Illegal Immigration

How can retards like this actually support illegal immigrants?

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No idea why they support beaners. Businesses will want to hire beaners over niggers.

Because they Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun.


the only people who support mass immigration are companies who want more pseudo slaves and libcucks who think these people are poor refuguees

There is literally nothing wrong with us latinos.

They love that spic cock

You oppose illegal just because you are afraid of becoming a minority. Nothing else.

>As further evidence, Richwine cites a review of 39 studies by the Clemson psychologist Philip Roth and colleagues that reports that Hispanic-American IQs average 89.2 points.

We don't need sub 102 IQs in our country.

Yes, you do. Many jobs don't require a very high IQ. Also, read this.

>Latinos are significantly impacting the growth in number of small businesses in the United States. The State of Latino Entrepreneurship 2015 report revealed that between 2007 and 2012, the number of LOBs grew by 46.9 percent compared to just 0.7 percent for non-Latino owned businesses, an extraordinary level of entrepreneurship that suggests Latinos play a substantial role in local job creation and economic development.

Latino-owned businesses = LOBs

Drug smuggling isn't a real job

Is this the best argument you could find? High IQ white person?

Latinos work hard

I'm planning to attend VidCon what should I say to francesca ?


Literally nothing wrong with LEGAL Hispanic immigrants. Illegal is always wrong regardless of skin color. No fence jumpers, line standers only

Umm facist and statist much?



MOST undocumented people are fine too. Unless they are actual criminals like narcos and thinks like that.

Kick and persecute the criminal illegals. Gang members, drug dealers, etc. Leave the honest hard-working undocumented mexican alone!!

shes black

Your culture is shit and not even you people prefer to live in your own country over glorious united states. We are glorious because of our culture and you beaners wont be allowed to pollute it. Stay on your side of the fence and build your own civilization out of that former marxist shit hole you call a continent.

Illegal immigrants aren't taking jobs at MTV.

blm doesn't matter

Explains why the USA had such a hard time overtaking Mexico and the rest of South America as the global superpower
Explains wht the USA and Canada are far more dangerous than any countries south of them
Explains why crime rates and drug smuggling is so low throughout central and south America compared to the US
Explains why Latinos account for more crime and welfare use per capita than whites in the US
Explains why millions upon millions of Latinos risk their lives to escape from the USA to Mexico for jobs and safety

It's clearly because white people are parasites and need shitskins to fix their broken countries
Thanks Columbia, so much us barbaric whites can learn from you

>How can retards like this actually support illegal immigrants?

- To boost Democrat voter roles
- To further support blue state economies with cheap illegal labor
- To undermined national sovereignty and satisfy their hatred for America
- To undermined true racial diversity with an infestation of over breading Latinos
- To conform to the Liberal and Media talking points

>Your culture is shit
You are very likely to be ignorant of Colombian culture

>not even you people prefer to live in your own country over glorious united states

40 millions of Colombians are currently living in Colombia with no plans of moving.

>We are glorious because of our culture
What culture? Your culture is a melting pot, gringo. Don't try to deny it. Also, there have always been "beaners", or Mexicans, in the US. Always.

Our history is pretty different. Our colonization was different. Some people opportunities in their homelands are different than in the US...
Chicanos are different than mexicans. So are Colombian-Americans than Colombias.

I read a paper of how immigration has get the crime rate lower in the US. lol.


Immigrants Do Not Increase Crime, Research Shows

They see the reduction if the white population as the ultimate goal and support whatever brings that about

Also, to say that your countries are better than our countries doesn't prove how latinos in the US are bad. It's completely a different point.

You think you are much more smarter than us, but you have a poor argumentative capacity

Why would I want to be a minority?


Although there are always individual exceptions, the literature demonstrates that immigrants commit fewer crimes, on average, than native-born Americans

Illegal immigration IS A CRIME YOU FUCKWIT
So is stealing social security numbers and avoiding taxes
If you're so obsessed with immigrants why not invite all of Venezuela over for free

yeah, it's whites who commit all the crimes

Then recognize this is your only "argument" against "beaners". There are nothing inherently wrong in them (us)

>Also, to say that your countries are better than our countries doesn't prove how latinos in the US are bad.
Where do Latinos come from exactly, you Hispanic intellectual?


