akhand bharat when?
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Only if you purge or otherwise displace to muslims.
Thank god you didn't include us we don't want to pollute our streets with your shit
>wanting millions of Muslims to become a part of your country
We don't need more mullah shitting in our street.
>When your only national identity and territorial aspirations come from being a British subject
Why the fuck would India want to conquer Islamic shitholes?
Take your dreams of Akhand Bharat and shove it up your arse. I'd rather give away Kashmir, if they take all the Muslims in India.
Can you explain the proposed borders? Ican never find sane reasons.
You don't know any fucking Indian history do you?
Most of India was culturally similar long long before the British.
>wanting more muslims
What ind of drugs are you on? Myanmar, Tibet, Sri lanka all have their own unique cultures. Goa and Hindustan are insanely different for the same country.
Are you saying India is culturally similar to Bangladesh? That is an insult to the Indian people. This makes as much sense as greater polonia.
>Superpower by 2020
>Goes to Afghan superpower graveyard by 2021
Cuck: Goa had the fucking portuguese inquisition!! Have you fucking been to Goa to claim it is different from Hindustan? I've lived there and know it quite well.
Tibetian culture has many commonalities with Indian culture, as are the non-Islamic parts of Bangladeshi culture.
I do not know much about Srilankan or Myanmarese traditions to comment.
I don't want India to get Islamic shitholes, as it would be India hitting herself with an axe. Thus I think OP is a shithead.
Pretty much never.
You guys cant live with the different cultures you have right now, whatever will you do when you apparently annex Afghanistan ?
Chita ?? ))
NRI faggots pls go ))
No I just knew a bunch of Goans here in America. They are insistent that they are different, and it makes sense India is an entire subcontinent it would be insane for ti all to have the same culture. Germans are different from Italians They all have commonalities with Indian culture but they are distinct, and India already has too much diversity. At least we agree India doesn't need those territories.
So you're an immigrant from India or did you just live there?
I'm an Indian just using a proxy through the US. I'd call myself Goan. There are bunch of cucks who were raped by the Portuguese who think they're not Indian, but don't want to live in Portugal (and instead try to get a Portuguese passport to get to England using the EU).
Screw yourself Cuck!
Who would want to live in Portugal? They exemplify the PIIG mentality.
Most Goans I met had a positive opinion of the Portuguese though. Why do you dislike them?
I can think of plenty but I'm not Indian, on the plus side they did turn the region from Muslim majority to Hindu.
Is that the best you can throw at me ??
Common-core sure did help ))
Haha, what a faggot.
Lmao. Bro, we are walking towards a Civil War! Which world do you live in?
What civil war )))
Apse kuch na hona ))
support this
>wanting afghanistan
literally why
would be ok with this
>Most Goans I met had a positive opinion of the Portuguese though. Why do you dislike them?
The Portuguese Inquisition. Will never forget the faggots!!
>I can think of plenty but I'm not Indian, on the plus side they did turn the region from Muslim majority to Hindu.
No. They fucking failed to turn a majority Hindu region to a majority Christian region despite around 150 years of the inquisition. They then had to shut the inquisition with their tails between their legs when the Brits threatened them with invasion in 1812.
I do hate the Portuguese bastards with a passion.
Why does Italy want more Muslims?
Expansion into Islamic shitholes is stupid, but don't see civil war anytime soon!
For the sand box off course.
why would you ever want that lol
is he our guy or not
Some Right Wing Indian cucks want to get India back to its former glory by capturing the entire Indian subcontinent.
These cucks don't know that erstwhile Hindu territories are now populated by Muslim as a result of being raped by Arabs. Bringing them into the country and giving them a vote is the recipe for imposing Shariah on India!!!
>Wanting millions of Muslims to be dead.
He's a wanker. Thinks Akbar - A fucking Turk was the founder of India, a civilisation that existed for at least 3500 years before Akbar.
Only in Victoria 2 and its hard as fuck
Keeping all shit in one place is usually a good option.
Thankfully all human-shit is in iberia!
nah its easy as punjab or any vassalized shithole, you basically get a free cb for all indian cores after nationalism & imperialism tech and british AI is stupid as hell
When the population of Muslims in Afghanistan and Pakistan disappear magically, otherwise I could do without it, Muslims here are enough of a problem alone
Make it happen! Make India Akhand Bharat Again.
