He still believes the Jewish Dinosaur lie

>He still believes the Jewish Dinosaur lie

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Yeah good facts. Nice larp shill.

Not an argument you pseudo science loving cuck.

Alligators are a lie too!

dinosaurs laid eggs, i doubt they had pseudo-penises

Cloacas are how they reproduced. Not all that dissimilar from how birds mate.

The common theme with flat Earthers, dinosaur deniers, nuke deniers and hollow Earthers is that none of them possess a single bit of competent scientific abilities, nor the drive/ability to conduct competent research.

You watch youtube videos by crackpots and rush to by into the fact you're on to some "inside knowledge" that no one else is, giving you some feeling of being special and unique. It turns out you are all just retarded and incapable of understanding basic principles, theories and laws that govern our very existence.


>He still believes the blue whale and elephant lies
Have you ever seen a giraffe? What a joke, they obviously don't exist in (((Africa))) land of mythical creatures.

Don't alligators mate underwater or something? IDK I saw a alligator's wang online and the way it came out it looked they'd do it in water or something. Like I've never seen a female alligator's vagina so again IDK how they mate.

Lol, let those without sin cast the first stone. Where is your argument?

Oh, (((Africa)))! Land of the myhtical creatures indeed, such as zebras and functional black majority states

(((fossil records)))

the idea of them fucking did make me laugh because i found this pic

We've done it Sup Forums. The stupidest post on Sup Forums.

Says the guy who walked among them and was able to view their life cycle...oh wait


>tfw Joe Brontossaurus also has a small penis

Yeah there's totally no difference between blue whales, alligators, horses, giraffes, and a fucking stegosaurus



it not only looks like the top is just riding the bottom as it swims its also the pure disdain in the bottom ones face and the tops just look of pure nut



You're right. Since we were not there we can never draw competent conclusions using competent science.

The Earth is also flat because we were not there to see it form.

You people are fucking pathetic.

If you look at certain tortoise and turtle species you can get an idea of how they fucked. Hell, turtles have shells and still get it done. They fuck hilariously too, you should check that shit out.

>t. herpetologist

well then


Who drew these and for what purpose?

Says the guy who watched God create the heavens and the earth in seven days... oh wait, that was just the fucking demiurge and you faggots are worshiping the wrong god.


We need more dino porn

No bully Demiurge-kun.

clearly the artist put out his frustration in ol joe

What is the most complete dinosaur skeleton ever found?

Keep posting more, I think I am finding my new fetish.

I learned a lot today. Thanks pol

>Oh, (((Africa)))! Land of the myhtical creatures indeed, such as zebras and functional black majority states
No one believes in functional black majority states, stop trying to divert the conversation away from the faerie menace and what we should be doing about it.

It's an element of paleontology to try and figure out how ancient animals lived- this is an aspect of that.

>I saw a alligator's wang online
>i saw an alligators wang

This retardation is what happens when you try and invent bullshit to explain the clusterfuck that is evolution.

to be post in this thread obviously, this is what our power is all about, we the universe


this is the best fucking post on Sup Forums all day

bones of dinosaurs exist though. we have full skeletons of some of them

fucking saved

ops understanding of biology in a nutshell


I've heard of typical Jewish snakes. But never heard of Jewish dinosaurs.


probably the dumbest crap you could have replied with

thanks for the useless shit.



Here's some redpills for you guy beyond just the sex shitpost.

>physical evidence is dumb

No we dont. The most complete skeleton is like 30%, and its a compilation from members of the same species. The cold truth of it is, 90% of "dinosaurs" is imagination of biologists. How they "think they would be."

>what is a turtle?
>what is a giraffe?
>what is an Emu? (Don't you fucking dare)
>what is a snake?
>what is a whale?
>what is a elephant?
>what is a thorny dragon? *(pic related)

Just because animals have a hard time fucking doesn't mean it doesn't happen

Why would ancient lizards be any different than modern lizards ?

why am i in this thread

Do we!? Really!? Perhaps (((someone))) planted them


T-Rex had tiny hands, still this creature was able to masturbate, if you know what I mean.

They had really big dicks.

Why wouldn't they lie on their sides and mate belly to belly?

Also hedgehogs and porcupines mate just fine without mounting.

you don't know that

>we totally have bones


although most of what they have is larger bones and easily preserved bones so even though its a guess its a extremely educated guess

Thats why the penis is crooked, it was meant to bend down and around into the vagina

My sister found a fossil in a river before

Yes we do



fuck off with your retarded disinformation

Hognose snakes are infinitly cuter, I never liked those heat pits

>extremely educated
>fucking DINOSAURS
what the fuck happened to Sup Forums?

We all know how Emus mate silly

how do any lizards or birds fuck?

Nice sticks

this is the greatest picture i've ever seen


woops, meant to say (((sister)))

*obligatory Emu War reference*

The disinformation is claiming this is disinformation.

>he actually believes those are dinodicks
stupid those are sticks

What's your point? Because we don't know exactly how dinosaurs mated, they didn't exist? Plenty of animals a lot more awkward than dinosaurs manage to do it...

Is your sister, by any chance, a member of the Chosen By God people?

>Draw full animal from femur and some teeth

Seems legit. I get wanting to believe, but do some research on the actual fossil findings. Its pretty much nothing.

There's a lot more than just the mating thing. See

Soz,, forgot pic.

She is the only marxist in my family and she is the only one who found a fossil... must be another (((coincidence)))

i thought dinos layed eggs

I'm not going to watch a half hour video about dinosaurs not existing, give me a quick rundown.

dinosaurs are way more freaky and interesting than jews. Put a jew and a triceratops in a ring and see who brings the mustard.

dinosaurs didn't exist

you know (((who)))

Don't they have feathers now? Giant lizards and chickens roaming the earth is fucking retarded.

>American education

Basically they found femurs and teeth and sold the idea of dragons to get more funding.

>when you nut but she still buckin'


They did. So do birds and reptiles. They use Cloacas which is pretty much the male rubbing near the female and hosing her opening down with sperm, which fertilized the egg, which then gets laid.


>Put a jew and a triceratops in a ring and see who brings the mustard.

>dinosaurs never existed
>dinosaurs lived together with humans
Can creationists make up their minds?

But they've found plenty of whole skeletons. If you have a good understanding of anatomy you can reconstruct a great deal of information from partial remains, but we've found so much more...

Don't put this on America. We are taught actual science, some idiots prefer to believe crackpot youtubers over the truth though. It's the same type of idiot that claims the Earth is flat and 7000 years old.

Basically rubbing, just like some mammals and reptiles of nowadays. Chicken for instance.