We post the good ones
>king jew
Jews are literally light skinned niggers
Pro-Free Market
Most importantly anti-Islam. A win for Netanyahu is a loss for Muslims!
Who dat?
The Slap Chop Guy
Did he get hooked on drugs?
A combination of that and hookers
fuck off nu-pol. I'd choose muslims over kikes any day. faggot.
Gunna be archived pretty quickly then tbqhfam
Bibi is fucking evil and his voice drips with evil too.
The Jews are the most incredible people on the planet. Who else have been kicked out of every country they've ever been in and have continued to succeed no matter what. Brilliant people whose stories and religion have formed the very basis of our society.
Pic related: A Good Jew.
Solid choices.
Fuck off ahmed.
This isn't nu/pol/ it's stormkikes upping the ante and revealing a little bit more of their power level.
but still a zionist. /thread
one of the only "good" jews
I heard he is going demented cause of "muh Iran" and slowly losing grip of reality while fucking up the Israeli economy with the settlements.
Any Israeli Jew can confirm? Atleast I know his former shrink committed suicide cause of the ramblings.
The Hebrew Hammer
/o/ reporting in
MattFarah. Popular car enthusiast and automotive reviewer on Youtube and other platforms. Really chill guy and laid back. He's confirmed he was Jewish on his Twitter
He's a good Jew in my book
go back to kikebook, achmed.
g1 nu-pol. Fuggin neck urself
Oh Fuck! This comin' from Bangladesh. Couldn't you get killed for saying this?
>No mention of Savage and Teddy
That guy with the death metal band
I'm trying to post breitbart but it isn't working :(
Cannot confirm.
What I can confirm instead is that people have all kinds of opinions about him
One thing for sure, he's the best politician I've ever seen. All the tricks and shticks to stay #1, truly a king that knows what the fuck he's doing.
>Atleast I know his former shrink committed suicide cause of the ramblings.
Huh?? Care to shed some light on that with an article?
Newfag detected.
Offer Shlomi better known as Vince Offer aka ShamWow Bitch
He's as good as we can ask for on the part of Israel. But anything Israel is generally bad.
I know who the shamwow guy is, I just didn't recognize the 'JUST' version of him.
Nevermind found it myself:
>Moshe Yatom, a prominent Israeli psychiatrist who successfully cured the most extreme forms of mental illness throughout a distinguished career, was found dead at his home in Tel Aviv yesterday from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. A suicide note at his side explained that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been his patient for the last nine years, had “sucked the life right out of me.”
>“I can’t take it anymore,” wrote Yatom. “Robbery is redemption, apartheid is freedom, peace activists are terrorists, murder is self-defense, piracy is legality, Palestinians are Jordanians, annexation is liberation, there’s no end to his contradictions. Freud promised rationality would reign in the instinctual passions, but he never met Bibi Netanyahu. This guy would say Gandhi invented brass knuckles.”
>Psychiatrists are familiar with the human tendency to massage the truth to avoid confronting emotionally troubling material, but Yatom was apparently stunned at what he called the “waterfall of lies” gushing from his most illustrious patient. His personal diary details the steady disintegration of his once invincible personality under the barrage of self-serving rationalizations put forth by Netanyahu.
>“I’m completely shocked,” said neighbor Yossi Bechor, whose family regularly vacationed with Yatom’s family. “Moshe was the epitome of the fully-integrated personality and had cured dozens of schizophrenics before beginning work on Bibi. There was no outward indication that his case was any different from the others.”
That doesn't seem at all legit.
>But it was. Yatom grew increasingly depressed at his complete lack of progress in getting the Prime Minister to acknowledge reality, and he eventually suffered a series of strokes when attempting to grasp Netanyahu’s thinking, which he characterized in one diary entry as “a black hole of self-contradiction.”
>The first of Yatom’s strokes occurred when Netanyahu offered his opinion that the 911 attacks on Washington and New York “were good.” The second followed a session in which Netanyahu insisted that Iran and Nazi Germany were identical. And the third occurred after the Prime Minister declared Iran’s nuclear energy program was a “flying gas chamber,” and that all Jews everywhere “lived permanently in Auschwitz.” Yatom’s efforts to calm Netanyahu’s hysteria were extremely taxing emotionally and routinely ended in failure. “The alibi is always the same with him,” complained another diary entry. “The Jews are on the verge of annihilation at the hands of the racist goyim and the only way to save the day is to carry out one final massacre.”
>Yatom was apparently working on converting his diary into a book about the Netanyahu case. Several chapters of an unfinished manuscript, entitled “Psychotic On Steroids,” were found in his study. The excerpt below offers a rare glimpse at the inner workings of a Prime Minister’s mind, at the same time as it reveals the daunting challenge Yatom faced in seeking to guide it to rationality:
Milton Friedman.
Monday, March 8
“Bibi came by at three for his afternoon session. At four he refused to leave and claimed my house was actually his. Then he locked me in the basement overnight while he lavishly entertained his friends upstairs. When I tried to escape, he called me a terrorist and put me in shackles. I begged for mercy, but he said he could hardly grant it to someone who didn’t even exist.”
