Where were you when you realized Men Going Their Own Way was the ultimate blue pill?
Where were you when you realized Men Going Their Own Way was the ultimate blue pill?
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I was enveloped in a cramped space by my very large brain thingken about life.
When I swallowed it.
Sitting naked in front of my computer with the windows open, same as always.
MGTOW is antithetical to the proverbial 14 words
Well someone take a look at this faggot.
Dignity is worth something, OP.
Yeah was created by kikes and is full of lolbertarians and ancaps whos ideology contributes to the state of women and modern society, why it caught on here. NatSocs see through the tricks and know its just a tactic to cuck the west further.
yeah, no
thats some insane mental gymnastics
enjoy that alimony goy
keep your head in the sand and masturbate to your gold and bitcoins while commie numbers swell and western culture degenerates. Useless fuck.
When I listened to Jordan Peterson's short lecture on why it's a pathetic concept/phenomenon. Don't be one of those faggots, guys.
"huhehehuehu, I'm deliberately avoiding pussy mehurdehurfur"
MGTOW is fucking retarded.
Just join a monastery.
Shitting on thots is always cool but life without a wife and kids is pointless.
Why does MGTOW trigger so many people? When its literally dudes saying I want to do my own thing?
when i first read about it. it's so painfully obvious, it would be a disservice to the gene pool to bother convincing them otherwise
It should be easy to see why a group of people who view male disposability and male self sacrifice as an obligation, might view a male movement involving men who have decided to focus on their happiness negatively. For a supposed red pilled board, it's cute seeing Sup Forums struggle to understand MGTOW and lash out angrily at it, just like the feminists they hate so much.
Some men can find meaning in life within themselves, and not have to rely on others.
it's roastie subhumans spamming it because they fear sexbots and artificial wombs will make every man go their own way. they even are starting to make nofap threads so you get horny enough to chase women.
they want you stupid, they want you horny, and they want you under their skirt. women grow up learning men are tools and know they can lie about love to you and get a house,a car, and more money than they can make working.
remember alex jones is paying 65k per month in alimony/child support and he's losing his kids. if you can use an artificial womb and have a sexbot why the fuck would you ever touch a woman unless you're mentally retarded?
because women are addicted to social media, they dont interact with men, they only see the misogyny on those forums and just assume all MGTOWs are evil woman haters
You could also not have kids. A sexbot would be nice, but sex toys work too. Women use sex toys and its acceptable. Men should too.
When i realized it's literally just betas using the excuse of "going their own way" as a coping mechanism for loneliness.
yes, sweetie, your hole is actually the most important thing in life. as every tradcuck and roastie loves to say "spreading your genes is the meaning of life" well guess what trash? with the artificial womb coming suddenly men mastered the meaning of life and they discovered it doesn't involve women at all.
Damn I wish I would have saved that image of female argument tactics, the one that broke down sex shaming, etc.
>assuming i'm a woman because I'm not a loser like you.
Whatever i don't care about your sexbots and artificial wombs. More pussy for me cuck.
Btw I really wish you faggots would stay in your containment board. It feels like there's so many of you, but i assume I feel that way because you all do nothing but sit on the internet all day and cry about what a loser you are. It's okay hunny-bun, I'm sure if you can't get a girlfriend you're certainly prepared to raise a child.
When I opened my eyes to the issues with immigration.
Cloning is vastly inferior to sexual reproduction when it comes to evolution of a species and reducing the amount of harmful genes expressed (same reason why inbreeding leads to deformity). How would these artificial wombs work? You'd still need the egg of a female, so some form of sexual selection is still happening.
yes, yes, sweetie, shut it down. don't let the boys know the truth about you or your subhuman sisterhood. isn't that right? we just need to shut up and not tell anybody cause it's annoying and problematic for your yeast infected rotten stink hole.
you mean you closed your eyes bout the immigration issue? it's women who are the immigration issue. having a baby, get divorced and paying alimony while your ex-wife turns your son into a liberal daughter who votes for immigrants in 20 years is a great plan. listen up white men go marry so you can get divorced and if you happen to have a child in 20 years after you've paid 70% of everything you your child will vote for more immigrants cause the courts decided you weren't allowed to see them so they're leftist retards raised by a single mother
this is how we solve the immigration issue
I was inseminating my wife and building 9mm SBRs
A popular choice for men that women aren't interested in. Keep winning OP!
When my parents didn't get divorced like every MGTOW and feminist good goy e.g. perpetually.