Libertarians are naive faggots

Are libertarians serious?

Every libertarian I have ever known was a sheltered little bitch, usually age 20-26. These people have never sacked up and gotten some shit done, they are just kind of coating and preaching about how "taxation is theft" a lot.

The worst part about libertarianism is the absolute naivety. Can you imagine how the general population would function under a system without a government regulating certain things? Think of how many complete scumbags you know. Think of how many trashy fucktards you know without any principles or moral code at all. Our society would be in a state of pure chaotic violence under a libertarian model.

It is the most immature fantasy land worldview I could imagine. It's like they played Fallout and decided that would be cool IRL.

Libertarians KYS

Other urls found in this thread:

Do you throw ancaps into this basket too?

Libertarians want absolute anarchy?

Minarchy, mostly.

>Can you imagine how the general population would function under a system without a government regulating certain things? Think of how many complete scumbags you know. Think of how many trashy fucktards you know without any principles or moral code at all. Our society would be in a state of pure chaotic violence under a libertarian model.

Enjoy your economy whose only real success these days is the financial services sector. Value creation is a bitch, yo.

Libertarians want wild-west free trade policies, usually want most if not all regulations removed.

They believe that the invisible hand of the free market will solve literally every problem. Of course capitalism will solve many problems, but we need SOME government taking care of business.

Depends on the ideology. Obviously some brand of Ancap is better than the crony capitalist/corporatism we have today.

>Enjoy your economy whose only real success these days is the financial services sector. Value creation is a bitch, yo.

Just because we are living under corporatism does not mean the answer is some wild-west fantasy.

We still need the government's boot stomping on the face of retarded niggers and scumbags. If we did not have a government overseeing these people, then every evil person would partner together into some massive mafia.

Libertarianism would possibly work in a homogeneous society with a lower population. Thinking that a bunch of white trash, niggers, and spics could function under libertarianism is truly naive though

who is the dame? had a decent answer to the question.

Some instagram retard, the rest of her pics aren't that hot


Non libritarian faggots can't handle mommy & daddy gubbernment holding there hands for literally everything

>usually age 20-26.
>These people have never sacked up and gotten some shit done
Maybe they would if selling pot was legal in their state.

Even Anarcho-capitalists believe in regulation. We just think the government fucks it up and the private sector should do the regulation. There are already private businesses in every field that offer regulation. No one wants no regulation the question is do you want some retarded bureaucrat doing it or someone who has to do a good job or they get fired? Just so you know I used to work at a mass chicken farm and the USDA lady would nap most of the day so we literally had to wake her up to do her job? Is that acceptable? Because that is government regulation at work.

You know you can cut welfare and still have a government, right?

>things would be bad, trust me, goy
Compelling argument chaim

And those trashy people would get exactly what they deserve under libertarianism, nothing but a bullet when they are acting up, rather than welfare all their life.

Aren't taxes theft though? Why aren't they?

>NATSOCs think that most libertarians are 20-26 y/o's living in their mom's basement.
Whoa so this is the power of projection...

They're house cats. Independent acting mentality until its feeding time.

The model is in place. All is well.

That you haven't noticed that we are having fun, government is impotent and trash is on its own is... interesting.

>implying the trashy people wouldn't gather together in a disgusting smelly mafia and try to take over the land

Evil people always gather together first

Natsoc is gay as fuck. Nazi Germany was gay as fuck. Hitler's life story was amazing though.

The government works on behalf of us with the money, but their doing a shitty job.

Yeah obviously, but the answer is not to "remove the government".

We need a new form of government. One that is smaller, transparent, and accountable.

Even if we just had a small 5% tax to regulate niggers/roads and shit like that.

The US had a period where it had extremely low taxes and none of that chaotic shit you are talking about happened. Try again faggot.

I suspect you don't know a fuckin thing about libertarianism.

Most of them live with their parents and pretend to be self-employed doing something obviously unprofitable.

But what about muh unprovable racial homogeneity out-of-my-ass hypothesis? Checkmate

>the US had a period

You mean back when it was 98% white and the population was low?

