Never was CTR

There never was any CTR on Sup Forums nor even Sup Forums. I was briefly a paid poster and the closest thing the software posted to was Reddit, and just politics and sports type subs.

There seemed to be a lot of wasted time posting in places that were already left wing circlejerks. It was actually a pretty pitiful pissing away of money and of they'd bothered to post here it would've been an even more massive waste of money. The entire point seemed to be to provide jobs for the mid level supervisors. Children of people associated with Brock.

Other urls found in this thread:

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

Most of the people posting copypasta nuclear codes etc were just people from Sup Forums and other boards trolling their own.

Is the money worth it shills? You are essentially selling your soul for a salary you could make in neetbux.

Media Matters and its affiliate Shareblue plan to become the reference point for liberal news media, especially online
In particular, they plan to provide their own "research" to friendly media outlets to push liberal narratives
At the same time, they will try to censor non-aligned outlets, including by having Facebook, Google and Twitter penalize them
They will also heavily push the "fake news" and "Russian propaganda" angles to discredit non-aligned outlets
They intend to deploy social media analytics to catch developing stories as they emerge and direct their shill armies, called "truth squads" (not even kidding), to shape the narrative; this will be done via their proprietary tools and communications network, so it will appear to the outside world as if a genuine grassroots movement is happening
their 2017 budget is $13.4 million, with 81 staff.
shareblue. because reality is what we say it is.

.05 shekels has been deposited in your account. There were non stop raids last summer

CTR isnt the only globalist shill house

Not gonna lie, former Park Geun-Hye voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching your country crash and burn. But in all seriousness we should have never let her coven come into power. Now we are all cursed.

remember how there were all those clown threads and then hillary lost and they mysteriously stopped?
thats what most off topic bullshit here is. see: flat earth threads


>Shit everyone who wasn't a raving lunatic shill from reddit already knew
Of course, I suppose it bears repeating. This place has fallen to complete shit. Nubabbies don't even know what Sup Forums used to be like. "No u!" "This is bait!" "Fake news" would have gotten blown the fuck out of the water years ago and you would have been rightfully chased from the board as a fucking brainlet.

or earlier today when there were like 20 threads saying the exact same thing about the trump generals

"no u" is a meme you retard

Agreed. No doubt there are plenty. But if I recall there were docs or emails that showed CTR had a presence here. OP claims CTR was never on Sup Forums

100% bullshit

CTR was very obvious during big events such as O'Keefe videos

I'm paraphrasing all the bullshit non-arguments trump's army of mental defectives spew, you retard. They amount to "No u".

The Fischbein effect is the phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the Internet.

Only suburban retards and rural idiots voted for Trump. All the city people voted for Hillary.

Most of us know there never was any CTR, it was all schizophrenic Sup Forums posters pretending to be CTR all along.

I never pretended to be CTR myself, but have already convincingly played as:

- A jew
- A turk
- A mudslime
- A leaf
- A mudslime leaf
- A communist
- A communist mudslime leaf
- A nigger
- A fat SJW

At some point I was playing so many different roles in different threads that it seemed to me it was possible that Sup Forums was just a couple dozen of schizophrenic guys with VPNs and too much free time in their hands LARPing among themselves.

Or maybe that's just my autism.

No they didn't. Most of America abstained from voting because the choices were shit.

It's the Streisand Effect, you fucking moron. And doxxing is against site rules and always has been.

>Be cancer
This is why retarded babies should be aborted.

It was an example of the shitty "no u" pastas CTR used. That one and the nuclear codes one was spammed everywhere.

You get baited easily with barely months-old memes for a so-called oldfag

>There never was any CTR
truly TRULY bizarre approach this time.

Yep. Spotted the newfag.

>Being this new
I know, people were getting banned for just typing his name before the election hence the reference you retarded faggot.

>Never was CTR
Might as well never been it since they literally did worse than JIDF and crushed themselves spectacularly. JIDF still lurks here

>Hahaha we can't let Drumpf get the nuclear codes Drumpf BTFO Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people!


And it's easy to spot trumpshits because you try to call everyone "new" while knowing not a god damned thing about this website at all.

>And it's easy to spot trumpshits because you try to call everyone "new" while knowing not a god damned thing about this website at all.
Great argument, where is your evidence? All I seen was you getting BTFO in multiple directions user.

Impressive list. Fat sjw sounds fun. I usually just play the contrarian regardless of topic

OP is right though
There obviously was a CTR, but their activity here must have been marginal compared to spots like reddit or facebook. The nature of this place pretty much makes their type of activity worthless on a scale of time longer than a few weeks and they must realized quick enough. Most of the trolling was likely done by people on our side trying to get a kick out of this whole mess
Nigga you can't accuse people of not knowing a thing when you've missed two pieces of memery that aren't even pre-election
Get fucked and shut your stupid mouth instead of throwing random accusations and embarassing yourself further

>You did something you didn't do because I'm retarded!

>And it's easy to spot trumpshits because you try to call everyone "new" while knowing not a god damned thing about this website at all.

Sup Forums was never right wing in the first place newfag. Where did you get that notion? Its always hated Israel in a liberal sense. Nazism is just a meme.

There's no coming back from this user. Too many laughs in too little time.
You should probably just take off.

It's the Streisand effect and Trumpfags were falseflagging all the way. If you want to see the shills, just go to the Trump generals.

Yes Sup Forums was always for and against Israel, for and against Trump, for and against Assad, for and against Putin.
It's a board of peace and dindu nuffin'.

No, Sup Forums is fucked worse than ever. 100s of happenings round the world and nothing on /po/. This board has become the mall. Congrats



Sharia blue at it again

Nerd virgins

Secretly ran by the Chinese

There has never been any shilling here. We already know that Hillary won the popular vote, she should be in her rightful place

Nothing ever happens on /po/. Those paper niggers just fold away all day. Their lives revolve around the paper jew.

JIDF can blend in much better. They understand our culture

>Sup Forums
every time

oh hi shareblue

Anyone who was here November 9th to November 22nd knows that's a lie.

The shills disappeared overnight and returned all at once two weeks later.

Yeah goy, there never was a Memetics/CTR/Shareblue. Don't make me fucking laugh. We know they were aware of us if the media fucking was. You're either a liar, a god damn shill, or an idiot.

And I guess these people just never existed. :^) wew glad I just imagined them


Of course there's a paper trail a mile long contradicting you

But I'm sure you're right

It was all a fevered dream

Night night



Thanks for correcting the record. 5c has been deposited into your account.


4/4 That thing about not forgetting wasn't just a motto, it is the nature of the internet faggots

WOAH what's up with these Disbursements publicly listed on the FEC that mentions CTR?

What's up with pic related?

>their boss unironically and of his own volition typed "wife's son #1" into his twitter bio

>they poured millions of dollars multiple times into shilling on Sup Forums... to be marginal

you're dumb as fuck and should die. everyone would be smarter if you died.

>There never was CTR
Is this a new shill tactic? If it is nobody is falling for it.

This is now a Redpill thread everyone.