Why do millennials support socialist ideas?
Why do millennials support socialist ideas?
Why do you keep making this thread?
Because they are unintelligent.
Liberals tend to be atheist, but they are still humans and need some form of religion. So they feel attracted to things such as equality of outcome, which even if it could be done it would do more harm than good.
They're used to receiving while not creating so they are in favor of system that'll give them gibs, most of them are students.
free college
free healthcare
millennials are poor
If you want a serious answer, voici:
Most "Millennials" have been conditioned to view the world through a specific lens. They see the world as a place full of victims and oppresssors, problems and problemmakers, inequality and reinforcers of it.
This is mainly caused by the media, parental guidance, and education, these people were exposed to primarily during their youth.
Think about any kid's tv show during the 90's. Each has at least one episode about eviromentalism. Some have dozens of episodes about bullying, racism, class division, inequality, sexism, etc. This has created a sense in millenials that they must come to the rescue of those less fortunate in a way that surpasses simple charity or being a good samaritan. They feel it is incumbent on them to destory inequality and bad feels--by any means necessary.
Socialism, as it is preached, claims to eradicate the very inequality millenials hate so veheminately. This is why they flock to it user. They feel it is their moral responsibility.
In other words this entire generation is cucked ad has no grasp on the reality of the way the world works. They see the state of nature much as Roussau would, a state of happiness, cooperation, and good intentions. This, of course, is a utopian dream that can never be obtained.
Sjw ideas tend to be based in the ideas of egalitarianism and fairness. These ideals were espoused by most childerens tv shows. From a young age millinials have been tought all men are equal, and we should do what we can to bring happiness to as many as poasible.
At a brief glance socialism seems like a good tool to aconplish this. Only under critical review does socialism show its flaws.
Most kids do. Now get out.
I'm lazy please just hand it to me
>They hate the alarm clock and despise working. Lazy picks think they are wage slaves
>The gimme mindset has been a popular topic in music and is somehow cool in many circles. We could call it bad culture
>They aren't deep thinkers so they won't look deep for solutions, especially if the solution causes short term pain.
>schools train youth to rely on authority to solve their problems. This causes them to need large gov't later
>muh socialism
good luck dying on your "amazing" health care.
Because they stopped teaching real-world skills and critical reasoning in public schools.
Your last sentence says it all.
Solipsism cuz, being infants still the center of their universe. Arrested development due to lack of practical experience / empirical wisdom. They are crybabbies.
You autistic retard. Why do you keep using Soe's pictures to make these threads? She's a host for Blizzard's sporting events and she's not a special snowflake liberal.
They think they'll be on the receiving end of all the wealth distribution.
so they can rely on the government and do not need to work for a living
National socialism is the only acceptable socialism.
It's easy to be socialist when you're young, naive and idealistic. Once you've established yourself in the world, built something for yourself and gotten an understanding of how people work it's pretty clear why socialism can't work.
She's an overwatch and sc2 deskhost and announcer i think...
Soe something
Because it's what's told to them in college, this coupled with the naivete of youth means that it's frankly mindblowing that there are actually so many conservative and right-leaning millennials.
Probably some CIA meme warfare/meta communication way of poisoning the well
I'm thankful my Pops taught us to be independent. I never fell in with the selfish asshole materialists of any stripe.
>raise a whole generation without criticism
>their shit tests go without correction
>their reality becomes warped
>everyone is right
>everyone wins
>tolerate everything
>stir, pour, set
Kids have always supported leftist ideas.
This is because the theory is simple and relies on the naive assumption that good intentions lead to good outcomes. You need to live a while to learn the counter-intuitive truth.
pic related
Do you think any generation were deep thinkers?
The majority of the population of every generation has been low order thinkers.
High order thinkers are rare among every generation. We do not by any measure make the majority, or even a massive minority, anywhere at any time
They only hold some socialistic ideas. Petty things like micro aggressions, male privilege, and other minutiae of identity politics are only tangentially related to socialism proper.
What you say is likely true, generally speaking. But some of us have never supported leftist ideas and were raised apolitical. It wasn't until uni that we were inundated with Marxist/Leninist propaganda.
>Why do millennials support socialist ideas?
As far as I can tell there is two schools of thought on this.
1. They're fucking stupid
2. They're brainwashed by public education
I favor the first but in reality it is probably both.
I go to a very left-leaning liberal arts school and have heard Marx mentioned twice, neither time in support of Marxism-Leninism. What's this meme about colleges teaching Marxism-Leninism?
