>still not Catholic
Why aren't you Catholic yet, Sup Forums ?
>still not Catholic
Why aren't you Catholic yet, Sup Forums ?
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because i like to read my bible in english by myself without risk of a priest touching my privates
>spitting protestant memes
you're like a child who doesn't know what he's saying
but I am, and Brazil is the biggest catholic country by believers of the world
yes, but for how long
because i don't think this is biblical
Pope francis is popular as fuck here, catholic believers are in the rise 2bqf
good to hear desu
non denominational but open.Your best arguments for conversion to catholicism.I hate pope pope francis
>Current year
>being religious
Not even once famalams
>he thinks it's still 2016
wow, get with the times
>get with the times
> that horse butt
My bepis
Indeed. He needs to know the one true faith. Also, high mass should be in Latin, low mass should be in the local dominate languages.
I'm positive Francis is a good thing for the Church because he knows how to talk PC, restoring the image that the church does give a damn.
because I believe in birth control and a real sex education
Waiting for that argument for conversion
Props to you, curious christian. I say our pope gets much non-christian shit wrong, but that's not his job. Also Jesuits are losing the plot with their liberation theology. I suffered through a Jesuit school for 7 years, so I know.
>worship Mary
name a successful catholic state you faggot?
Protestantism > Catholicism.
Look up "Natural Family Planning". There are physical ways to game the system--while still being open to having children. If you sterilize sex, it's nothing but mutual masturbation.
>Real sex education
Bruh, abstinence education worked in Africa until Soros/Gates rained on that parade.
Check out catholic answers. Their aesthetic is behind the time, but they have excellent apologists.
>still under the delusion that God is loving and just
So y should i convert
HAHAHAHAHA. No. We just honor those who choose God thoroughly because in doing so, we honor God. That is the why we "worship"--honoring their worthiness yet never equating them to God, since worship is an old term for honoring someone--Mary and the saints.
Silly protestants. Look up Peter Kreeft on Protestantism. You might have a better spiritual life than me, but your theology is stunted.
I will look it up
Because I don't like the taste of Muhhamad's cock
Because every Abrahamic religion is pure Jew poison, should be outlawed, and mocked by every white man and woman.
So I won't turn to a degenerate loving faggot
Only shitskin countries are catholic.
>inb4 hurr durr Germany and Sweden are cucks!
Yes but white cucks.
because I don't worship idols
Meh I made a whole bunch of breads about Catholic knights vs Saracens and Turks n sheeit around the time this board went latest wave keen on Jesus cos I like Mel and the TradCats but its just easier being Calvo cos no pope to embarrass me and I prefer doing nothing on Sunday.
Christian values are neat tho and I'm 100% on board with any kind of witch trials, burning the Talmud, Inquisition against the unnatural sodomites, and the Deus Vulting of Saracen and Roach.
>Under the opinion that a Godless world can be unconditionally loving and just
It's okay user. We take in people as smart as you as well.
I really respect protestants for their core belief of the personal relationship with God. That is the first thing, the most important thing. HOWEVER, Jesus gave John his mother, and in doing so, he gave us a community.
Should you convert? Ultimately, yes. Doing so will give you the opportunity to grow closer to God than you otherwise would (Look up the Catholic biblical arguments for the Eucharist).
What should you do next? Chat with a Catholic priest after church or well before church--keep in mind there are new protocols to make sure he can't be accused falsely of sexual harassment, which will protect you as well--and take the intellectual dive online.
Christianity lost with the fall of Constantinople, this isn't even that depressing for me anymore.
Because the Orthodox Church is the real Church
I am Catholic,I'm joining the Knights of Columbus soon.
Are you a woman?
I'm less sexually attracted to girl if she is on birth control pills it screws up a women's pheromone's.
God bless.
France was at one time.
It's being invaded by muslims because the Catholics in France quit being Catholic.
German was Catholic,Hitler was a Catholic.
Orthodox Church is for Greeks and Russians.
Americans are app sed to be Catholics.
>Why aren't you Catholic yet, Sup Forums ?
- Because the RCC has officially sought to mitigate the doctrine of St. Augustine.
- Because the RCC officially ignores Thomas Aquinas' position criticizing the assumption of Mary.
Thus, I am Reformed and therefore more Catholic that you'll ever be. Fight me.
Hitler was austrian with black hair. Northern germans are protestant and blonde.
Ignorance (and publicity) are two hell of a drug.
It's okay anons. Even caustic sinners are welcome into the true faith.
>Protestant meme
kek. Graven image is a fabrication, and statues aren't worshiped, they are physical reminders of God who is worshiped instead. You're not dumb tho, user, the Eastern Orthodox made that Iconoclast error in the past.
Calvo? Whatchu mean?
>Muh Sundays
user you need time to meditate on what matters, the source and summit of all goodness.
On the what was the church built? All saber rattling aside, user, good to have you close to the real church. Even though you're not there yet.
No user. He was raised it but was a shitty one and tried to convert the Germans to a "stronger" faith, like Islam.
