>this is what nigger magazines actually believe
This is what nigger magazines actually believe
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but it's true, no?
Black people don't seem to age very quickly, same with Asians
gee sure is shit flood around here
you niggers need to spread your posts out more
Literally racism.
Racism how m8
ya thats why we invented sunscreen while they were still meandering in the jungle
Wtf op. Sun damage does cause the appearance of aged skin.
It's a fact dumbass.
black people smell like aged bananas
>facts are racist
I do understand the constant putting whites down though.
Well at least they're admitting that race is real.
>we invented sunscreen
oh really? what role did YOU play in the invention of sunscreen, you whiny bitch?
>we wuz inventors n shit by golly, hyuk hyuk!
fucking retard lmfao.
>there's no genetic differences between race
>race is a social construct
the day of the rope is coming very, very soon
Yeah but so what? Blacks are better at standing in the sun, bully for them. They are also more likely to be anemic. Is that somehow a comment on their quality as people?
That's why Beyonce literally gets her body and face bleached. Same as Michael Jackson.
Show me a white who gets their skin shitted for anti-aging benefits. Pro tip: they can't.
(((Who))) funds Affinity Magazine?
Define "real"
Its probably all the fucking lotion
it actually makes sense if you think about it.
>people of European decent's skin is more affected by artificial aging due to the sun and other UV sources damaging collagen quicker
>black people are on average less intelligent because of lower IQ scores??? that's so fucking racist!
more of the same, more of the same.
It does effectively age the skin. Not the goddam person itself.
Not a social construct.
Science. White people age faster in sun. Niggers are afraid of igloos?
Seems like they are very suitable for extended periods of outdoor work. Like cotton picking.
Black people can't be racist
Only in equatorial regions. Big Nog's don't like the cold climates of the north
Butt hurt nigger detected
At least he can hold a job unlike 90% of niggers like you.
All i'm saying is if its so great/hot to be a black girl how come no one wants them?
Both "white people age fast" and "black people tend to be dumb" are true statements.
You can hire a nigger but you can't fire a nigger.
Moisturizer on your face every day from when you are a teenager. Niggers do it because their ape skin dries out and gets "ashy". Asian women do it because their mothers teach them.
It is though. Definitions vary widely. Greeks are more related to West Asians than to Finns for instance, so why should Greeks be put into the white race rather than some Middle Eastern race?
Lmao ape skin, so fucking funny.
niggers look full grown in the 8th grade what is this kike shit
>black dont crack
Conversely, did you know pale skin is much better in reflecting thermal radiation from nukes?
Enough difference between life and death.
This guy was a truck driver, the left side faced the window.
I can only speaks for myself. But I can't recall ever finding any nigglet attractive enough to wanna busts a but in? Why do white women wanna fuck chimps?
That is true, but only if whitey lives under the sun in black mans land
Then why do Asians age so well?
>it's an op pretends to be fantastically retarded getting angry at facts like a tumblrina thread
Because Asians are made of magic and spice.
>we wuz inventors n shit by golly, hyuk hyuk!
that was weak
Let's follow niggers on their loop-da-loop logic here.
Put a nigger in a cold environment and he'll act like a monkey lost in snow.
That's probably bullshit, but even if it's not, I'm not sure it matters.
Races have different characteristics and can be classified. If this weren't true there wouldn't be nearly as many Africans in the United States. The reason Africans were used as slaves were because they were stronger than the American Indians and were more resistant to Yellow Fever.
But even if you're right and race is a construct. We should still act like it's real. It's helpful in medical stuff. I had a few symptoms similar to a disease that only affected white males, so I was tested for it. If I were black, it would've been a waste of time. So sometimes it's helpful that people are categorized into races.
wtf? How is this account verified?
> To "age"
A fatal dose of stupidity does that a lot faster.
>slightly more fragile skin vs. -25 to 45 IQ points
how will i ever recover
>this post will get shit
>people will still ignore OP about we wuz sunburnt and shit and how black people literally admitted that different races have different genetic factors
sun is the main cause of the breakdown of collagen, though. i don't know much about how melanin works, but that much i know.
>blacks have bigger dicks?
>blacks age better?
>blacks have better skin?
>blacks have lower IQ on average?
maybe if you catch it early enough
crack cocaine binds directly with melanin receptors. the high is like a religious experience to them
Why should that be controversial? Black skin is well-suited to sunny climates.
The first 3 are false though
>nogs still mad at whites for evolving
thats like being mad at your ancestors for not inventing housing and communities for socializing and trade.
maybe the lack of structured communities is why blacks are still so violent, they didnt get used to being around each other so much outside of raping and having warring tribes and eating each other for food.
