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Why should we care?
t. atlanta antifa in Czechland
Have a bump to reverse this bohunks sage
Antifa and BLM vs bikers and Confederate flaggers.
It's a happening
Stream? All the others all but died.
>sisterfucking hillbillies are upset that their participation trophies are being taken away
Just tell them that Davis was a Tranny-he was.
They won't knock the statue down then.
>screenshotting your own unfunny tweet
shut up nigger
>letting democrats try to hide their history
Make them choke on it.
>tfw I have a final and can't make it down there
God damn it.
Duly noted
This gonna be good
any streams?
>Screenshot of your own tweet
Hi T_D
>unfunny tweet
>~13.8k retweets, ~28k likes
You bogan losers would fit right in with our own redneck offal, so I can understand why you'd want to rush to their defense. You feel a primal sense of kinship.
So southern democrats who commisioned the monuments now want their involvement with fighting FOR the institution of slavery to be hidden from reality?
Makes total sense.
A group of Jewish lawyers funded this take down of the monuments btw.
Charge your phone
Can you believe Drumpf is trying to use his status top erase the existence of America's first Trans-Woman President?
We can't let this act of Cis-Patriarchy stand
This is a real opportunity for Sup Forumstards to larp. Can someone get there and take some pictures?
>people clicking a like button means it's funny
know where you'd fit in?
>tfw not amerifag so can't dome some commie fucks at these habbedings
I wish I was americunt
I find it funny that the same exact Europeans who buy into the "fat, violent, uneducated burger-munching mart-sharting retard" meme regarding Americans are so quick to defend these "Southern Pride" goons; the very same people solely responsible for portraying this unflattering image to the world.
Good Goys
You're thinking of Jews. Jews are the ones that push that idea/stereotype.
You can blame the noble Southron all you want but at the end of the day the kikes will keep hating you and being the ones to call you an Amerifat.
There is a concerted effort from the left to draw us into a Civil War. We could easily destroy the MLK STATUE in Atlanta but haven't. Don't fuck with Jeff Davis and you Niggers stay away from Nathaniel Bedford Forrest in Memphis.
But there is no doubt the left wants us dead.
Yeah okay kiddo
I agree.
Good goy
>There is a concerted effort from the left to draw us into a Civil War.
But the question is, do you really want to get your inbred asses kicked a second time?
It ended tonight. The left will eat shit. When the rebels are pissed only the National Guard can stop them.
Nolafag here ama
Eternal yankee strikes again.
Will you go over to Cafe du Monde and pick me up some beignets?
Post pic of proof
And how's the crowd what's going on
Do not actually live in nola. Live in suburb outside city but go to work in city
cool ISIS propaganda pic bro
any live stream or they dont have the infrastructure?
This, need a stream pronto.
Jefferson Davis is literally my One of my great grandfathers.
We can't let them get away with this.
They announced he's coming down at 2am.
The antifa are there, they chased out the cuckservatives.
Do we have a stream?
I have been looking, cant find anything.
Most I've got is NOLA PD radio
I feel like counting "points" and "triangles" as separate objects is cheating.