I looked it up in Hebrew, nothing official came up. Looked a bit deeper, and found this was taken from a satirical blog.
This reminds me when people quote some controversial crazy orthodox rabbis as if they represent anything about Israel.
The best answer
>We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq," Ma'ariv quoted the former prime minister as saying. He reportedly added that these events "swung American public opinion in our favor."
Fuck both of these filthy kike rats
>nobel prize for getting the US to swap out a system of longterm responsible government spending and investment into a cycle of debt-enslavement and self-enrichment for the crony cabals. And then wondering why social cohesion, education outcomes, crime rates, etc are worsening with increasingly irresponsible government policy and spending. Milton's Friedmeme's economics basically leads to Brazil wherever applied.
You best start believing in JIDF threads.
You are in one.
Huh. I'm not actually JIDF, but it does look that way, doesn't it?
Ted "The Kike" Cruz, all around good guy
>everyone who opposes the kikes and their modern concetration camp called palestine is a muslim
also good choice of proxy kikeshill
savage is also one of the most subversive kike to the core
he plays the right team but support zionism while other kikes play left team while also supporting zionism
Benjamin Netanyahu is honestly the only likes that I care about/support.
Israel and all the Kikes could die tomorrow and I wouldn't bat an eye. But if Netanyahu died, id be super sad.
Benjamin Netanyahu I'd a former special forces member, has removed kebeb, and looks like a Jewish James Bond. The people who hate Netanyahu are liberals and Muslims.
Long live Netanyahu!
the kike shill
he named every islamic nation that practices wahhabism while conviniently forgetting to even remotelly mention The Kingdom of Saudia Arabia -- the literall cancer and source of the wahhabism
maybe that has to do with the fact that israel and Saudi Arabia are brother and sister
that USA, Israel and UK owns 80% of Saudi Arabia oil trough corporation Aramco
that Saudi Arabia sells oil in petrodollars
that Saudia Arabia was founde by the british kike agent
that Saudi Arabia export terrorist to stir shit in the secular arab nations who are not selling oil in the petrodollar
>Ludwig Von Mises,
>Murray Rothbard,
>Milton and David Friedman (more so David), >Walter Block
That's all I've got for Jewish economist that I consider /ourguys/.
false dichotomy dilemma
all the jews are same and work for the same goal
jews are notoriously nepotistic, xenophobic, conservative and closed society that does not allow anyone who isn't from their tribe to join in
they're also obssesivly greedy
they play both side of the coin or shekel to be more precise
whoever you chose you've chosen the subversive kike
yeah, lets continue fighting wars for Israel's expansion and let them send in all the arabs to Europe and America!
Amercan/European Jews=/=Jewish Isrealis
same. ideally, they should stay in their countries. but they are merely a symptom, not the cause.
REALLY? All the fucked up parts of Islam are caused by the Jews? You do realize that the Jews are enemy #1 of the Muslims. Fuck off shill.
would turn gay for bibi desu
The white man has forgotten the 1000 years of slavery at the hands of muslims...totally cucked. lo and behold, niggers in africa played a huge role in white slavery
fucking niggers appropriating culture.
Not a proxy. And Israel should've nuked failestine a long time ago,
I think Palestine is too close to be nuked. Also, how's living in Bangladesh? Work at a click farm?
>I think Palestine is too close to be nuked
Fine. Genocide then. Leave no muzzie alive.
>Also, how's living in Bangladesh?
>Work at a click farm?
Came here to post this.
Thanks. Too lazy to post pics
I mean, do you live in Dhaka? Do people shit on the streets like in India? What's your religion?
a lot of "fucked up" parts of the middle east have been caused by US and Israel meddling. Especially for the benefit of Israel. whenever some rogue group with not much influence tries to fuck over a government (Syrian Rebels, Al-Qada, etc) the US funds them and helps overthrow the country's elected leaders. Not to mention Saudi Arabia is allied with Israel and the US and was given to muslim extremists by the UK to do whatever the hell they wanted, essentially. Most of the terrorist groups in the region are from Saudi which is allied with the west or directly funded by the US.
They are the same.
Jews are number enemies of the white race. How can people forget about communism?
>do you live in Dhaka?
>Do people shit on the streets like in India?
>Bangladesh stops open defecation in just over a decade
>What's your religion?
Former muslim, now atheist.
>Trusting the (((UN)))
Check out Christianity. You might like it. Go for something like Anglicanism though. Traditional, but not too strict/corrupt.
Bibi Netty is an anti-Communist though. Not all are bad, hence "Post the good ones"
Yes. I'm thinking about that too. But I'll do a long research first.
Bibi is a bro
You may already know this, but if you do convert, it's probably not a good idea to tell the more fundamentalist people in your life. You might, well...die.
Also, here are some videos on about Muslims converting to Christianity in Islamic countries/cultures.
Good luck my friend, and may God bless you on your journey through life.
Haha lol! That's the last thing I wanna do.