Sup Forumstards this is serious
How do we get rid of the r/donald fags?
Nobody is ironically racist anymore, it's a cesspool of brainwashing.
Board quality has gone so bad that even I can't handle it anymore.
Sup Forumstards this is serious
How do we get rid of the r/donald fags?
Nobody is ironically racist anymore, it's a cesspool of brainwashing.
Board quality has gone so bad that even I can't handle it anymore.
Other urls found in this thread:
we need /mlpol/ back.
you can't really get rid of anyone on an anonymous imageboard.
How about we stop giving a fuck about them, and they starve and die?
>ironically racist
That would take months.
I would appreciate being able to use this board without migrating to some other shit-chan website.
well, if they are bothering you that much, I am sorry for your loss.
But again, on an anonymous imageboard, kicking off a group of people is nearly impossible.
It is easy to ignore them. You can spot one from miles away really easily.
Also, freedom of speech. They will be here as long as they want to, and there is nothing we can do about it really.
My point stands, ignore them, and they will starve.
For the actual racists, Sup Forums have always been like this? What are you talking about?
Treat them like shit. Talk race realism all day long. Call them fat burger cunt shill newfags - stuff like that.
They really do stand out - all this talk of civic nationalism is really cucking the fuck out of the board.
>tfw Sup Forums satire has gone full circle and now this place isn't fun anymore
Spoken like a true redditor
Fuck off civic nationalist cuck
what is your solution then?
bring arguments to this site, or fuck off.
The solution is bans to purge people like you from here. We need mods to step up against these r/thedonld, le kek god and civic nationalist posters
any ideas on how to get moderators to do that?
they don't seem to give a fuck?
also, how different are you from reddit if you go their way and band everyone you disagree with you?
Am I the redditor here?
>reddit rhetorical questions
Your posting style just oozes reddit
You put pressure on hiro to do it you tard
>how are we any different from reddit then if we ban people who disagree?
They are 98% paid shills not people having "discussions" and they thus deserve a ban. Haven't you noticed all the shariablue, JIDF increase in posting recently. They are ruining this board along with people yourself
jannies are here to (sometimes) clean up porn, flooding, spamming and make stickies for major events. they aren't going to curate shit that people will complain about anyway
O, thy leaf... How do I spot 'em? Release your wisdom upon me!
what was exactly rhetorical in my post? It was literally me explaining why this type of forum could not exist under reddit rules, implying Sup Forums should be as far away from reddit as far as the site rules go. That includes rules n moderation and banning.
Yes, I have noticed the increase in numbers and want them out as much as you do.
However, I cannot agree on the claim that they don't cause discussions. They do, thats why they get bumped to the front page. Granted, majority of them just plummet down the pages, but there is a minority that finds its way to the front page.
Which brings me to my original point. The best way to deal with them is to ignore them. Watch all the shill threads go down the drain.
If you are unable to provide an applicable solution, fuck right off.
Nice try trying to divide pol and reddits trump group
Get out
GTFO tranny
just fucking roll with it atleast they're not hillary btw
>Nobody is ironically racist anymore
>implying plebbit fags aren't full (((civic nationalists)))
fuck Trump
The racism is fine. We just need to get rid of the funnyjunkfrog fags.
> being only IRONICALLY racist
spotted the true fag
Focus on tearing down the lefties here on Sup Forums, don't worry about stinky allies when there are literally barbarians at the gate.
Just ban anyone that posts in a Trump thread/general.
Trump has been a colossal disappointment and anyone here that still supports him is not from old Sup Forums. They're all a bunch of teenagers screaming MAGA at one another in an echo chamber.
And no I'm not having a go at anyone who supported him in the past, we all had high hopes.
found one
Holy fuck the "lel my old pol XDDDD" people in this thread are cringy as fuck and half of them are shills.
if you were one of us you'd know exactly how to get rid of them.
but you're not one of us, are you? no, you're just some irrelevant underpaid shitskined faggot trap.
your owners have determined your worth as a human: pennies per post.
just hammered these out as a pseudo copypasta suggestions?
2. If you see an obvious bait thread don't reply to it, just report, hide (leftshift + click) and move on.
3. Make a filters list with things you dont want to see (ex. umadwhiteboi, Sup Forums BTFO, really makes u think etc.)
4. Ironic shitposting is still shiposting and decreases the boards' quality.
5. If your post is not related to politics then take it to simple as that
6. E-Celeb threads are the trademark of nu-pol and brings out the worst circlejerks I've seen
7. There are no /ourguys/ and anyone disagreeing is deluded by other people around them
8. If you enjoy using sites such as r eddit **STOP**
9. PRAISE KEK is retarded and brings nothing but derailing threads
10. People can have opinions that are different from yours, no need to call everyone that disagrees a shill.
12. Use your fucking brain
I hope the redditfags enjoy this site as much as I enjoyed reddit. I didn't and I did everything I could to shitpost and insult the reddit fags. Then I got smart and left that circle jerk of SWJs behind and never looked back,