*sips tea*
*sips tea*
Other urls found in this thread:
who said they arent? Fuck the KKK, Westboro, Antifa, and all other brainwashed cucks
WBC dont throw bottles or mortars at people and the KKK haven't done anything in decades. Shitty bait go fuck youself
WBC doesn't try to kill people and pepperspray little children. KKK are just rednecks LARPing as terrorists.
I can't watch MHA because of you anymore. Hope you're happy.
these have to be troll posts. they are so ineffective. you are living in the 90s, user. westboro the kkk are about as relevant as Creed. Anyways kkk is a terrorist group in my eyes. westboro are just trolls. they have a right to say what they want.
WBC and KKK are retarded Prods, but I'm pretty sure the WBC doesn't anything aside from Protest.
I'm not sure the government doesn't consider the KKK terroristic. It may predate the term
Umm, Republicans? Who else? Duhhh...
See I can do it too.
Violence occurring in a workplace is not workplace violence anymore then, according to Republicans
They are not terrorist if they're on my side
I guess she became ShariaBlue's designated shitting(post) girl. This is blasphemy. We must avenge Tsuyu.
I think they're fluffer posts. The opposite of shilling.
Sup Forums is so down on Trump's run, it's like easy attempts at bait for hate-nerds. Antifa! SJW! Girls! don't you remember???
The KKK is a Democrat fraternity that consists solely of stoners and FBI agents at this point
Using automatic weapons to kill people and cause fear and despair among the masses to prove a political/religious point isn't terrorism then, according to Democraps.
They all suck and are terrorists. Kill yourself, shill
>file name
leave my fucking board alone you asswipe kikes
yeah westboro holds offensive signs. such terrorism
Who the fuck is this lizard lookin bitch?
Yeah good points, user. Hope they got a kick out of it, at least. I just wish they could be a bit funny, I suppose.
You caught me, I'm going to lose my job, damn it.
I'm not a LARPer by the way.
>lizard girl
At least watch the fucking show before yoy desecrate it with your shitty memes.
My hero academia was a shit anime.
That was a good post, user. Made me laugh. :-)
Westboros don't incite violence, they just call people fags.
>people not attacking anyone are just as bad as literal terrorists trying to use violence for political means because they say things I don't like about niggers
Good meme
the kkk was started by democrats. fuck this gay shill thread.
>shit anime
Calm down, Sup Forums. They're just cartoons.
Fucking nigger. Go back to Africa and die from AIDS, you fucking ape.
One day we will herd every nigger in the world onto the island of Hispaniola and we will rename the island Niggertown. There will be hundreds of millions of niggers, all living on top of each other, starving, and fighting for resources. We will ring the seas around the island with warships from the white nations to keep any niggers from escaping and satellites and drones will provide live imagery from the island. We will sell this on pay per view to help fund the nigger herding costs. It will be the hot new reality show and we will also name the show Niggertown. Many of the niggers would kill each other and the rest would die of starvation and disease. Whites around the world will watch and laugh.
What do you think of that, you lip smacking baboon?
>Crew sample 88 (rename before posting).jpg
>Crew sample 88
Who said KKK weren't terrorists?
Westboro doesn't qualify because they don't assault or intimidate anyone. A sign saying "God hates fags" isn't terrorism.
I named it 88, but unfortunately I only have around a dozen images to troll Sup Forums with.
OP is a fucking idiot
You sure trawled me, shill. Maybe next time I'll stay in my place like a good goy. All you have to do is post the crew sample.
I knew you were kidding, but you guys seriously need to stop. It's annoying as fuck and it just makes this board even shittier.
Only newfags put this little effort into trolling.
When was he last time the KKK or WBC held violent riots? WBC might be horrible people but even they don't use violence. The KKK hasn't been an active threat for decades. Antifa on the other hand is attacking anyone they don't agree with. Antifa is a current threat.
The devil is a part-timer was bretty gud.
That too was a shit anime
There's no need to put efford into troll attempts when redditors from the_donald will fall for it either way.
Sup Forums is by far the easiest board to troll, Sup Forums coming in second.
When was the last time the Westboro church enacted actual violence? That's right, never. They are just assholes, and assholes are allowed to be assholes.
I don't know what to feel anymore.
Actually I was referring to 88 being the nazi code for Heil Hitler with H bing the eight letter of the alphabet.
Westboro never killed anyone and the KKK are a domestic terrorist group. Also the KKK was started by democrats and supported Clinton.
WBC doesn't attack people for one and KKK gave up on that for the most part for the last few years as well.
you're not a terrorist because you're stupid or say things people don't like you're a terrorist if you use violence and/or terror to push forward your ideals
1- when was the last time KKK lynched anyone or did any kind of violent activity?
