How come I'd never heard of this before? Why aren't we doing this in the US?
"The Immortals" - Masked Neo-Nazi Flash Mobs Taking Over Germany
I'm fucking rock solid right now.
its from 2011
Is anything like this going on nowadays? It seems like there is way more need for it now
Would be cooler if i knew what they are saying or what is written
>How come I'd never heard of this before?
Because it was literally irrelevant and led to nothing. Even PEGIDA had more effect.
What is?
Good work, Germany. Maybe there's hope yet.
Do you guys plan on salvaging your country or are you content with being replaced?
We can start it user. It's supposed to be immortal after all.
Now I know what I want for birthday but also with leftist casualties. Kek pls I was a good boy
The autism of anonymoos, the tactics of antifa, the aesthetics of KKK.
Who's fucking fault is this shit in the first place?
If we try to salvage our country, who do you think is gonna be first in line to bomb us into rubble again?
We tried to save europe from itself and we got shat on and neutered for it. Fuck you guys, europe will fucking die. This is the future you choose.
>How come I'd never heard of this before? Why aren't we doing this in the US?
We're not to the point the Germans are. Our government, for all its faults, is not OPENLY advocating for cultural suicide and suppressing dissent. As bad as things are here, we haven't reached the "vote from the rooftops" stage yet. Germany, and large portions of Europe, is on the edge of open revolt.
What are they saying in the video?
More like the impmortals. AMIRITE? LOolrollonfloorexdee.
Actually we did that twice in a row. I fully do not agree with any of our interventions. Sorry about that whole mess we put you in.
I still feel like it would be worth a try, at least some of the invaders will get bombed as well.
Honestly though if you cut off the welfare the fucks would leave. Oh an find a way to remove your autocracy otherwise known as Merkal.
That's some truth right there. Holy fuck.
Le golden ratio
Tbh German was fine up until the refugee crisis.
I didn't choose it. I'm working with everyone I know and we're doing our damnedest to uncuck America.
Hold fast, Germany. In God's good time, the New World will come to the liberation of the old.
you just need to get rid of the refugees send them back to Syria at least most of them.
Have never heard of this either.
Looks a little faggoty.
Much ado about nothing.
being demographically replaced with shitskins at a slightly slower rate than france & uk is not really fine desu
Typical NPD stuff about lack of children, social decay and unemployment.
Only good part was the banner with "Damit die Nachwelt nicht vergisst, dass du Deutscher gewesen bist" (So Posterity remembers you've been german) desu.
In case people didn't notice, it was a thing over half a decade ago. And was done by the NPD so it was 99% likely planned and executed by the german Federal Constitution Protection Service.
fucking hell hans, wasn't ready for that pill
what have we done...
Kek will it. The German working class will rise up and remove the kebab. Germany will be great again.
We're not the US, we can't get away with violating shit like that
holy fuck this hurts so much and is so true. well put.
Adolf ol' buddy, there ain't a lot of time left.
great job posting a video from 6 years ago in a county whose people have completely given in
>We tried to save europe from itself and we got shat on and neutered for it. Fuck you guys, europe will fucking die. This is the future you choose.
It's not all lost. We helped Germany in WWII, now it might be other way around. Czech, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary are not going to accept immigrants no matter what, that will increase pressure inside EU, and you need to take advantage out of the situation.
how cold is it in iceland, i plan to move, cause im like cold very much
Goddammit Hans
When you're right, you're fucking right
>We got shat on and neutered for it
>This is the future you chose.
We nuked the nips, twice, and completely own their Island militarily speaking. And yet they still have the common sense and attachment to their culture that they don't abandon it for the sake of appeasing a bunch of niggers. Japan did worse then Hitler, and everyone loves Japanese culture, both current and past. No one even knows about Nanking and the horrible shit they did. Why? Because they don't constantly kiss every ass in apology like a cuck.
YOU destroy your culture. YOU prevent assimilation of foreigners into YOUR culture. YOU are causing the death of the German race because of YOUR guilt for YOUR past. Show some fucking pride in your heritage, and tell everyone who doesn't like it to suck a dick.
that sucks you guys gotta not go full Nazi but do something merkel messed up.
It's complicated because (((they))) went after Germany much harder than they went after Japan. But Germany didn't have the leverage to call them out at that point.
Fuck anglos and frogs for declaring war on you. If they didn't you could've steam rolled the USSR.
You fags keep voting for merkel. You're actually being brought down by a commie woman. You are pathetically weak!
>video posted in 2011
Everything they attempted to prevent took place
but ok
Japan is an island.
Germany is right in the middle of a continent.
Do those two facts elude you?
No, you dumbass. EVERYONE denazified Germany, YOU made them a joke. YOU introduced their cuckistani ideas.
pretty mild, gulf stream makes it warmer than other regions at that latitude. pretty windy though. you can find colder places in northern finland and scandinavia. or why not make lithuania great again?
The Fire Rises.
>> I Want to Become a Immortal.
> Merkel is a commie
Considering the US is what? 60% "white" I am most likely talking to a non-white so really this type of retardation is to be expected.. but man..
