Website closed due to the prospect of facing harsh penalties under European Union legislation.Looks like (((they))) are behind this..

curia.europa.eu/juris/document/document.jsf?text=&docid=190142&pageIndex=0&doclang=EN&mode=lst&dir=&occ=first&part=1&cid=353907 Linking to illegal stuff was already illegal since the last year, Nyaa was just surviving over it.


PIC RELATED with new information regarding the case.

New law in Europe has made the closing of the site real, get informed in this discussion.

Other urls found in this thread:


Stop spamming faggot, there are already a shitload of threads about this

Anime is degenerates.

Yeah, but on Sup Forums

The other one on here is about to die

It's a blow to anime pirates.
A blow to freeloading scum.
This is an anti-communist measure.

>anime website is down
Don't get out much huh

Do they provide anime that isn't available anywhere else?

If not, nothing is lost.

Why would (((they))) be behind this when (((they))) promote degeneracy and Anime is degeneracy?

Because Anime is not degeneracy dipshit


Forget about anime for a second

>Even linking to unauthorized streams can put you in jail for years
Does this not sound bad to you? Music? Games? Books? Movies? Porn? Don't tell me you've never downloaded one of those. It can only get worse from now on.

Really, all we have to do is nuke the EU.

Very, very simple fix.


Well, shit.
There are alternatives, but that's a pretty big blow. BakaBT went private recently, too.

Wtf? I love the EU and Macron now!

where the fuck am i supposed to download my 3d hentai pron now?

Some time ago there was a case in EU where they tried to decide whether linking to youtube link by random poster is legal or not (it was music video IIRC)
I guess this overrules it.

Guess better not link to yt now carelessly goys.

>implying it's not eventually coming to spicland too
Anyway this doesn't seem to be about downloading but hosting instead. Who'd want to host in a third world country with 1mb/s upload?

Anime is a perfect example of why two nukes weren't enough!

If you watch anime you are still a child in your mind.

You have not grown up and realised this shows are made for kids.

Please grow up before posting on Sup Forums, this board is 18+.


because its outside their control and they hate the eastern art/influence

>they finally came for our anime

That's it lads. Where do I get a gun, I'm gonna take down as many normies as possible before I leave for Gensokyo.

your in fucking greece criminal paradise of the eu, also dont take lives thats retarded

Do it, don't listen to the EU shills, get a list and get it done. Make sure they're high value targets.

Go fuck a pig, muhammad

>Anime fans getting anti-EU

Sounds like a good thing to me. Maybe more people will unterstand that the EU is horrible.

Has nothing to do with shills.

I just refuse to take anyone serious that is worried about a child-show website taken down.

You shouldn't watch that degenerate shit anyways.

It's worse than porn and keeps you in a childish state.

>nyaa is gone
>bakabt is private
>coalgirls translator for subtitles up and fucking vanished
Kill me

Don't breed, you are shit and deserve to go extinct.

Felio when AB master race

Fuck the police.
There's ways to fuck em. Just jewgle your preferred sub group. HS for example covers most shows.

HS also sucks.

I mean, they do a great service, but I choose anyone else's sub's first.

Don't worry goys Trump will fix this.

>anime fans getting anti-EU
That's not how it really works. Normalfags use streaming services - both legal and illegal. They wouldn't feel it at all. Sure, people who download their anime would get pissed a bit, but I don't think they'll get pissed to the point that they resent the EU. Nobody's mind would work like that. It would work only on people who were on the brink of hating the EU.
>all anime is for children
Jesus, you sound like an american. Just because something is animated doesn't necessarily make it "for kids"
It's decent for getting currently-airing anime as soon as it's aired, but fansubs are where its' at.
>a sub group


Where the fuck do I get my hentai now?

literally no one fucking cares

fuck off to another board if you want to talk virgin weeab shit

There are lawyers who enforce copyright laws for anime?

I know good anime. Like some of the Ghibli stuff e.g. or stuff like Akira, Ghost In The Shell and many others I forgot the names off.

It is just that all the anime SHOWS are really really childish and degenerate shit. The only good ones I have seen so far are Monster and the first two episodes of Attack on Titan, but the latter seems to fall back to the usual degenerate fighting bullshit later so yeah...

... anime shows are pretty much for childish snowflakes and faggots.

>Jesus, you sound like an american. Just because something is animated doesn't necessarily make it "for kids"
most anima shows are indeed, for children. Not all of them, but most.

Turns out the tripfag that pretended to be the HS admin might not actually be him.

Also, my old BakaBT account still works.

The normie massacre is on hold for now.

well at least they're living up to their name :)

Anime should be made illegal completely T B H F A M

>We are criminalizing an entire generation, and that's a good thing!

fuck off niggers

I literally cannot fucking find this shit.

Because it's actually been completely lost, which is kinda surprising. Was barely used/mentioned because of a lie Sup Forums perpetrated about it being a botnet back in 2009/2010, likely because of it's ease of use and that it would likely overload bots with too much of a userbase. It won't work without updated packetlists, though.


Well, we could always just use IPFS.

Make a shitty client that uses IPFS, have everyone put their shit on it, and bam, unbreakable distributed loli hentai stomach bulging tentacle rape gundam 4D chess bowling torrenting (or just downloading) again.

>i haven't seen anything but it's shit
i dont even watch anime anymore but theres some good shit recently, 91 days looks good
just avoid all the generic harem/ecchi garbage

Why would (((you))) be against mudslime when (((they))) battles degeneracy and (((you))) against degeneracy?

>if you enjoy anything I don't like you're a child

HS is completely fine if you just wanna watch current series and keep up.
You're correct. Hell right now all I'm watching is DB Super and Academia. I can't get interested in anything else right now.

Too many series just do 12-25 eps and END, expecting you to pick up the manga and read that for more.
I ain't got time to read manga.

Do streaming sites still work?

where am i supposed to download my h-games now? :/

We declare war on the EU.

What should this petition say?

Include stuff like forced immigration, threats by Juncker, international crimes and whatnot.

Do the cossack letter but from a Sup Forums/weeb perspective and make it addressed to Merkel/Juncker instead of the Ottoman sultan.
