This just popped into my head.
After he did the news report on pizzagate, its like he dissapeared from the internet. All his social media accounts are gone, and nobody has heard from him since. We should start getting #whereisbenswann trending on twitter.


Other urls found in this thread:



shameless self bump
please dont die


Call up the news station and ask. Quit posting faggot shit on Sup Forums

Ben is fine, he is taking nap. It is so late. We should all take nap.

fuck off shills. I've had about enough of your shit. don't try to claim you're not shills because you are. GTFO off my Sup Forums. The truth will be found out.

Daily Dose:


Let's find out tomorrow. It's really late and I'm sleepy. Aren't you sleep? Let's get a good night's rest.

Sleep in hell , shill.

He got fired after the pizzagate video you posted.

fuck I remember this.
I wonder what the DHS is doing to stop this.
they make it so obvious too... shit

Yeah, you're probably right.

He's taking a dirt nap

He revealed Zionist blood sacrifice to the goyim. What the fuck do you think happened??

Under Active Investigation, though /HTG/ have dried up lately.

you do realize this doesn't work right? not everybody lives in commiefornia like you cucks do.

>oh yeah im so tired let me just sleep in the middle of the fucking day

He is kill

I'm awfully tired. I might go have a lie down, you guys probably should too. Sup Forums will still be here when you get back.

Based Ben Swann. They got to him. Still waiting for Tzuday.

How you know when you hit the nail by the head is when the shills come.

Is anyone else feeling tired? It's really late I think I'm going to go sleep now.

Is Ben ok?

kindly fuck off, everyone know's you're shilling

did he get suicided?


Guys it's getting really late. I'm sure He's alright. Let's not worry about it and take a nap.

You mad whiteboi?

Lol even shills are LOW ENERGY. Sad!

He is going to do a big interview at the end of May concerning the brouhaha of him disappearing after the pizzagate report. He's fine, goyim

Guys I just woke up I'm really full of energy let's get excited and talk about things. Ok?

Self-bumps don't bump, but here's a bump for ye. Hopefully the Jews haven't killed Ben.

Gosh that's interesting but all this interest really takes it out of me
I sure could use some sleeep

well, I tried. ive been off Sup Forums for some months now. now its REALLY turned to shit. Shills everywhere. fuck this board

huh. i was wondering this earlier today.

Ben has been on cbs46 since this shit has gone down. He's just been doing the anchorman thing recently, don't know if he still does his investigative reports.

[Discusses topic thoughtfully]

I like your comment it fills me with energy. i lend my energy to everyone else to get excited and discover the truth about Ben Swann. Now let's go do some jumping jacks and discover the truth.

It's not normal for someone to just delete every single account, including YouTube and Twitter, especially if they work in media. We can hope he's been put on a gag order because of the investigations. But anyone thinking a Podesta arrest is around the corner is fooling themselves.



It's late, I'm tired you guys are right I should sleep I have school tommorow.

This sleep shilling shit is literally retarded, if you post it even ironically, you are a faggot and need to neck yourself

Shhhhh, now is time for sleep.

Don't lose heart user. Where you gonna go anyways? Besides you're here forever, but the shills won't be.

im staying up idk about you.

I've never felt more energetic than I do right now. Guys let's use this energy to discuss Ben Swann.

Sup Forums will always be here. We can't stay up all night or it will mess up our sleep schedules and negatively affect our performances at work and school! We should go to bed.


8ch an. They actually ban shills there unlike this shitty board.


Here's a vid from the 7th of this month. If you want something more recent feel free to browse their videos and look.

Really makes you nap


Why have so few people brought this up? It's genuinely creepy and all the evidence I need to know that something sinister is happening behind the scenes

Maybe you should use your energy for something useful. Like, compiling and maintaining daily threads if you feel this topic isn't discussed enough.
That would take some effort and we all just had such a long day though.

huh. still, I wonder why it seems like he isn't allowed to have social media accounts.


My eyelids are feeling so heavy, It's time for us to all go to sleep. Time to get off Sup Forums and to get some sleep. Now turn off the computer screen.

check this post
apparently he IS alive but is only an anchor now.

Nice find. I look forward to seeing what they make him say.

I would guess it's because his bosses don't want pizzafags from Sup Forums spamming his Twitter and him becoming a public face associated with pizzagate. Not unreasonable, regardless if you believe in pizzagate or not

yoooo broo you alright dawg? you seem woozy.Try taking a nap bro, we all need to get some z's. I'm about to hop in an Epsom salt bath. Everybody here get some sleep please! Lots of things to accomplish tomorrow but they can wait for our much needed sleep bro. night!

Well, after the Assange, let's not jump to conclusions.



He was shutdown because he spoke out against Hillary Clinton because she is a woman showing that he hates woman because he is a racist nazi.

He's alive. What you're seeing there is something called Morph Cut, an effect in Adobe Premiere where you can create seamless jump cuts. Obviously its not 100% seamless which is why that artifact is there.


I am currently watching this, do you know what are the messages he left behind?

Dude I've seen him on tv regularly in recent weeks, as recent as last week. This is nothing like Assange.

This argument is cogent and accurate.

Everything is chaos right now. I had some real suspicions and then this accusation surfaced.

Does anyone know what actually happened to this guy? I havent heard a thing about him since...

>morph cut

I dont know who's shilling who anymore in this thread

At some point we have to pick up the sword.

>morph cut nonsense

not shilling dude, its a real thing.

The CIA wins again

Subversion is their specialty


bump because i forgot about this shit

dude, thats what it is. With Julian, it was a perfect opportunity to use it since he was stationary on a white background.

I believe you're the only one that posts this awful image. If so, I usually find we're on the same page. Feels good.

he got freaked the fuck out by the cabal's enforcers.
he's still on the local nightly news, he just doesn't do hardcore investigative peices anymore.

"Morph cut" was the shill line. An actual video editor would use one of several other terms.



Fuck off

Referenced professional weightlifters for the uncanny valley.

such as? How else would you get near seamless jump cuts?

I called and they called me a faggot and started making fart noises with their mouth into a phone.

too much confirmation bias in the threads made me want to bail.
then someone suggest looking at all the freight warehouses within one mile of all the freeways looking for a pattern in ownership. that was too much nonsense for me.

literally not an argument. Assange is alive. You are not going to have me believe a government agency actually created a 3d fucking hologram to make it seem like he's alive.

You shouldn't discuss something you know nothing about.

After finding a half dozen businesses in the local area in an hour of work on foot, it's safe to say the overarching patterns are real.


He's talking in the middle of May apparently user

maybe if you knew so much you'd actually tell me how this isnt morph cut

some more proof morph cut was used and assange isn't dead

You seem very invested in proving this narrative.


We don't know if Assange is dead or alive. But one thing is clear, he's not in that embassy and something happened back in October that changed the fate for a lot of lives.

Yeah, his site was set to "go dark" and he said everyone was worried but "trust me"

because it's real, and you're just being subversive without providing any actual proof to support your claims? fuck off dude. I wouldn't be surprised if you were a shill.



I believe he's still on air. Search voat.co/v/pizzagate. There's usually a thread about it every few weeks.