>getting drunk past the age of 23
what the FUCK are you doing with your life if you think this is how to act.
>getting drunk past the age of 23
what the FUCK are you doing with your life if you think this is how to act.
Cultural reasons, I drink 2 glasses of wine a day for super, and drinking water instead of beer means your poor. After a while you develop a taste for beer.
Working on getting drunk right now!
get fucked singapoor
I drink and get buzzed every single day. I get drunk maybe once a month.
>getting drunk
what the FUCK are you doing with your life if you think this is how to act.
I don't trust anyone that doesn't drink. It always means they're afraid of who they really are. They are the most dishonest people. That's why they feel they need to always be in control.
Judnenlich shaming
But what about Hong Kong you drunk fuck?
Come on Thaddeus Chow, put some lead in your pencil like your new neighbors in Russia.
They also tend to be very dull at social gatherings, regardless of the availability of alcohol.
There's something to that
Fuck off cunt. I work hard 5 days a week starting at 2am every morning. If I want to drink on a Friday or Saturday night it's my business...eat a dick.
>being sober past the age of 23
The only way to not end up hating the world and everyone in it is to drink until you're on the same level of retardery.
Some choose not to drink because they got to watch their parents piss, shit, vomit, and die from the shit.
>I'm gonna die HEALTHY, goddamnit.
Have fun with that.
Why do you poison your temple?
I just choose not to follow in the same path that killed my dad.
I help people out at the shitty nursing homes sometimes. 90% of the people in their are actually middle aged alcoholics that fucked their lives up.
I only trust people who are constantly drunk, at least you know you can count on them being drunk in a certain way
That nigger wus drunk on pussy too migger.
what's first year uni like with your meaningless platitudes?
>water in to wine
>drinking under the age of 23 either
Op is a fag.
so you advocate getting drunk before the age of 23?
Remember that Trump doesn't drink.
> like to party
> do it lots
> have fun
> grow the fuck up
> stop drinking totally
> get called dishonest by a leaf
He drinks joo lies...an some times p***
Left' room for improvement.
drink always got in the way of the psychedelics.
When you've spent your 20s being a LSD soaked thinker, alcohol serves only one purpose, making you dumb enough to deal with the morons all around you.
Teetotalers and alcoholics are two sides of the same coin; neither has any sense of balance.
What does that have to do with my recreational inebriation?
wtf? what's wrong with getting drunk? I do it once in a while, not a fucking daily basis.
yes goy make yourself stupid and ill with poison for fun
Son, if it was literal then... Oh boy!
In the ancient Near East, with its scarcity of water, wine was a necessity rather than a luxury, so it came to symbolize sustenance and life. Wine also represents joy, celebration, and festivity.
Blessings, user!
there is a difference between getting drunk occasionally and getting shit faced every night
I don't know what the jews did with it, but the Romans drank it because it beat Cholera and Dysentery. They didn't have magic jewish fairytales to protect them though.
What about getting shit faced every night that you don't have to go to work in the morning?
I've been drinking at Proud Boy meetings since I joined.
It seemed pretty gay at first but everybody slowly revealed themselves to be white nationalists/fascists over time so it isn't so bad now. They also all hate Gavin.
This is both of my parents. Maybe one alcoholic drink a year each. Both of their families, parents and many siblings, destroyed by alcoholism at young ages.
One chooses a side they believe is healthy for them and the other is trying to kill themselves. I don't see how these things seem similar to you.
But I don't care what the fuck you do m8. I am just turned off by alcohol due to childhood trauma.
You attacking others for not being like you is no different than some priest trying to scold you for drinking.
>mfw sociable and charming without alcohol
Hahaha fucking losers. I bet you can't even fuck a chick without getting her drunk first.
I'm so sick and tired of hearing about Pride Boys. Go back to
So they pretend to not be WN and belong to a group led by someone they don't like?..
They're the only group that actively disrupts ANTIFA in real life. Keep memeing faggot.