Hitler prayed the rosary during ww1
Only Catholics pray the rosary.
do you go to mass
Because the Catholic church works hard to bring about the coming of the anti-christ.
Hitler still got a proper Catholic funeral and was raised Catholic.
Hitler was a devout fathom C in his younger years.
Wew if something like that happpens in Mecca like if other religions worshipping in the the most sacred place to Muslims I would be really mad
You Christians are cucks
Hitler was Catholic
Go watch the greatest story never told.
I go to Mass every Sunday.
All Catholic males should join the knights of Columbus.
>Christian values are neat tho and I'm 100% on board with any kind of witch trials, burning the Talmud, Inquisition against the unnatural sodomites, and the Deus Vulting of Saracen and Roach.
Agreed. They're making Christianity into the very parody we've tried to avoid for over a decade now. So many Poes on this board I've lost count.
Because im a jew and your pope is a big faggot and your religion is pretty much irrelevant
literally the pit of degeneracy
He said that homos are an enrichment for humanity
Reformed what, user? Care to cite Aquinas's part in the Summa?
Hitler didn't fall so far until after ww1. None hate Hitler for fighting for Germany in ww1, but for his affiliations and actions afterward.
In short, that's not proof user.
Dafuq are you talking about, user?
Sauce? His younger years matter less than what made him a genocidal racist maniac.
At what age, user? I don't see why I should yet.
Thanks for the reminder. I forgot to include my contempt of transubstantiation. "This is my body" = the body of Christ in the communion of the Holy Spirit. Paul reflects and expands this body of Christ concept further among the fellowship of the Church. Therefore, not literal flesh.
Early Christians were accused by the pagans of being cannibals. "But that's not true!" Well, it is if you believe in transubstantiation/consubstantiation.
Jesus said He was the vine. Was He therefore literally a vine?
Jesus said He was the door. Was He therefore literally a door?
Jesus said He was the stone the builders rejected. Was He therefore simply taken for granite?
and? Degeneracy and sin are catholic concepts. Forgiveness and mercy are also my friend
>I will play dumb and then deny everything later.
2bqf, Catholicism always did that. Catholicism thrived on integrating other religions into theirs and thus enabling more followers
i am the word made flesh
Sauce or go away. Same sex attraction occurs, and people who have it are still human. We all have our own crosses.
Preach brother. Sin technically is Hebrew for "missing the mark" which leads one to understand what it means. However, guilt and recompense are human sentiment regardless of religion. Look up how the Germanic pagans tried to use money to pay off guilt. One sacrifice for all time is more effective and more beautiful.
Have some mercy user, I'm not a masterful theologian yet.
Cannibals eat their equals, not their superiors. The Eucharist is imbibing Jesus the Godman, not Jesus the human. I don't quite know how to phrase it, but I think you get my meaning.
Because I already have a religion. Maybe you have heard of it, it is called Christianity. Leave your cult.
>missing the mark
You mean greek for missing the mark
>Degeneracy and sin are catholic concepts.
However, there is great confusion in Christianity about where degeneracy and sin originate.
From the Monergist perspective, "sin" is a state of degeneracy (a heart dead to all righteousness) that originates as a curse you're born with.
Thus, the sins we commit are merely the symptoms of an underlying problem that is far-far worse.
Roman Catholics, OTOH, claim there's enough self-righteousness to cooperate with Christ. Salvation is more of a collaborative work, rather than, you know, Jesus literally saving you from death in sin (Ephesians 2:1). Dead is dead.
But to the RCC, you're just "mostly dead." Many evangelicals are the same way. But life and death is a binary; NOT a spectrum.
>Implying Catholics aren't Christian
Care to explain, protestant user? Eastern Orthodox are too enlightened to make that mistake.
Because Orthodox is superior
>be small
>get baptized into catholic church
>suffer an archonic posession throughout life
>start learning about luciferian gnosticism
>symptoms starts to recede
>decide to explore the qliphoth and descend them
>symptoms recede more
I guess I'm signing up to Dragon Rouge or whatever to practice gnosticism while learning magic, have fun being destroyed by the demiurge I guess.
truly this is the end of times
You have my approval as an atheist.
Catholics can't think for themselves. All knowledge is top down, and the pleb is encouraged to accept mystery rather seek wisdom himself.
If only the inquisition were still around...sigh
>my religion is a lie, so I will enforce it with murder
2bqf most brazilians don't even care or know about that, we are so catholic that we even forgot what makes people catholic and what doesn't
Cause I'm not retarded enough to believe in fairy tales.
>Have some mercy user, I'm not a masterful theologian yet.
Everyone's a theologian. Some simply receive special recognition for it.
Scroll down to "Augustinism in history"
Quote: The influence of the Doctor of Hippo has been so exceptional in the Church, that, after having indicated its general characteristics (see above), it is proper to indicate the principal phases of the historical development of his doctrine. The word Augustinism designates at times the entire group of philosophical doctrines of Augustine, at others, it is restricted to his system of grace. Hence, (1) philosophical Augustinism; (2) theological Augustinism on grace; (3) laws which governed the mitigation of Augustinism.
