This place has gone to shit after it got popular through the Trump nonsense

This place has gone to shit after it got popular through the Trump nonsense.

I want old Sup Forums back. Not this "le kek army bro" fandom bullshit.

>Trump nonsense
$.02 has been deposited in your account XD

I'm from Texas and regularly use all those words

That ship sailed out long ago old friend

Sup Forums has never been good.

old Sup Forums moved, unfortunately its too slow to be entertaining

Exactly this. This is the problem with Sup Forums now.


No. Sup Forums never was with anyone.

>complains about Sup Forums
>posts image from reddit
we know how to reverse image search dickhead


that image doesnt work like the whomst shit does
ya'll'd've is a valid contraction

Kill yourself cuck

That word too

>mfw i unironically use the word ya'll'd've

>complains about lack of quality content

>posts brain evolution meme

>"i hate newfags, wish based old Sup Forums would come back!!!"
>posts shitty newfag meme
Fuck off

If you really wanted to fix Sup Forums you would have made a decent fucking thread



Sup Forums is better then ever!

If you say 8 chan you can literally [nigger] have a nice day [/nigger] fucking cunt

8ch is run by the fbi

Thinking about it, I have too

>"Y'all'd've done the same thing."

This essentially, but than again this is shareblue being autistic what dyu expect

Yeah because i'm sure your political discussions were really making an impact on the world. You are wasting precious time here now just as you were wasting your time back then.

Nothing of significance has changed. You're still a loser.

But I make £54000 a year

Need a brainpower.jpg.

>wants old Sup Forums back
>probably thinks old Sup Forums was 6 months ago with the use of normie memes


I bet you unironically use Sup Forums memes outside of Sup Forums


At leats it got a little bit better after the attack on Syria

But yeah 2014 Sup Forums was far better
Also 2012 Sup Forums where you could choose the flag was far superior

Can you explain to a califag in what fucking context you would use the third



I bet you'd unironically let black men cuck your gf if you could get one

This is what I hate the most. everyone ignoring rules 1 and 2 and doing this shit in public. I blame r_thedonald and r_pol and r_anything

>le cuck may may

like clockwork

"Y'all'd've been able to do something about it, if you weren't late."

>you all would have

>y'all'd've already been back by now
>you all would have already been back now

so wat
google is literally the illuminati son welcome

ok simmer down, you're not some comedy political meme demigod

I don't speak Spanish so no i can't


ok now use y'all'd

I'm from Colorado and have hearn y'all and y'all'd before

but what the fuck is y'all'd've?

God, the sun really does melt your brain. Have you literally never met someone with a rural accent.

>you all would

>y'all'd eat the cake without me?
>you all would eat the cake without me?

Y'all'd lose the bet if the Cowboys lost."

yall would have

>countless blacks fleeing the hellscape that is inner city public schools
>enter the job market with no diploma and no skills
>illiterate durkas take the lowest skilled jobs exasperating this
>tax payer money siphons and shrinks the middle class
>tax payer money funds and acclimates new immigrants
>tax payer money pays for dem programs for low skilled blacks

This is all a plot to economically crumble the US fomenting conditions that will make drastic change in government (socialism) palpable to the American public. There is no grander purpose.

I think Sup Forums was better when we were still forced to refer to ourselves in the third person.

@ OP be a better candidate

if y'all'd've made this thread earlier it would have been funnier.

You are part of the problem whether you're being ironic or not

y'all'd better not ask again.

le kek army bro

we'all goin back ta da 2003 maymays now ya'hear


Who would ever use that? Besides a bartender.

Same as y'allda.

Wait 'til you learn about I'd've

Fuck off shill

this is cancer

>not willing to redpill the newbies
>just wants to have his comfy internet place
Nothing is achieved without discomfort, OP.
We all ended up where we are because we came here. So will they. But not if you refuse to suffer their newfaggotry.
If you can't suffer a deluge of shitty memes, you're not ready to reclaim your nation for the white race. That is a fight which promises to be much, much worse.

it's weird southerners speak slower than northerners, yet southerners have all these contractions

y'all'd've been fucked without me wouldn't'ch'a

>after it got popular through the Trump nonsense.
>Not immediately after Sup Forumsharbor
Hello newfag

*You all would have* died if you had been on the plane that crashed.

War never changes



in sha allah

Sup Forums became shit after the Zimmerman trial, that's when all the anime faggots and shitposters came and never left.
Trump just brought the teens with it

people say you'd've all the time too im sure, ya'll'd've is pretty common in the right content

> Hey Sup Forums, I sure wish more people agreed with our views eh?
> Hey Sup Forums, we sure are getting popular. I hate the surge of newcomers.

like 5 people actually left and 4 ended up coming back.


reminder: meme magic is real, and was invented on Sup Forums

anyone who goes against the will of kek is a shill

I'd've thought it'd be self evident

>Zimmerman trial
that's where i first heard about Sup Forums
this guy mentioned it in a video, i'dn't've heard about it otherwise


Soon, they will make the other board and the newfags will be banished there, and our diaspora brethren from infinity will return. It will be as it was at the founding of the board, brother.

>immigrants that bring their shitty culture and don't integrate
it apparently happens on the internet too

d'y'av any of them rare pepes i'g'n borrow?

Some OC

>old pol
you just want your guro threads back

DAE based black pede??

All the Sup Forums old fags post on /po/

I remember when we all died from ebola

Alright i'ont think I've ever heard that

being this new

Case in point.

c'mon man, 4 years is kind of old

try 8-12 fgt

its old, Im only a bit over a year in and I feel older than most.

Shills are trying to make Sup Forums boring so people stop turning up. It's like making benches uncomfortable so homeless people don't hang around

>No. Sup Forums never was with anyone.
fucking this

And I thought I was cancer when I started here as a summer fag in 2014

OP is just mad cause he a faggot

jokes on them I am so self absorbed Sup Forums could be an utter wasteland and I'd still shitpost

Sup Forums has become just another shitty online community
its lost all its power
its become this stupid thing like facebook or tumblr
and everyones watching
and shilling
and teenagers come and theyre swept up in it
face it, there is nothing left here of what pol once was
still though, its a great tool.

The newfaggotry is strong in this thread

>mfw not even a shill battalion can stop me from my job as a humble meme farmer
Well that's really unfortunate, just makes me want to shitpost more.

who is this Sup Forums hacker

Essentially this
Sup Forums at this point is nothing but a warzone for two sides of Reddit, both equally annoying and unaware of their own retardation.