallace Pinochet showing off the flag he stole from a commie.
No cucks, no gays, no commie USA!
I kinda feel bad for them desu. A lot of them have pretty obvious mental health issues, zero marketable skills, zero job prospects outside of this paid identity politics. This is why they push so hard for communism. They would utterly fail in a true fascist system unless they put in a lot of hard work. They think the cost of living is free, and have never been taught that they have to work to secure their existence.
Communism is all they've got.
they need sine super male vitality and BONE BROTH
>they're literally all manlets
When will they ever, ever learn?
fucking weird
i saw a variation of this in NYC that was a hammer and a spoon
Naming (((them))), Free Kekistan, and a Praise Kek at the very end.
This is aids skrillex if aid skrillex was a drug addict
But user, they are merely just "student protesters", arresting them for speaking with their fists is the TRUE assault on the first amendment!
What I don't get is that there are quite a few successful more or less Communist societies here already, the Amanas, the Amish, the Hutterites, Oneida, etc. as well as countless smaller hippie and even right wing communes.
These people are authoritarians, they don't want to practice their communism in peace which is quite possible these days. They want to kill their enemy of the week, mainly white males.
That's the one thing that's always so embarassing about going up against riot. cops
It's just women and Manlets against fit, 6'+ guys in armor
Any video. The cops always tower over them
>"I've been living without goal-oriented thinking for 3 years"
aka embrace the NEETness
Wow, it's May Day and they look like they are on a death march.
Is it time to declare victory over Antifa or is that premature?
They had one tall guy but he was a total beanpole topkek.
Also notice how even though they had their clubs and pepper spray they didn't attack anybody. They were afraid.
Fucking Americans. Anti-fa is suppose to fight the cops. Pic related.
Confucius was a NEET, his books are comfy as fuck.
>"I lost a subscriber today"
feat. complete lack of facial expressions
Antifa member loses their wallet + "two genders."
Sounds like "Samuel Omar" to me.
That shit made me sad. He is a symptom of modern society.
did I hear 'white sharia'?
around 1:25