Operation #FireColbert

Stephen Colbert has recently made a very nasty and homophobic slur against President Donald Trump for his recent interview with John Dickerson of Face the Nation.

I don't appreciate this vitriolic hate speech, and I don't endorse this kind of language being out there for my children to potentially see.

So I implore my fellow members here at Sup Forums to see that we can voice our opinion and see if advertisers of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert™ are ok with endorsing this kind of poisonous, vitriolic hate speech, just like how we voiced our opinion on the actions of Bill O'Reilly.

Here are some of the frequent advertisers on The Late Show:

-Bank of America
-University of Phoenix

Any ideas will be much appreciated here in this thread. We don't appreciate hate speech, and we will not tolerate this kind of hate.

Other urls found in this thread:



We need to Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun.

need the video clip of him saying it

Sounds gay. Lets just spam his twitter with pepes like we always do.

Solution is pretty straightforward - do the same thing we did for gamergate. Write heartfelt letters to Colbert's advertisers expressing our disgust at Colbert's vile, homophobic language towards the POTUS and ask them to withdraw their financial sponsorship of his program.

You don't need to convince all of them, but if one or two pull their support Colbert will be in deep shit with the studio.

bump, this is not advertiser friendly at all

Colbert is the prime butt slut for Shekelstein he's unlikely to get fired.

yo why aren't you posting lewds?


Seriously, what year do you think it is? Can you not take a joke at all?

Getting your cock sucked is a most beautiful thing. The gay community must not permit such an offense to slide.

No, Colbert and John Oliver need to be destroyed. Sup Forums has to level war against them like they've done to others like Rick Wilson

Figures. People dumb enough to watch The Late Show would certainly be dumb enough to sign of for Phoenix University. They can pick the audience that's for sure.

If we can pool resources, we can write out a very well thought out email that we can send to these advertisers, letting them know that we don't like this kind of hate speech and if they'll continue to advertise on this homophobe's show.

This vile cuck has been brainwashing millenials with his "jokes" for too long. He must be brought to heal by the same methods being used on youtubers that take ad money, bitch and complain to brow beat his advertisers to cave. Enough double standards, Cuckbert is very close to the heart of the libtard-normie ethos. It would be a dividing blow if we could stir the pot, divide leftists and normies along fag-speech lines. It'd also be absolutely worth it for the keks.

Both pedos, obviously, as it's the only rational explanation for their irrational idiotry regarding a simple election outcome.

Just write your own. The last thing you want is copypasted shit getting sent to them - they'll just ignore it then.

The left is totally fine with homophobia. Deep down they hate gay people and use gayness as the ultimate insult. They think gays are their fruity little pets, they are extremely threatened by gays who are not obedient.

We win by slowly driving them insane to the point where they self destruct on their own.

left wingers and democrats cant be fired

Don't give this faggot attention. His whole career was dying until Trump got elected and he became a icon for Anti Trumpites. Giving him any attention and telling people he should be fired is exactly what his fans want and worship him for. Honestly they don't care about his content unless he is saying something anti-Trump and if Hillary got elected his career would be in the drain. His own viewers will realize what a hack he is if we don't give them a enemy to unite around.

Arent we supposed to be better than the virtue signalers who get offended over everything and censor those who disagree with them?

My parents like Stephen Colbert. He's just a CNN version of Jimmy Kimmel. So fucking what he said a naughty word. You cucks need to let people have something. Get tosh.0 off air or something. Shit. IDC about John Oliver tho fuck that guy.

>“Mr. Trump, your presidency? I love your presidency, I call it ‘Disgrace the Nation.’” Colbert said. “You’re not the POTUS, you’re the BLOTUS. You’re the glutton with a button. You’re a regular ‘Gorge’ Washington. You’re the presi-dunce. But you’re turning into a real prictator.”

>Colbert said Trump “attracts more skinheads than free Rogaine,” has “more people marching against [him] than cancer,” and talks “like a sign-language gorilla who got hit in the head.”

>Going all-in against the president, Colbert added: “Sir, the only the only thing your mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin’s cock holster.”

Bump m8 doing God's work OP.

you should really dig up old racist and sexist jokes he has made too. it was kind of alright for him to do this shit as a comedy central host but not as a late night talk show host.

>im offended lets get him fired!

literally liberal tier butthurt

live by the sword die by the sword. They draw blood first.

it'll be painful, but go on reddit and read some of the leftie outrage. then practice writing a few letters until it looks like the same bullshit they say.

you need to leave this site and never return. You don't belong here.

He got fired from the colbert show for his anti asian rant, we can do it again.

Link: thedailybeast.com/articles/2017/05/01/stephen-colbert-demolishes-trump-for-insulting-face-the-nation-host-john-dickerson.html

Archive: archive.is/xmJGw

>B-but they did it first, and we're no better than them!!!

OP just make five or six threads like this and it'll gain traction and it'll get done.

Bump. Death to Colbert. Someone post the video of him saying something about sucking cock.

you only respect respectful people, excess chivalry is stupid.

Fuck off, faggot.

Don't be fucking stupid. We don't want advertisers listening to sjw regressive whiny bullshit. Promoting this against someone you don't like will fuck you over in the long run.

@CathyBessant Is the BoA CTO target the VPs and just under them to get to the presidents office response staff. Target female VPs if possible, as they tend to have the most to lose in a corporate structure. All these companies will typically have a junior VP manning the social media channels. Go after the leadership ask for resolution as a customer. Yelling into the air on the internet will not get you as far as a targeted operation.

