How do we fix women?
How do we fix women?
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>kill some of them to make examples
>implying they can be fixed
my god those comments
We ignore them. Without validation they cease to function.
Can't fix them so we have to replace them.
It's too late
by letting society collapse and brutal large scale violence whipping everyone back into shape over a couple generations.
We are in the decadent/fall of Rome stage now. But society is just an endless loop. It will break down, crash and burn, rebuild, peak, become apathetic/decadent, break down, crash & burn, rebuild etc etc
They need strong men to get them back into moral shape. I don't see any way to meme them back into decency, unless the upcoming generation gets so disgusted by the current women that they redpill themselves. Might have to be hard times of conflict and revolution (war with Islam?) to show them the hard way how they ruined society.
The problem will then fix itself.
you go gurl!
Hard labor raising barns as slaves for the Amish.
Don't breed the dumb ones. They expire we don't
Becoming strong men giving them a good dicking and raising our kids properly
>only women and gay men saying she looks good
It is physically impossible for a straight man (unless a fucking weird fetish) to say she looks anything other than a ugly whale.
Every girl commenting on her photo is thinking 'Fuck, thank god I'm not fat"
artificial wombs and eggs will allow us to implement a final solution to the Woman Question.
Leftism in a nutshell.
>Be degenerate and delusional
>Get praise from other degenerate and delusional people
She's been ravaged by feminism.
Sex bots and artificial wombs = men and women no longer physically need each other. Soon the sexes would grow completely apart and independent, eventually even the deep-rooted emotional need for a partner will disappear because you can buy/make a substitute for whatever you want at the time.
It's ok
Heart disease should do it for you OP
this, these women are just virtue signaling while actually using her body image for self reassurance.
"well, im not perfect but at least im not fat"
Its socially advantageous for women to want other women to be uglier than they are. And telling them to get fat is an easy way to achieve that. Then even a horse faced girl can become a 7/10 as long as she hits the gym twice a week.
The icing on the cake is that they can pretend to be good people while actually being really shitty ones through internet virtue signaling.
>these people defend an unhealthy lifestyle
to think she could have that body, but instead all those fragile bones are doing their best to hold all those tons of fat tissue
We let landwhales and sluts rot in the cities.
The true völk live in the rural areas
Why don't we just start charging for clothing by the square metre and soap by the kg? WIll sort these fat fucks out real quick.
That sounds like a horrible idea user
It's too late. Artificial wombs when?
It'll finance sluts that use underbutts though
A dog, a woman, and a walnut tree... the more you beat them the better they become.
Not going to happen.
You have to shame them.
That is why they have all these anti-shaming movements.
They hate being shamed.
The shame they hate the most is from other woman.
You have to go into their spaces and shame them while posing as women.
Ban social media and have forced workouts and if they disobey they get sent to the camps. They will be motivated to change.
the same way you fix everything else, user
It's pretty win-win for the people at the top. Fat people buy a lot (food, medical, etc.), force another angle of PC culture, reduce the ideal mating pool, and reduce the overall energy of the population (lazy and less likely to revolt).
I don't ever want it to happen, but that's what is on the horizon if you've been paying attention.
Same way we fix niggers, jews, and fags. By firing up the ovens.
The fucking wisdom in this
Weening them off of Disney Princesses and Romantic Comedies so they arent brainwashed to settle for nothing less than perfect. Also taking them off of antidepressants would help
This!! All women are attention whores.
Tbh this is probably a strategy by the more attractive women to keep others ugly, consciously or not.
checked, and threw up
Not with that attitude.
>so they arent brainwashed to settle for nothing less than perfect
That's not bad at all. Everyone should aim high
breed out the idiots
>Dont fuck whales
By reverting rights to a pre feminism era. Men work, marry a house wife who raises children. Promiscuity is strongly and actively discouraged and shamed.
emp that destroy's all television for 9 months would do wonders
I know,but can't we just let these women die out along with their mgtow counterparts?
let the healthy ones continue the species, you know
This is also good. Love was created by the Jews to ruin proper breeding. Now white/asian women breed with niggers, jews, and fags instead of superior white/asian men. Romantic love is a farce and anyone who follows it should be taken to the assylum
how do we fix society?
i want to die now
OK, which of you is fucking Logan?
most MGTOWs aren't against having children though. They just want women back in their place as slaves for men to beat and rape. However the law is standing in the way of us doing it, so now women get to trample all over us via the law and the state. I guess I am MGTOW because I see the women today as vapid inferior cunts on par with niggers.
Spot the odd one out.
Anyone who tries to equate Asian with White needs to acknowledge their yellow fever and quit that shit. It's a fetish and it's injurious to wn's ideals and message.
>how do we fix society?
The same commenters would be scathing on a photo that's a too skinny, calling her unhealthy etc. How they deal with the cognitive dissonance boggles the mind.
How to fix women? Get a gf. Look after her, teach her. Don't break her heart.