Yeah, of course. Now we have a LARGE population of violent sub-human garbage who are fantasizing and conspiring to destroy the majority on a daily basis. How niggers are not labled "domestic terrorists" is truly baffling.



>>Implying demdonkeys and GOP have (((You)))r
Best interests at heart

>implying I'm implying that

There's a lot of alternative ideas besides lolbertarianism

The government is helping these same people who conspire to destroy the majority through afirmative action, welfare, etc.

The government is not helping your cause dude

I don't see any proof

>Think of how many complete scumbags you know. Think of how many trashy fucktards you know without any principles or moral code at all.
Alright, so I'm imagining all the non-whites right now. Just get rid of them and libertarianism works.

Libertarians are autistic children at heart, statism has produced all the major political advances of the modern era

I'm not arguing that the current government is effective.

I'm arguing that in the world of alternative ideas, libertarianism is gay

>some groups commit more crime than others
How is this proof of libertarianism being functional only in homogenous societies, double nigger?

I'm a libertarian, but I'm not a retard who thinks "taxation is theft"

I just don't want the government controlling my life, that's it.

>libertarianism means anarchism
>hasnt read smith
>didnt even insult anybodu, just mentioned age
Heres your reply

The only full blown "taxation is theft" libertarian I know personally is a millionaire that built a contracting company from nothing. The rest are just social libertarians.

He makes some good points, but I think he is trying to promote a pipedream. Ideologically in a perfect world it would work, just like communism. The problem with both of these is pragmatically they fail. People are greedy, lazy, stupid pieces of shit. They need to be told what to do and have incentive dangled before them. People incapable of contributing need to die. It is a delicate balance.

We don't live in a perfect world and that is why libertarianism is retarded.

Most of my friends are libertarians. Every one of them has a master's degree and makes at least $80k before the age of 30.

True, pure libertarianism will never happen, but libertarian ideals could help thi s country a lot. Fuck gibs. Private industry gets shit done better than government and it's not close.

t. someone who doesn't know what libertarianism is

>Every libertarian I have ever known was a sheltered little bitch, usually age 20-26

You would be surprised how successful most libertarians are.

>The worst part about libertarianism is the absolute naivety

You are the naive one because you believe the shit we tell you. What actually would happen in a libertarian society without government handouts: Subhumans (and here I include low IQ individuals of all races) will have to die out, leave the country or submit.

Women in general will be property, because they are not capable of surviving on their own. (why exactly should they have any rights?) We also reject both democracy and human rights.

Is it really that hard to imagine who will be on top in a society where government wont intervene to guarantee the survival its weakest members?

are the no-go zones in europe libertarian?

This is the constant weak arguments libertarians constantly hear. That we're utopians. No, you know what's Utopian? Relegating all the moral exclusion to do violence, regulate the market, intervene in the economy, protect the environment, balance the budget, distribute welfare, wage wars, settle internal disputes, operate all-powerful intelligence agencies, all the while we sing their praises, to ONE fucking tiny group of pathologic, power hungry creeps and trust they, unlike every human on the face of the planet, will act completely out of collective good and sacrifice their own self interest. Because power turns people good. That's what the statist MUST believe to argue for the existence of a state.

ACTUAL libertarians think that it's the exact opposite. That you can't trust ALL the power in society plus the moral exclusion to do whatever they want to a single fucking group of sociopaths. Stop using words like corporatist if you don't know what it means, it's when the state COLLUDES with the market. The old west and the post war period were the CLOSEST to a legitimate free market there ever was, and that's when this country grew faster than any nation, ever ever ever ever.

Except feral niggers will kill you and rob you day 1

Sounds great desu. I'd be able to murder any faggot nigger who stepped on my property.
>wtf I love libertarians now.

Lolberts are just as subversive as commies. Take their ideology to the logical conclusion and you will just have a bunch of autistic city states and borders/toll roads then they will just get conquered one be one by china. Literal politics for children. Realistically, they are politically a joke, no representation, they are laughed at by the media and commie hoards outnumber them and continue to outnumber them everyday and thousands of poor shitskins poor into their countries whilst they sit around jacking off to their bitcoins.