>Black people actually want to work
They'd have found a way to legalize slavery if there waan't white oversight.
>There is nothing wrong with latinos

In small doses...

>reduction if the white population as the ultimate goal and support whatever brings that about

Democrat controlled megacities.

>So is stealing social security numbers and avoiding taxes

Most people go to the US to work and to send money back home. Most people on welfare are black or white, not latino people. Also, if you legalize the undocumented, they will start paying more taxes. Lastly, studies show that immigrants start contributing more than taking in few years.


There are no sources. Just the guys word. He doesn't even link the articles he "analyzed".

Do you honestly expect me to take this seriously?

Hes a filthy latino he doesn't know any better

She's a nigger kike pawn saying whatever her handlers want like most media.

They're fine in their own countries

And yes. I support Venezuelans in Colombia. They are wellcome.

Black people commit more crimes than latino. Most latino are honest and just want to provide their families.

And? SOme people are not to blame for the problems presented in a country. For example, I wasn't even born when Pablo Escobar was dealing with drugs. Why am I to blame?

What's wrong with them in large doses?

Google it. There are a concensus in this. Seriosly. I'm not lying, and this can help you to get out of cognitive bias and brain wash

What's wrong with them in the US.

The fact that they don't belong.

WTF Sup Forums is lying.

I have googled it. Germany and Sweden have seen an increase in rape, violent attacks, assault and sexual harassment by over 1000% since mass immigration.

Adding onto the fact that France has seen over 200 murders (an increase of about 100%) over the last year attributed solely from migrants to native french. Not including terrorist attacks.

Most illegals refrain from crime for obvious reasons. Their children commit more crime on average, use more benefits, and lower our cultural standards.

According to whom? Your ancestors were immigrants too. WHat makes them different?

We are talking especifically about latinos in the USA. I don't know about other cultures or people


>and lower our cultural standards
What does this even mean?

>Most illegals refrain from crime for obvious reason
Then you recognize your pseudoargument of illegals are bad because they commit more crime is not true. Also, there are many studies on diviersity and crime in the USA, that prove you wrong.

>your ancestors did x
>so everyone can do x
>coming here to suck up our benefits is the same as building a country

Then, illegal immigration in itself is a crime. If it's done legally, I don't give a shit. But ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is wrong.
>don't pay taxes
According to the Whitehouse, undocumented illegal immigrants cost several billion dollars every year.

Wrong. Hispanics commit more crime on average.

>Open up local business
>Staff entirely with your only family and friends, none of which are documented
>pay under table
>"Job creation"

>Most people go to the US to work and to send money back home.
This steals money from our economy and pumps it directly into theirs. What if we seized millions from your government and handed it out willy-nilly to random citizens here? It's fucking theft against an entire nation.
>Most people on welfare are black or white, not latino people.
I said "per capita" you moron
>Also, if you legalize the undocumented, they will start paying more taxes.
Then why the fuck are they illegal in the first place? Because it's funny?
>Lastly, studies show that immigrants start contributing more than taking in few years.
Yeah by being 20th century slave labor. But leave it up to a Hispanic intellectual to think that's a defensible position.

Just admit that you fucking NEED us. Stop with this pitiful defense.


>How can retards like this actually support illegal immigrants?
Because they live safely in their "white" gated communities.

>>coming here to suck up our benefits is the same as building a country
Latinos have always helped to build your country too. They have always been there. Always. SInce the very start of the nation. They have contributed with labor force, demand, and culture. Look at this for a recent example. If you say latinos are leeches of the welfare system you have to prove it. Most users of welfare are black or white. And, as i said before, immigrants (in general) tend to contribute more than they take to the state in few years.

>Then you recognize your pseudoargument of illegals are bad because they commit more crime is not true.
Literally every single one has committed a crime by coming illegally. 100% are criminals you dipshit.

"Don't pay taxes"
THen make them legal.

You haven't provided a single good argument against latinos illegals yet. You have just said they are wrong because they are wrong.

Not true. Look at your sources.

Illegal immigrants are undesirable to the nation of america. This is clear. They are a sovereign nation and have the right to make that determination. Just as your country has the determination to set and enforce its own laws.