Holy shit 3 in a row. Nice.
its better than niggers and the rest of the mud people
I am just saying we need an ally in our war against Niggers, Jews, Fags, and Wetbacks and I have some Asian dude friends who are fed up with their women fucking Niggers. I figure if we need an ally in this world, the asians seem like a good choice
This is a way better suggestion than many on here. Obviously it's not easy for everyone, but it is possible to change a person over time, basically by not being a shitty example of the ideas you espouse.
But the hole idea comes from no women no children.
Even when it comes to conservative country girls, most mgtow call them parasites for wanting families.
wouldn't that contradict the idea, you implied at first,user?
Please explain. Whose the inferior race here?
Incorrect. They act as a group against our (white America's) group interests therefore they are equally bad as blacks, Muslims, or any other external foe. While they may function better in our society, they still fundamentally oppose white interests.
fat women make me feel physically sick
so do fat men
can we just genocide all fat people
How much do Asians have to idolize whiteness before they're finally part of the cause?
> diet costs money
people are usually fat because they can't afford good quality food on the money they make. we'll see more of this if trump starts deporting those illegals who pick our food for little money, causing the prices to skyrocket.
If natural selection works and ((((their)))) plan doesn't then these women should be fazed out of the gene pool.
Look at that image and answer you own question. Social media is how they get validation for behaving like morons and children. Kill social networking, break them apart, and the stupidity will die away. If that happened even right now it would take at least a decade for this poison to be purged.
Otherwise accept that they're lost, fembots and synthetic wombs are the answer now.
MGTOW is just a front they put up because if we said we wanted to put women into slavery or onto breeding farms, the movement wouldn't gain any ground. Conservative Country girls are just as bad as city girls as they are Christfags that will mutilate your son and because they know they are more desirable than city girls will cheat on you because they have tons of high quality men to choose from.
That guy on the far right can tell you
we must uncuck the normies and rape the white knights away
I don't get angry because all of these fatasses will eventually be facing a doctor that will shove the pill down their throats that they are unhealthy landwhales.
I literally do nothing and win, because they rot all potential their only bodies ever had. I will live long past the time they don't even get to feel anymore. That is the ultimate punishment for your own personal ignorance, and they shall pay their toll when the reaper comes knocking.
For me, I think Japanese and Koreans are whiter than Slavs/Dagos/and Greeks. Slavs are incredibly stupid, drunk and communistic. Dagos and Greeks are Smarter than slavs but are degenerate party animals. Meanwhile the Japs/Koreans are smart and nice and go with the political flow and fortuantely where I live it is a Republican area so they vote republican.
waste of fuel and time
also burning fat people can be dangerous as well
No. You can make a McDonalds burger for a fraction of the cost. If fast food was actually cheaper, they would be out of business. Think about all the hidden costs associate with fast food like rent, wages, utilities, etc.
Ideally the shit tier modern woman should be totally ignored by every single man for the rest of her life. Such women should die alone whether as crazy cat ladies or commit suicide out of despair. An example has to be set for the younger generation.
A lot of women intentionally lead young girls down shitty paths out of bitterness that they went down the wrong path themselves.
This is a fallacy. The cheapest way to eat is rice and beans, which with a $20 rice cooker are easy as shit to make.
Stop protecting them from the consequences of their actions.
>waste of fuel and time
Women existing is a waste of fuel and time
The craziest ones will hopefully eventually sterilize themselves so they don't oppress minorities by bringing another white person into the world or make another human to kill the planet with CO2.
The best food costs almost nothing.
The more buzzwords = the more profit =/= the healthier it is.
A local farmers market will sell shit way cheaper than a grocery store, and will often even be of higher quality.
see user
you're making it worse when you explain it that way.
The entire movement is based on insecurity and fear.
And user
to be honest
i actually want you to get laid and married.
okay, you seem like you could be a cool guy and you might actually be able to get laid.
You're literally in the dude version of feminism and it's going to lead you down hill real fast.
I thought white nationalists always married fatties. and in the 90s nerds always had fat gfs, then they started getting Asians. we could start a "shame yourself slim" campaign, but the whales would just look like giant saggy balls with all the extra skin dragging on the ground.
You don't fix women. They are, and have always been, purchases made on credit. You promise to love them forever and ever and get to use the snatch just as surely as you promise Mr. Shecklestein to pay forever and ever and get to drive the car.
And fixing cars is expensive, so I'd recommend getting the best car you can afford in the first place.
Lots of things could help women, the main reason they turn to this shit is how they're raised. If you neglect your children they're gonna get fat, lazy and lash out like OP's pic Anyone who plans to have kids should treat them with a father-son/daughter relationship, if you treat your child like you're their "friend" or worse, neglect them completely, then you deserve to be castrated.
It's about the ideology, not the individuals. The individuals will die but the ideology will create more of them if it's not stopped.
But where would the shit tier males go? Can't say leave em alone because there's always someone more desperate
Such a stupid leaf reply, explain why the poorest countries in the world have no car people?
Is she going to eat that too?