I know, and I appreciate their efforts. I just wish they had picked a better name.
>One chooses a side they believe is healthy for them and the other is trying to kill themselves.
Preach on!
I could use a good lecture about veganism, feminism, and the magical healing properties of weed while you're at it.
>Agreeing with Drumpf
>On anything
Oh. You're boring.
It's easier than organizing an explicitly NatSoc group with nothing to go on. Everybody in my local group just wants to fight ANTIFA and harass communist bookstores etc. and the Proud Boy facade fulfills that desire. Nobody is in contact with Gavin or anything, he isn't a part of the equation.
Agreed. I don't like anything about the name, but it is better than nothing.
I work a shit overnight job that I hate, I've never had any luck with women, I mostly hate hollywood, and I dislike most women, Sup Forums has made me hate a lot of things, and made me aware of Jews. I'm black and hate being lumped in with niggers. My grandfather passed away almost 3 years ago now, and my grandmother is probably not far off too now. I have all this stress, and feel like I will definitely kill myself at some point when I'm older but I still don't get the urge to drink alcohol or get drunk... I know what it's like to be buzzed and shit faced. I've done it before, mostly under pressure from a relative who saw drinking together as some kind of manly bonding thing, but aside from that it never became a habit for me. I dropped it not long after he moved away and haven't had a beer or wine in 2 years. How the fuck do people get hooked on this shit? It doesn't even taste good, and the after taste is even worse. The buzz is kind of trippy I guess, but it ain't really all that great... certainly not great enough to continuously spend loads of money on it, even on the cheap 211's I used to drink.
>I bet you can't even fuck a chick without getting her drunk first.
I couldn't care less about a broad's level of intoxication, but I'll be damned if I ever fuck again while I'm sober.
Well keep it up Brother, we're all cheering you on.
Drinking =/= getting drunk
Regular consumption of a small amount of alcohol (one beer or glass of wine a few nights a week) improves cardiac health, and bully for you if you enjoy the taste.
Straightedge fags should fuck off
>implying you are not one of those who drag the species down
You are coming off as a much more pretentious faggot than I once thought.
Do you seriously take that much pride in drinking beer? And do you need to act like you're in some way superior to everyone else on this mongolian basketweaving forum because you drank some a faggy hipster craft beer or some shit?
>magical healing properties of weed while you're at it.
You seem like the type that spews that shit about alcohol having health benefits.
People like you are no better than the dude weed lmaos.
I'm 29 and my body won't physically let me get drunk anymore. If I even try that shit my stomach feels like its on fire and I have to sleep for 14 hours the next day. Ahhh to be young
>How the fuck do people get hooked on this shit?
The same way weak people get hooked on anything and everything they come across.
Weed, crack, religion, caffeine, nicotine, fast food, TV, porn, sports, sex; weak people can and will claim an addiction to anything they can think of, all in the name of being helpless.
They're always so helpless that whatever thing they claim to be addicted to needs to be banned forevar for the good of all humanity.
It's pathetic.
when you grow up around alcohol, you tend to view it differently. nothing worse than an alcoholic. has to be one of the most STUPID drugs ever. ive never been a drinker due to my upbringing. ive always been much more interested in psychedelics.
Is that Johnny Depp in the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie?
whats it like being on a continent where no one know how to have fun
Yeah, because someone tripping balls is much more tolerable than a guy who has had a few beers.
Around age 29, my body decided that, "too bad. If you get drunk, you WILL have a hangover. It might be relatively small or it might be debilitating, but you will never again be able to get drunk without consequence." Really made me figure out how to confine my drinking to certain situations (usually when I don't have anything semi-important the next day), because... I mean... it's not like I'm gonna quit altogether. That would be silly.
t. 23 year old
The only non alcoholic in Australia is on pol.
>someone tripping
No one wants or needs your "tolerance"
its the pimp from true Romance
I've found drinking equal amounts of water to booze removes the hangover from the equation usually. dehydration is usually the problem.