IOW, "This guy is so awesome that we had to create additional laws to weaken the doctrine he taught."
Quote: Saint Thomas Aquinas refused to concede the Immaculate Conception, on the ground that, unless the Blessed Virgin had at one time or other been one of the sinful, she could not justly be said to have been redeemed by Christ. - Summa Theologica, Volume 4 (Part III, First Section)
^ But those are supposably YOUR boys!
>Cannibals eat their equals, not their superiors. The Eucharist is imbibing Jesus the Godman, not Jesus the human. I don't quite know how to phrase it, but I think you get my meaning.
No, I don't. Unless you're literally trying to justify cannibalism.
>tfw westerners will never know the feel of stepping into a cozy orthodox church
You literally feel God all around you. All the huge an imposing western cathedrals don't hold a candle to the intimacy and closeness to God you feel when you enter an Orthodox church.
If you ever come to Romania I highly recommend visiting the churches in Bucovina.
>Still not realising Christianity is an imported Semetic religion not compatible with Europe and only spread so far because a Roman emperor thought converting his entire empire to a new religion would be a good way to keep it from fully crumbling for a few more decades
Umm, wazat?
Pretty sure the concept originated with the Jews, unless you have a sauce. It looks like the word itself is a germanic one, but that's besides the point. The origin is what matters: etymonline.com
Wrong theologically speaking, decent in comparison to the schismatics like protestants (who fracture like fractals).
We can. I will agree that it isn't encouraged enough among the plebs. I will say that not all plebs give enough of a shit or have enough time, however (hence Methodism).
What authority do you speak from, unless you're a troll?
Not a troll, your "god" is a farce. And deep insde you know, because jesus promised you would do miracles and aren't able to do them.
>inb4 claiming to do miracles but not being able to do them here.
>2bqf most brazilians don't even care or know about that, we are so catholic that we even forgot what makes people catholic and what doesn't
Exactly. Thank you for this admission. I love Catholics regardless, and it's a lot of work to wake them up.
>Umm, wazat?
Hand. . .
Sup Forums, I am catholic.
dead kike on a stick
>tfw Romanian gf is orthodox
>tfw Romanian churches are comfy-tier
I will convert to orthodox in some time.
Because I'm Orthodox.
The lore behind them is really good too.
Stefan cel Mare (the great) was the ruler of Moldova in the 1400s and fought against the Turks many times.
For each battle he won he built one of those monasteries as thanks to God for granting him the power to remove kebab.
God bless
Pithy! I like you. However, like tails and legs, flat out idolizing holy people and honoring their cooperation with God are different, just like tails and legs.
I appreciate and agree with your label, but I am still a novice. Thank you for that precise analysis user, but since I am not that knowledgeable yet, I cannot even argue in this subject.
Well I can't parse the difference down further. Cannibalism is eating of the same species. Jesus might have been human for 30ish years but he's been divine for longer. I'm saying that it's not cannibalism but find myself lacking to distinguish the two verbally even though I know them to be distinct. I appreciate the challenge user, even though I was unable to rise to the challenge tonight, and for that, I apologize.
Samefagging here. I forgot to add that the early church councils affirm the doctrine of Jesus' dual nature as being without division or mixture. You can't say they're just eating one-half and disregard the other.
Unless you're. . .a cannibal. That's how the pagans trolled us then, and that's how they'll troll you now, unless you affirm the Reformed symbolism and deny transubstantiationism.
do you have an argument to convert to orthodox
>I appreciate and agree with your label, but I am still a novice. Thank you for that precise analysis user, but since I am not that knowledgeable yet, I cannot even argue in this subject.
But now you can! I've laid it all out before you. Do you know how difficult it is to navigate New Advent? I didn't even do it myself, I got it from a theology blog. The Aquinas citation I completely happened upon by accident. Thomas is saying that if it were true, it would contradict the portion of the magnificat affirming God as her "savior."
These are the citations. It is now for you to decide for yourself.
Every white man that buys into the Jew poison of the Abrahamic faith should be culled.
Then I am grateful for your sincerity and your attempt to enlighten me. I'm curious as to why there are so many sinful Catholics, but I know myself to be an especially sinful one, so I am not surprised.
My question stands. On what authority do you trust your interpretation? Maybe you trust your reason, but what about your sources lead you to trust them. If they are so trustworthy, please share them with me.
Apologies user. I still need to lurk moar.
I need to check this out. Most Catholic churches in my area have stripped themselves of coziness in the attempt to be modern. It's sad. At least our cathedrals are nice. Pity we have so few of them.
No worries user. I appreciate the forewarning, and ask again which "reformed" you're talking about and how I can know which to choose. That sounded snarky, but I sincerely ask.
Because I've had it with Christians coming to my door and claiming their version of the Bible is the truthâ„¢. Also I find human sacrifice to be disgusting.
Paganism and ancestor worship is better desu.