In fact the KKK is a dying group trying to live from its bygone days which aren't coming back, people tend tk say "muh KKK!" Without considering that the group has less than 5000 members in the US, many which are simply too old to do shit.
2- appart from holding some signs with poor taste and trying to offend people, what has the Westboro Baptist Church has done? Exactly, nothing.
The say some terrible shit but they haven't physically harmed anyone, something antifa can't say.
I'd make that trade
Best trade deal, maybe the best in the history of trade deals
>drinks tea drink
Did the white man work at the mall?
Didn't think so.
>at a mall
Alright, who the fuck is this anime girl and why is she used by shills on so many occasions?
when when anons learn to spot slide threads?
you're just mad that they wouldn't let you in the kool kids klub.
i'm not disagreeing with that, but the abhorrent lack of effort when it comes to trolling just makes this board even shittier. I'm not condemning trolling. I love it, I engage in it. But when you pose as shills it's just really fucking annoying.
A much more entertaining board to troll is /r9k/. That board is inhabited almost exclusively by low functioning autists.
Goodnight user. Be safe.
All you gotta do is have a political opinion on any other board to get buttmad posters saying "go back to Sup Forums" and the mod banning you
It's not terrorism to hold bad opinions, it is terrorism to cause violence because of your bad opinions
She's some frog from MHA.
The KKK hasn't done shit in decades and have the Westboro fags committed or threatened with violence?
>antifa killed a guy today
Step it up, nigger.
who said the kkk wasn't?
>bad opinions
Reddit is down the hall and to the left.
i dont see kkk and babtist church member rioting on streets almost killing people or burning cars
s2 fucking when
why can't leftists distinguish between words/signs and physical violence?
Why you hatin' on the Westboro Baptist Church? You some kind of fag? Because God hates fags, you know.
>Westboro Baptist Church
They don't incite violence.They just protest,and are loud crazies.
Has about 1,000 members,and has fell into obscurity.We don't hear about the KKK anymore unless some idiot randomly brings them up.
also, Sup Forums tier thread in Sup Forums again, mods plz ban op forever.
Take the Uraraka pill, Frogposter
Libs never come up with their own formula.
They're like the chumbucket. They just mimic pol and right wingers and come off salty, unfunny, bitter, and dumb.
And then they run to the streets and beat people up and throw firebombs. Fuck the left. It's a cancer.
The Westboro Baptist Church is like 30 inbred hoes. I haven't heard anything about them within the past 2 years other than they did protests at one of Milo's events and a goddamn Panic! At the Disco concert.
Same with the KKK, they've lost literally all of their power and nobody gives a shit about their inbred "pure blood"
Antifa organized a stabbing at UT and there are probably more to come. They are literally trying to inflict terror and chaos, and they've succeeded to some extent.
Uraraka a fucking slut dude
>Thinks I give a shit about trump or jew jones
I don't vote m8. all politicians (including trump) are controlled by (((them))).
And how is OFA transmitted? Through DNA. Checkmate, atheists.
I pissed in your tea
Digits confirm OP is a fag.
kkk is pretty much dead
I misquoted you, my bad.
Meant to quote
never went around setting buildings on fire and assaulting people.
had hundreds of thousands of members yet only a few did criminal acts, so your blaming the majority for a minority. Guess we need to declare all muslims terrorists then dont we.
That's ok mein freund, Just remember to drink your milk everyday.
They all are except the fact that Antifa are the ones arming themselves with firearms, attacking people for no reason and destroying property creating terror.
Is there an Antifart in the UK? Or are they just a burger problem?
>that file name.
Just leave...
WBC has NEVER done shit
KKK has less than 5,000 members and 1/6th of them are FBI agents ready to arrest anyone who could be deemed violent.
But on another note, someone needs to make simple instructions for Antifa to hang several conservatives. Backlash would be amazing; could even start civil war. If nobody makes it, I will. Thoughts?
>jewish white man
You picked the wrong example, because the position that they are terrorists is completely indefensible.
WBC are a family of lawyer and have constantly won their case in a court of law. WBC is by the book, 100% legal free speech.
God hates fags, OP is a fag, God hates OP.
What violent acts have the KKK and WBC done in the past 30 years?
>westboro baptist church terrorist attacks: 0
>KKK terrorist attacks over the past 30 years: 0
do you not know what a terrorist attack is or are you just a shill? I'm guessing the latter.
Reminder to Sage and report/ignore Shill Threads.
Short bus tier troll OP
Sup Forums has never supported Westboro, newfriend.
Speech that you don't like isn't terrorism. And the kkk hasn't been a thing for a very long time, and even then it was democrats behind it, just like antifa (and black lives matter, and other similar terror groups)
David Duke's EURO passed the New Orleans protocol which prohibits use of terrorism by right-wing groups.
WBC has only engaged in peaceful protests.
Antifa beats old Trump voters in the streets to make them an example.