Hell they didnt even plow the fields of africa before before foreigners showed them how. Even when the foreigners do come and show them how, and provide them the tools, they neglect them and destroy them and end up starving themselves.
What have blacks truly contributed to society other than showing how segregation is a good thing
They don't care about whether or not those things are true. They still claim they are.
>not being retarded
>avoiding cancer
this is why niggers.
I mean he's not wrong...
as usual, the most triggered retards are the quickest to run damage control lmfao.
did you just shart on your keyboard or something
>we wuz different and shieeet
>nu uh we only 1 race
Can we talk about this 47 year old then?
I aint shitting you guys, Gwen Stefani is fucking 47 in this picture.
Redpill me on Affinity Magazine, who owns it? Why pushes anti-white tweets so much?
caked on makeup
Now thats a good maneuver.
If you believe nigger science then if Niggers were white every single one would have to be darted, tagged, then put down, because every nigger would be a Charles Manson. The chart presented says "incidence", attempting to denote the violent nature of less melanin. Can you image the cluster fuck if you provided the money and told a group of Niggers to put a man on the moon? Sure you can have degrasse as your wehrner von Braun. Hahahahahahaha! 100 trillion and 60 years later the nigger scientist would have invented.... fucking nothing. Not even a space hammer.
>pol unironically fights scientific fact because of nazi bias they have
>They mixed
>Therefore not black!
>got heart disease and diabeetus but damn my face be smooth as nanny
Nagger logic
Well, that's true.
>russia unironically posts memes that think will fit in but dont because they used the word goy wrong
Niggers are dumber than dog shit
Yeah, Hillary would've been great
Black don't crack.
Black people age in jail or are superfat so you can't tell.
Blacks are product of r-selection which is why they age much, much faster than whites.
Blacks on the other hand have to take vitamin D supplements in northern climates.
Russians believe revisionist? Nigger light bulb? Nigga, please. Sweeping the floor does not make you the inventor. It makes you the custodian (janitor). White man even invented, "every nigger gets a trophy". Try to give them worth. It wasn't worth it. Hahahahahahaha!
>Blacks on the other hand have to take vitamin D supplements in northern climates.
You don't actually believe this do you?
But that's true. Your ass better put on some screen my dude.
It's true though? It's a major racial difference. One of the primary anti-ageing things you can do that is supported by science - unlike 99% of bullshit jew products out there - is to use sunscreen.
Use it every fucking day. Stay white. Stay youthful.
Tanning and smoking is the worst for you.
Sure, they put their own spin on it to make it sound good, but you can fix it by buying cheap sunscreen. Meanwhile the black problem of "ashy skin" requires constant moisturizing. Somehow that's not written up as a racial handicap by the same magazine.
Its like these niggers forget their elders look like the fuckin california raisins
>but it's true, no?
Not really.
>But although photoageing is delayed, other signs of ageing skin are not. Black skin is more prone to age spots, to dark patches on the skin and to harmless brown growths known as seborrheic keratosis.
>Not only this, but while the wrinkles stay away, people with darker skins are more likely to find their chins sag, their cheeks hollow and pockets of fatty tissue develop under the eyes as they get older.
>The truth is none of us can escape the ravages of ageing.
>Can you image the cluster fuck if you provided the money and told a group of Niggers to put a man on the moon?
>Option 1: Actually fund the cultivation of an African space program to go to moon for reasons?(Why would anyone want to go to the moon?)
>Option 2: Assuming a program time limit of at least 60 yr (just going off comment), don't use funds for African space program and live off funds luxuriously until you're dependent and instead of making proper socio-economic decisions for yourself, you're main goal in life is to keep the free money funds coming at all cost
This is why we need to kill welfare
Medfag here, more sun exposure = more wrinkles. Black skin is more resistant to UV but also black skin has a way larger chance of getting skin cancer. Also this doesn't mean blacks are immune to wrinkles.
This is why neet life is the best life. Just never leave the house
Medfag here, actualy almost every human being should take vitamine D supplements.
>You don't actually believe this do you?
They're prone to bone disease in this country due to having skin which isn't evolved enough to extract vitamin D from the limited amount of sunlight.
Yeah health Canada gave a warning out to new immigrants to make sure they supplement vitamin d if they don't drink supplemented milk
are they rap lyrics in that pic? make no fucking sense. a side chick means he's cheating.
>if they don't drink supplemented milk
Which they won't do due to not having digestive systems evolved enough to process milk.