Take Gibraltar from the barmies and then talk shit Cuck!
India was never Akhand Bharat leafcuck!
>Implying we want the rock
Just punjab bangladesh nepal and remove kashmir an 7sister states
If you don't you show yourself for the human-shit you are!
you shit shut up basterd son of bitch india is greatest not shit
>Just punjab bangladesh nepal and remove kashmir an 7sister states
Fuck Bangladesh. Get Nepal and Bhutan at most. Kick out Kashmir and may be Kerala!!!
Get rekt mullah
Why are you interested in India? Shouldnt you be hiding in some hole fearing Putin?
You must have an IQ of 40!
Cletus, not everything is about conquest in the 21st century.
Don't worry, though.
It'll come.
I can't believe we gave you permission to own nukes.
Fucking disgusting.
> Cletus, not everything is about conquest in the 21st century.
That's what human-shit losers always claim!!
Gibraltar is full of monkeys.
As is Iberia to be fair!!!
Look. There's a high chance that you're either black or latino, so I won't keep talking to you.
>permission for nukes
>you goys tried your best not to let that happen with you and your UN sanctions two decades ago, you blocked every raw material import but we still did it anyways, so stfu you white version of we wuz kangs,you ppl haven't done shit except sharting.
You certainly are not white. There is a chance you're You probably have an IQ of less than a chimp, because you think you're 'talking' to me here.
tfw this became almost real
Only if you remove 100% kebab and learn to poo in loo.
what's the justification for romania besides bessarabia, Hungary, most of Slovakia, most of the Czech Republic
Pookhandi looharat when?
Sounds good med bro
Indians don't get credit for how based they can be sometimes desu
Cuck it's because you have too much blood on the street to see the poo on the streets.
fuck off we cleaner then you
>pakistanis are more civilized than streetshitters
Post your country's anschluss ITT
can any indians help me out here?
i have a professor for my law class who is from india. she's a huge lefty, always complains about modi whenever she gets a chance to. she didn't say where in india she comes from, but she speaks the odia language. can you red pill me on the odia language and whatever sub group of indian people speak it?
Cuck! You use more shampoos than Indians. That means nothing!!
Also where is your country (Pakistan) on the graph?
That is like asking Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia to merge.
It will never work out.
Go fuck goats Achmed!!!
When are you fucks going to genocide Dalits?
It does have the same problem
its from a state known as Odisha
Also famous for producing cesspool of marxist mao sympathizers.
warning you to never show powerlevels might rek you m8
Lol, Bakchodi?
Why would brazilians want to expose themselves to brazilian water twice a day?
Go take a dump on some code or whatever it is you currynigger expats do.
Why? They have been oppressed for centuries, treated like shit for centuries yet they work hard and don't cause issues.
Look at nigs. They chimp out, no progress. Look at Muslims. They Jihad out, no progress.
hope you do realize shampoo is an Indian derived term and was used long before you even settled in Mexico Pedro
SO you want the muslims to rule you again?
Make India Mughal Again!
At least they have actual toilets on the designated street, trying has to count for something.
when you can effectively poo in loo
hey there Abdulfakar tripped at mecca yet or will bomb self first?
>A swede
Your opinion doesn't matter, achmed
user, she probably is from West Bengal. Bengali is very similar to Odia. West Bengal is a Commie shithole of India. They embraced Communism and that took it from one of the most developed states in India to a total shithole!
It has a produced a bunch of idiot 'philosophers' in the last 70 years who have a lot of blood on their hands. Political violence against non-communists is rampant. They do indulge in grotesque acts like killing political opponents and make their mother eat rice soaked in the blood of her sons who were just killed.
t. Paki
On a scale from 10 to India, how autistic and thirsty are you right now?
Because they have an average IQ of 70
Probably a Dalit desu most Dalit intellectuals are commies is she dark by any Chance?
inshallah I'll designate the Kabba as my shitting stone
All the bits of South Asia owned or controlled by the British.
>it would be 40%+ Muslim
Because you've got that shit covered?
Go fuck goats Achmed!