If you can't unironically say you love hitler why are you here? go back to plebbit
If you can't unironically say you love hitler why are you here? go back to plebbit
I kinda wonder would you have your phone? If it wasnt for hitler?
Ears too small. Hitler was really a female.
The Jews created communism, installed the Soviet Union.
The Soviets wrote the book on the death camps, an embellished propaganda book at best .
Hitler was a loser who killed himself
Don't even care about whether he was right or wrong, he was a failure
Hail Victory
Heil, one day whites will see him for the hero he truly was.
pretty much this.
also to love him, i would have to hate myself.
He made sure nationalism will never ever be acceptable for white people again, gave jews an eternal get out of jail free card by crying hitler and anti semetism, created Isreal, and killed off practically all of Europe's young men.
He doomed white people. Go back t stormf4ont faggot
Too bad it will be when there are only small groups of whites scattered to the winds. At least it will also be a post-civilized world, similar to Europe during the dark ages
Wtf I love reverse traps now.
You mean (((Them))) did all of that.
His country was being invaded by Jews, his people killed by the polish, it's not Hitler's fault that (((they))) schemed so hard that they made a neutral usa go to war against Germany knowing they couldn't win without their help. And then (((they))) push the narrative that Hitler was a bad guy. What was he supposed to do? At least he fought Jewry, but what would you a leaf know about fighting.
You should, you dirty fucking untermensch
>was a loser
If you consider uniting your people againist communism and degeneracy to fight the kikes who rule the world and almost win then your a degenerate kike shill
>i would hate myself
Why wouldn't you
>He made sure nationalism will never ever be acceptable for white people again
Lies they would have done so anyways.
>gave jews an eternal get out of jail free card by crying hitler and anti semetism
>implying the holohoax is real
>created Israel
Your right he should have gassed them
>killed off practically all of Europe's young men
No the Jews that controlled the UK, US, and Soviet Union did that.
Because it's a free speech forum and I like to make off-color jokes. I'm a non-racist cuckserative but I'll be damned if I join reddit.
Read the Culture of Critique and start heiling unironically.
Nietzsche predicted this nihilist malaise the West is currently suffering and that there would be three Napoleons, the third would lead us into the Ubermensch. Keep faith goys. .
I hate Hitler but I hate jews more than him since I don't even want them to have their own country.
See this is the kind of thing that makes Sup Forums gay. Its like some stupid community
fuck off with your shit ideas you shit smearing monkey
>almost win
Lol that's still a loss
I'm a slightly racist, right-leaning centrist. Reddit is gay.
And does that make him a loser. No a loser is someone who only loses. He lost in the end but he lost with dignity and at his own terms.
Wtf I never see people post lol newfag gtfo
i don't like hitler, because he dragged germany into a world war, killing tons of people, including white people of his own country.
now those are some digits
Sometimes I fear that I love him TOO much!
Anyone got this meme except the dumbest position is "Hitler was a piece of shit" and the enlightened position is "Hitler was a piece of shit because the Holocaust didn't happen"?
Fuck Hitler. I believe in individual self determination and Hitler did not.
He did murdered Hitler
He unironically destroyed Europe forever. Fuck him
All subhuman niggers, faggots and Judenfilth can get the fuck off my white board.
>destroyed Europe
Nigger I think your thinking of someone else...
Pic related
have you even read nietzsche?
one country:america. owned by jews. jewland. the only country. the country owned by the jews. israel. but also america. israel, the land the jew overlords put aside for their people. the jews who own the federal reserve, creating the money out of thin imagination bought a country, israel, where they would live and their people would be safe, because other parts of america, the only country, are dangerous. but theyre that way on perpose. because of the jews.
Superior in every respect.
Idolising a socialist is cucked.
now in all seriousness im starting to think its not the jews, but just the people in power who are evil. g9vernment, rothschilds, whatever. there really are only a small group of people with any power whatsoever who are good. where are they all going?
Back to plebbit
After a bit of enlightenment I do think that natsoc is the best for the whites.
Hell Seger!
.1% population is Jewish
>Germany before WWII
1% population was Jewish
Totally the same
Yeah because plebbit loves Pinochet. Stupid toothpaste.
>loving a loser who got millions of whites killed
wtf i love leftism now
I hate all politicians, faggot, and what's a plebbit?
The occasional good guy playing along with the jews doesnt change whose orchestrating the entire thing.
Heil Hitler!
It only took me about six months lurking to unironically start telling my girlfriend that Hitler didn't hate others, he just loved his people, and was just trying to defend his people from the nefarious influence of the Jews.
here you go
Ironic trolling turned me into a Nazi sympathizer. He was a faggot for destroying Poland but overall National Socialism is bretty gud.
He was a fuck up that couldn't navigate international politics and didn't trust his far more knowledgeable commanders.
>couldn't navigate international politics
Not when the politics were "fuck germany"
>didn't trust his far more knowledgeable commanders
because half of them were legitimately retarded
>erwin "logistics is for chumps" rommel
>heinz "if we take their capital we win the match" guderian
I like Hitler.
I don't know if as an ethnic Englishman he'd gas me or not though.
he literally wanted a union with england and considered them a german brother
i wonder in firing squads of war did they only use 1 bullet or 2? OR did the whole line have loaded guns?
Sounds comfy.
i believe i read somewhere they all shoot once so theres shared guilt and no one man feels responsible for the murder
I'm just here for the waifus
I love Uncle Adolf. Truly a Great Man in every sense of the term
not what you requested but I like it
Nice meme response there, you squint eyed fuck
I love my Fuhrer
You should too
>go back to plebbit
you go back
Maybe because he kinda killed 10 million of my people?