Now go eat beans elsewhere

>then make them legal
That isn't on us, or, Americans. That's on them. You want in the country, don't be a fucking illegal, ruin your chances and go there illegally. Go do it by the fucking book, like ACTUAL FUCKING LEGAL LATINOS

You're so fucking retarded.

>How can retards
That's how user.

Some of these business grow, become larger and start hiring people from other races. The same article adresses that fact.

Wrong, none of this is true
I said Hispanics, not immigrants.

>This steals money from our economy and pumps it directly into theirs

That's not stealing, because they work for it. It's not free money. ANd you know, when a person work they are also giving a benefit to the employer, and the economy in general. That's why market economy benefits us all.

There are many gringos with business here, sending their profits and dividends back home, and it would be stupid to say they are "stealing" us anything.

>Then why the fuck are they illegal in the first place? Because it's funny?

Because getting a fucking visa is not easy for a non-rich latino. That's it. And no, it's not funny you godamm ignorant gringo.

>Yeah by being 20th century slave labor. But leave it up to a Hispanic intellectual to think that's a defensible position.
That's not slave labor. Is people working for a higer wage than the one they were working for in their homelands. It benefits everybody. They employer, the american consumer, the mexican, the chicano, etc.

>There are many gringos with business here, sending their profits and dividends back home, and it would be stupid to say they are "stealing" us anything.
1.your currency is worth dirt
2. It's not "being sent home", it's going to their corporation

>Just admit that you fucking NEED us
For what exactly? lol. You always need to feel superior our your brain explodes.

And the per capita argument goes in the same way. There are millions of latinos in the USA without welfare.

>It benefits everybody
It doesn't. It stagnates our wages and undermines the working class.

It doesnt matter what you use to try to justify it, we dont want you and thats all that matters. your going to leave and thats that. and we have every right to do that and you have no right to stop us. not only that but all of europe is swinging right so stop antagonizing our countries with your bullshit and trying to meddle in our affairs or we will probably push back and fuck your shit up after the right stands up

Because she's a cultural marxist. You are mistaken in calling her retarded, she knows exactly what she is doing. The goal was never to make America a better place, the goal was to break down America by relentlessly attacking every one of its pillars with or without base.

No. it is not that easy. If you are not rich, is very very hard to get a legal residency or visa to live there. It's not just about learning english and AMerican history. THis is a racial and class issue.

With Trump this is now even more true than it was before.

>Wrong, none of this is true
According to whom?

But the debate is about immigrants...

Parasite economy.
What happens to Mexico's peso when Trump talks about Mexico?

If you're a literal nigger why not support open borders. No one can possibly come who is any worse than your people already are so literally any fucking thing is a huge improvement over more violent retards everywhere.

Wait 10 years to even touch the soil. Ha. Sometimes the only way to immigrate legally is illegally like in japan

>1.your currency is worth dirt
So? I don't know how is this related to anything i say. It's like the ad hominem of "your country is third world so your argument is invalid"

> it's going to their corporation
Do you know anything about economics? Its going to the shareholders living in the USA

11-12 million illegal immigrants in the usa do you think that number is too high, too low or just about right?

Your white working class and arguably your black working class don't compete for the same wages than mexicans. These are different niches. If anything whites should be more worried by high skilled immigration from India,Africa or the Middle East competing in the tech industry for once whites-only jobs

and what are numbers after trump?

are you retarded? how about we come wipe out your countries culture you fucking spic

>we dont want you and thats all that matters

This is your "argument", gringo. That's it. There is nothing else. I'm leaving because arguing with irrational emotions is impossible.

>your going to leave and thats that
I can't leave the US because i don't and haven't never lived there

> and you have no right to stop us
No. But i can talk with you on internet about how poor are your arguments on this.

>trying to meddle in our affairs
Look. Colombia can't do that because is an irrelevant developing country in South America. Stop paranoia.

>we discover the total Hispanic incarceration rate, while far below that of blacks, is still almost 150 percent above the white average
>Hispanics commit crime at roughly 2 and a half times the rate of whites
You didn't even read the article you dipshit.
The "debunking" of that is the author saying 'yea, but those guys are in their 20s, they probably commit more crime than 40 year olds'

sorry i dont know what you mean
i dont give a fuck about trump just trying to stick to numbers

why wont you acknowledge the sovereignty of the american people to make this determination for themselves. the reasons are irrelevant as far as any foreign parties are concerned.