Question. If I wear a swastika on my sleeve and attempt to redpill people, what do I do if someone wants to physically hurt me?
Question. If I wear a swastika on my sleeve and attempt to redpill people...
Do what you would do normally?
Let them hit first, then beat them to death.
Let them beat you to death it is the only way to advance NatSoc
>Being so needy of attention
A true NatSoc would not openly associate with the Hankerkreuz that is only done by retard neo nazis
sorry man, but a nazi gotta rely on himself.
every on must carry his own weight, and if you get into a fight you must emerge victorious.
that sounds like a terrible idea.
Even the kekifaggots will turn on you.
(((they))) have the power, everytime, everywhere
This. NatSoc is about advancing the cause for your people above all else. Besides you are not a German so don't adopt the symbols of German racialism.
be friends with people. Go out! live your life! don't let these differences get in your way. life is too short to care about trivial stuff.
I know a lot of decent natsoc who respect the swastika.
We cannot forget the symbol of the roots which fought against the evils of the elite.
I'm just curious.. Did the election that lured in a all these newfags to Sup Forums ultimately redpill and nazify all of them? The same people whom were previously neutral and didn't give much of a fuck about politics?
Cause thats what happened to me.
Don't wear it in public like a tard. That's how you get forgotten as the evil gasser they think you are as they punch you out
Sue goyim
If they have no job they will be in debt to you for a very long time if you're clever
>have you watched the electric jew today?
Never said that faggot
But only a Jewish shill would wear it unironically
I've been apart of Sup Forums since 2006, and I've slowly turned from normie fuck to full on National Socialist. Redpilling people IRL, judging anyone with a tattoo, thinking whoever has bad genetic are untermensch, thinking of the day of the rope every time I see a DINDU, making fun of the SIX MILLION subtly to work in people's subconscious.
And now I buy swastika banners and such.
im a nazi sympatizer and even i would punch you for being such a cringy faggot
virtue signaling beckons virtue signalling.
what if you are trying to draw out the commies? then using the swastika will cause them to manifest.
Just do it, you'll be fine no one will treat you like the total reject that you are. If you get beaten up it just makes your argument stronger.
dumb frog poster