It's more desperation than anything. They acknowledge the fact capitalism in its current form is dying, but they think socialist policies can give them enough dole to live a decent life as long as they don't have kids. I kind of agree with them. Shits fucked 10 degrees sideways senpai
Cultural Marxism doesn't need to 'preach' Marx anymore. It's about enforcement.
Also, my experience with uni was in the 1980s. They were none that I know of that were virus-free.
I would say brainwashing, even if it isn't in the public system private schools are generally run by left-wingers
As a millennial and based off of my observations from the people around me, it is a mix of various factors. One of which that is most prominent, in my eyes, is the fact that a lot of things are simply handed to millennials. Many millennials also tend to grab a hold of ideas on social media and follow said ideas without verifying their credibility and the logic behind it.
That is basically my observations based off of the people I see in California and the high school I go to.
Who is this woman in the OP and will she suckle at my penis?
why are you posting a pic of a dota 2 commentator constantly
i keep seeing her
she works for blizard and she doesnt look good, whats the deal with it
She's cute, kind of... but she seems like an android or something ...a Stepford wife without a husband
They just want to replace mommy and daddy's handouts for government handouts.
Because they had to grow up in a world capitalism did its damnedest to break? Just a guess.
Soe (search esports)
They don't believe they have anything or the capacity to earn anything
For someone with that mindset, Socialism is all upside
Who is this girl (tranny?) and why is xhe the poster child for millennials? Every thread, same person.
Is this a new meme I missed or is it just one poster doing it? Like that guy who used to post the gif of vivian brushing her teeth.
>Who's gonna pay for all th-
Hehe just kidding, support the MIC!!
In grade 6 my teacher was some random SJW-type, used to teach abos and whenever we weren't covering curriculum material (which was pretty leftist anyway) we were forced to write shit on why racism is bad, history of racism and why we are so privileged (She hated me, I used to fuck around in her class and she legit called me straight up retarded in a Parent-Teacher meeting, which for a teacher I assume isn't good form) and I only realise today the bullshit that is taught nowadays
Because the Soviet Union is dead
Real answer: They make wages that are the lowest since the great depression when accounted for inflation, don't receive any if the worker's rights their parents did and can't afford to buy a home
Neoliberal capitalism is failing them so they are looking elsewhere
Grew up in childcare, most are insecure and can't deal with personal responsibility.
Because everyone else is getting a handout.
I googled this woman. She's revolting. All of her privileges involving sucking my dick have been revoked.
They dont. Im a millennial in a Nordic model socialist country. I think its a crock of shit. Many millennials think its a crock of shit. Just like Marxism.
Cant lump millennials into one group, its sounds retarded.
>most ISIS militants are 16-25 years of age and therefore millennials.
>/thread Why Do millennials support wahhibism and join radical Islamist terror groups?
Because socialist ideas work but only when coupled with a high-trust ethnic-homogeneous society
Millennials have been cucked by the (((Marxist))) koolaid
Hahaha. Still an unrealistic dream.
Marx perverted the Gospel, specifically the Beatitudes and the Sermon on the Mount.
Selfless fraternity barely exists in convents and monasteries. You can't force everyone to be content and to share selflessly.
1. Because they are the objectively best educated generation. They may have a shitty attitude and negative work ethic, but they are also 95% highschool graduates. They have access more raw info about the actual lives of other people in other countries than any other generation as well.
2.they have lived through 2 economic crisis in ten years that couldn't be blamed on Russia or some other outside boogie man.
3. Capitalism is reaching its natural end. There are no more new markets to open. The free growth we got from just constantly increasing trade is facing diminishing returns. We are going to need a new system or be stuck with "safe sustainable' growth which isn't any better than the shitty growth under socialism but without any of the comfy safety features.
Tldr. It would be stupid to no support a mix economy with major labour protections aka "socialism" by today's standards.
Why do fucking newfags keep replying to them? Really makes you think.
A: boredom
Maybe thought is provoked
If not, what's another shitpost, newfriend?
Theft through the form of taxation, no matter what the system, be it fascism, corporatism, or socialism, is immoral and the idea of a society based on such principles should be shunned. The ONLY reason we have multiculturalism in the West is because our globalist leaders instituted welfare providing an incentive for 3rd world shitheads to migrate to our countries. Without a state to provide such an incentive, we would still have more or less an ethnostate. Don't take the illusive socialist bluepill, it's an unachievable and twisted (((communist))) ideal.
A lifetime of stupid decisions hidden behind post-ironic (???) Contrarianism.
I find her really attractive. Like an 11/10 on the sexy meter. She's probably some idiot liberal who supports BLM and open borders, but her face and body really does it for me.
Soe Penski