>Enjoy your economy whose only real success these days is the financial services sector. Value creation is a bitch, yo.
Sadly this. We can never go back without conquering the rest of the world. By the end of the century our country will be irrelevant amidst billions of Orientals and Africans, if not completely overrun.

Whites will be laughed at as a failed race by history, the ones who found the keys to the world and opened the door to the universe, only to self-immolate before the final battles were won.

Only if you believe that white people in general aren't superior to niggers and thus would be losers in such a society, just like niggers. I'm pretty sure that's NOT the case. White people in general (95%+) would be winners in such a society.

Like the other user said, some libertarian ideas would be good if applied to politics. Maybe some economic ideas and shrinking the government.

But like you said, we would get fucked by other superpowers who are the complete opposite of libertarianism.

We need a smaller government with lower taxes and regulations, but with a more limited republic.

reminder that libertarians are literal autists

Why do you always post this fucking picture? Who even is this semen demon?

The biggest ancap I know is a 36yo retired SEAL of 18 years.
There is absolutely nothing the government can do that the private sector can't do better. Those trashy fuckheads also wouldn't be nearly as violent if they didn't have to use violence as a means of producing/obtaining/selling their fix, and when everyone is armed at their own discretion very few people will be dumb enough to start shit.

White people:

>naturally find libertarian ideas appealing
>believe in civility
>want to leave each other alone
>want to respect each other from a distance

Black people

>complete wild animals
>complete collectivist tribal mindset
>will immdediately band together in a savage nigger army to sweep across the country demolishing every independent town they come across

white people would suck their dicks like they have been doing for the last 30 years, they would never cut welfare in the first place

>all this statist bullshit

read a fucking book you faggot

get a new picture faggot - you're as bad as the captchas. saged

>people fucking suck xD so lets just give them positions of power inside of government institutions that allow them to maximize the harm they can commit while sheltering them from competition or consequences

you are a grade A retard, OP

>I'm criticizing libertarianism, therefore I am supporting our current system
>I am a retard who has only considered the options presented to me by memes

You are a dildo juggling cum guzzling faggot, user

I think you are forgetting that full blown libertarianism will lead to:
>ONE fucking tiny group of pathologic, power hungry creeps running the entire world. That is the nature of the beast.

You also forget the state has to exist otherwise you are talking anarchy. I'm talking the Leviathan here. You need at least police/courts otherwise it is the definition of anarchy.

Who produces _EVERYTHING_ of value in our societies? White people! Who drains our resources via welfare and government handouts? Niggers and women.

Women at least produce something that has real value to us, niggers don't.

You end welfare, you end niggers and put women in their place.

That's why we need the welfare state to collapse as soon as possible before there's too many of them.

If it by the way turns out that black people can be successful and survive on their own then I wouldn't have a problem with that. It's just that I do not believe it.

>mfw you will never tap high quality pussy

I think there are outliers that could, but the majority I doubt.

Best goy. Scumbags are just as comfortable in the public sector as they are in the private - the difference is in the public sector they can fuck you a hundred times harder before you notice.

The politicians who push public healthcare and public education to you, wouldn't be caught dead using either for their families. No one who can afford do does.

Middle class families are always stuck with the shit end of the government deal, footing the bill while being treated the same as the poorest. While the richest enjoy a private sector mostly exclusive to themselves.

>criticize lolbertarianism
>anons assume I am supporting current system

Further evidence that libertarians are mentally deficient

what's stopping them raping yo azz and generally enslave your lily white wimp wristed faggots in a stateless society?

muh NAP?

get fucked autist

>Think of how many trashy fucktards you know without any principles or moral code at all
The incompetent ones would screw themselves over without the gov looking out for them, the competent ones are running for office.

>libertarians are ancaps

The founding fathers were libertarians you stupid fucking leftist statist moron.

Sage for bait thread.

Who said that it would be a stateless society? I like the police, the military and militia. I also like Pinochet.

AnCaps desire a stateless society, libertarians want a minimal state that ensures private property rights.

>We need a new form of government. One that is smaller, transparent, and accountable.
>Even if we just had a small 5% tax to regulate niggers/roads and shit like that.