To defeat the Jew you must become the Jew

>i-i-m totally not offended h-heh

>entire argument is just insulting him with pure hate
Jesus Christ how little self awareness do these people have? Samantha Bee and the smug liberal problem is another perfect example. The cognitive dissonance is impossible to comprehend

CBS Corporate Email: [email protected]

Ford Corporate Email: [email protected]

Volvo Corporate Email: [email protected]

Use the lefty weapons against the lefty? Noice.

Works for them though desu.

Send him to the UK as a failure, like Piers Morgan?

>calling advertisers to drop him can be conflated to the act of calling on the government to censor speech

You concerntrolls are horrible.

no it wont lol

> itt: neo-pol sjw division get triggered
Shit like this will get a Democrat elected. Let the left eat him

Got any links to whom I might direct an email or letter?

Sending a "to whom it may concern" to fucking Bank of America won't get me anywhere.

Add Trevor Noah and that Moshe faggot too

This is true

Ford seems easy considering their new relations with Trump

They're fine with it as long as they work and vote for them. Same goes for minorities and any minority in general. If you break free, they'll ignore you if they can't destroy you.

concern, no, revenge, sweet sweet revenge

That banter is some of the shittiest I have ever seen. What happened to the guy who made the Colbert Report? He used to be actually funny and didn't always pander exclusively to the establishment left even if he was always a democrat.


I agree. This should not be allowed.

If he were still on Comedy Central, that would be one thing.

But this is the main host of the Tonight Show making a homophobic joke in public.

If the liberals do not call for his resignation, they will be proven to be hypocrites, which we already know they are, but just more proof that they don't have any real principles.

Bump for hanging the fags


read the thread


Hey honestly aren't some of you just a little bored? The Antifa crowds are getting manhandled by the cops. The SJWs are wondering around looking for a target they can't seem to find. I just see a bunch of posts about LARPING white nationalist leaders and shills posing as White Nationalist. Then there are the posts about how Sup Forums rules the world etc etc etc.

Why not just try to go after Colbert and see where it goes?

I bet a woman wrote these jokes.

get out.
out out out

Shekel Shoah 2 here we come!

this user knows. Advice to you user. Act but dont waste energy trying to get victims to fight. They rarely do. Most wars are not fought by the majority population. The new landmass in this war is viewership and public awareness, that is all.

If they dont want to fight, they are just land to be fought over, and stepped on as needed.

Didn't refresh thread before posting.

Time to become a concerned citizen.

Colbert has been replaced by the pure Jewish neuroses of his writers. He doesn't even exist anymore.

it would be surprising if there was no shitstorm around this at least

i'm gonna follow this

University of Phoenix: [email protected]

Why so vicious?


Remember why Bill O'Reilly really got fired. It wasn't for sex harassment. All that stuff happened over a decade ago. It was because he said Maxine Waters looks like James Brown.

If that was a fireable offense, then homophobic jokes certainly are.

We would need to go after the advertisers the same way they did with O'Reilly. Remember? They didn't go after Fox News. They went to the advertisers, like BMW, Hyundai, and whoever.

Get the ads pulled from Colbert.

This is gay and reddit tier. Let him make his joke. Use it as an excuse to make more joke about the things they care about. It's just words. Lose your sense of humor and we loose ourselves.

Yeah seriously. Watching him issue some kind of apology to the LGTBQ people is going to be funny. But they'll spin it like

>"I shouldn't compare Trump to gay people. That was wrong of me. Gay people are better than that!"

>[laugh track]

is it just me or are hashtags somewhat useless, so in that case how would you go about publicizing this?











>getting a man fired for a joke

When did the right become the "tolerant" left?

i have no problem boycotting all of those companies.

and university of phoenix? lol. no wonder snowflakes are fucking morons with university of phoenix seeing you as a prime demographic.

>t. google ai v0.82 beta

Youre a complete faggot, OP, however i can get behind your fire Colbert cause because hes a bigger enemy.

This is war. Principles don't matter. All that matters is body counts.


holy shit he's mad as fuck. did we meme Colbertposting into existence?

We'd need convincing SJW twitter accounts to get the outrage going. He is a fucking dirt bag.I fucking hate him so much.

I'm not offended, I just want to see him get fired.

>le LARP

you faggots are so cringy

>hate speech
>muh children

Lol. So quick to anger when the hate speech gets pointed your way, eh nazis?

*sips tea*

This is a complete list advertisers on CBS


Can someone help me get the emails with them?

Someone's too much of a newfag to remember how Gamegate went.

The advestisers started pulling out and the collective media freaked out so bad about losing money they combined forces to push the "gamergate is about harassing women" narrative. And it backfired on them too. One of Colbert's worse rated shows was when he had Anita on. The shows rating spiraled down after that.

So yeah, we can make a big difference even if it starts out in small waves.

It won't catch on. It wouldn't matter if someone called Trump a niggerfaggot. Everyone has a free pass to say anything they want about him (up to and including death threats).

HELL YES. I've been waiting for this since I first saw that slithery cunt, let's get that fucking faggot booted out on the streets. Now, what is the plan? I will do fucking anything to rid America of that scum.

You are hypocrites.

You call Obama a n****r which is a very offensive term to African Americans yet when someone makes a joke about trump you start crying and trying to end the comedians career for free speech?

Well this makes it a history of bigoted hate speech.

Who can forget the incredibly racist Ching Chong Ding Dong hate segment that he tried to pass off as "parody".



Colbert actually made it through gamergate alright because he has a little online army that's a well kept secret. They will show up and start defending him. Just saying. You have to ignore those guys, don't bother arguing because they aren't here for logic, they are just there to stall and stifle things.

Look at this leaf nigger trying to get moral while we're plotting how to destroy some anti-American cuck.


We want to destroy him. This is our pretext.