Literally no one except libertarians would move in this direction and libertarians as a force in politics are a meme.

Democrats want half your shit to give away to niggers and promote degeneracy, conservatives want half your shit to bail out corporations and bomb sandpeople.

This is why shifting the overall view on taxation and the role of government is the most important thing.

Founding father's ideology would't work today due to shitskins and niggers

Roll up the constitution and jerk off with it. Use your tears as lube

>Founding father's ideology would't work today due to shitskins and niggers

The same shitskins and nigs who only exist because they get gibs by the state, moronic statist? If states stopped subsidizing they'd flee to Canada in a heartbeat.

So you have nothing except: "I love government! I can't survive without it so neither can you!"
You fucking retard.

The current system is what always results from the mindset that government action is more social and fair than private action.

Even if your society is white and smart and rich - then the first priority of the planners will be to make it non-white and poor, and they'll get away with it.

>implying I support the welfare state because I think libertarians are fags

Niggers should be given their own ethnostate where they govern themselves completely. They have their own judges, police officers, politicians, doctors ect. ect.

We just give them two states and call it a day. No welfare, nothing. The very small outlier of niggers who can actually be successful in a white man's world have the option of applying to immigrate outside of their republic to our world if they'd like, but they get absolutely no government benefits.

Government is fine if it's not fucked. We need an entire government reform where we shrink it, literally publiclly execute past corrupt politicians, and make it completely transparent. Also change voting to a limited republic with certain qualifications.

I'm amazed how white people will defend the welfare state so that they can continue to fund the increase in non-white population in our countries.

What do these people believe will happen once we are the minority and can't produce enough welfare to sustain the unproductive?

You all will either pay with your own blood for your stupidity or with the blood of your children.

We need a centralized military, roads, and some sort of police.

Immigration can be a seperate republic held accountable in some form.

well did you ever read "the not so wild, wild west?"
life is not like the jewish movies you have been watching

>trashy people wouldn't gather together in a disgusting smelly mafia
they're called jews, and they're much more dangerous under statism because they get ultimate power for their mafia and everyone thinks it is legitimate

you can have government without statism
theres no "state of automobilia" where they install governor on your cars, yet cars have government from their governors

>Now we have a LARGE population of violent sub-human garbage
now you see why the welfare state and taxes, are RETARDED

when did statism solve byzantine fault tolerance?

No its ancaps that want that.

>reddit spacing tries to convince others what is gay

You think libetarians are ancaps when by far most of them are for smaller governments and less intrusion into public lives. When you have rampant statism you get the orwellian nanny state shitholes like the UK, or Australia.

There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs

some libetarians are left leaning and absolutely are fucking faggots, yet have you ever heard of paleo-libertarianism? ever heard of hans herman hoppe?

didn't think so. look that shit up and tell me that all libertarians are naive faggots. right-libertarians are based as fuck.

>every libertarian poster thinks I support a welfare state because I'm criticizing libertarianism

Wtf is wrong with you faggots

yeah because we defeated those goat farmers in afghanistan
we totally didnt waste trillions of dollars and learn a big lesson about a defending force

Radical classical liberal centrists are the worse though.


No surprise.Your socialist islamic-infested shithole is set to be third-world tier in HDI rankings by 2030, Jamal.

>t. hasnt watched zulu

good point, but has there been a time in history where gov shrank?

I think it's in gov's nature to expand until unsustainable then implosion

either you believe fully grown adult brains can consent to who they associate with
or you do not

>right-libertarians are based as fuck
Any ideology that put materialism and money first i bluepilled

>david rubin

Liberatarian centrist slighty left-leaning faggots are so boring it's almost offensive

Guess what ancaps can do: organize a voluntary pogrom on people who are violating the NAP. Toss them out of helicopters and such.
Government won't prevent us from securing the cultural and ethnic sanctity of our society. Once that's been secured, culture will be our regulator through bonds of family and under threat of ostracism or death.

you just claimed that blacks are so successful they could take out any group that doesnt have a welfare state making niggers fat

And yours is set to be majority mestizo even sooner, Bob.