>who do you think is gonna be first in line to bomb us into rubble again?
at least it'll chase the shitskins out, no?
>you you you you
If only Spain could have had its shit together enough to do something meaningful in the last 120 years
>is on the edge of open revolt.
>on edge
>video form 2011
uh huh
>The Immortals
Goddamnit you shitposting newfag America is literally the most common flag on this board.
the aplhas of the ayrian race moved to america long ago or died fighting in ww2
there is barely any real men left in germany,merkel will win and they will be replaced
britain has a chance but its gonna be tough
Do you recon northern Norway is colder?
As far as Lithuania, its shit, we got no resources. We had to close our only nuclear plant, just because retarded politicians wanted to get into the eu, and france wanted a monopoly on nuclear power. People always work, don't have time for political stuff..
Come on. You tried to take over Europe for more reasons than 'saving' it. We did it too in Asia.
Spanish Civil War. Majority of males are still fascist.
merkel was smart up until the refugee crisis. Germany is a powerhouse and has been united for like 30 years
did you forget the brainwashing
>Why aren't we doing this in the US?
Because you have "le kekistan XD" and KKK is racey
This .
>japs were brutal
>russia + china killed millions
Except that Germany killed jews so now it has to bend over and be ethnically wiped out. That's genocide, by the way.
>Media owned by jews push immigration
>jewish NGO groups push it
>israel pushes it
>lefties push it / Soros funds it
It's not just Germany either. I went to Paris as a child and there were virtually no black people .I went late last year and it's a brown tide of hell.They encourage white kids to breed with black people.
Europe needs to be cleansed.
This is what I thought too
Yeah naming themselves after a Persian army maybe wasn't the best choice.
based. lol
shoulda bet on beady :^)
yeah but you're all lazy spaniards
hory shit
>German working class rising up
Because democracy was a mistake and the dictatorship should've prevailed until the end of times. We consist of people who need someone strong to guide us.
yes northern norway is a bit colder
as for resources iceland is mostly barren volcanic rock with almost no arable land, only plus is geothermal energy and fish.
t. Knows fucking nothing
For a start, german replacement started much earlier than the syrian invasion
It didn't even start with the Turkish invasion back in the 90s.
Germany was not fine. Immediately after ww2, the circumstances for things like the Turkish and Syrian invasions were set.
Just because they hadn't occured yet didn't mean it was fine
Nigguh you not even white
>I think now, looking back, we did not fight the enemy, we fought ourselves. The enemy was in us. The war is over for me now, but it will always be there, the rest of my days. As I'm sure Elias will be, fighting with Barnes for what Rhah called "possession of my soul." There are times since, I've felt like a child, born of those two fathers. But be that as it may, those of us who did make it have an obligation to build again. To teach to others what we know, and to try with what's left of our lives to find a goodness and a meaning to this life.
yeah unless they have the army on their side that won't be happening.
Thank god for the english channel! Seriously, close the chunnel haha. Europe looks very bad in 50 years. I've been following the french election closely and it looks like Rothschild Macron will win.
I hope he doesn't ,but if he does there will probably be a civil war in France within 5 years. Macron wants 200k+ more refugees a year and wants tio punish Poland fir not taking any.
Europe is in for a rough ride! Hell even if LePen wins there will probably be a civil war with rioting muzzie scum because she wants to boot then all out!!!
Are you white? As in blond hair and blue eyes
2 de mai de 2011
Nothing will happen, it's lost, it's gone
im blonde, but i got green eyes
>Tommy guns
Get it together Jack.
That's fine
Now you should really stay in your country, but personally I welcome Polish and Baltic immigrants to Norway to counter the increase of non-Whites.
Lmao! Fuck off potatohead! You're fucking nigger-tier white.
How about you try to save your own country instead of ours this time, Hans.
>the jews have been trying to eradicate the germans since the end of ww2
go to hell you crackhead.
>Europe is in for a rough ride! Hell even if LePen wins there will probably be a civil war with rioting muzzie scum because she wants to boot then all out!!!
Civil war? No... ordinary people in Europe don't have weapons. It's just not possible. There will be people roaming the streets, and then they are going home...
We'll make it right krautfriend.
We had slaves, so what? Some people were Nazis and put a few bullets in some Jews. Who cares? War happens. The Japanese raped an entire village and mass murdered thousands and Nanking. You don't see them apologizing to the Chinese and destroying their culture.
Shit happens, war happens. And guess what? The "good guys" won, and the "bad guy" is no longer there. There was even the Nuremberg Trials to catch the rest of the "bad guys". So all those evil people are now gone. Good, move the fuck on. Don't destroy your culture and try to appease everyone who is offended by the shit you did in your past.
Grow from it, learn from it, and keep it there as a reminder. Don't destroy a culture because of forced guilt. And that's what it is, its FORCED. These people are forced to feel bad.
When will you realize that you are not Europe? You are Germany. Are you saying that because you were not allowed to conquer France and the Slavic world, you should let yourself be replaced?
don't forget that if we see a negro or a dumbass acting stupidly, we beat them up to teach them a lesson
Look at Venezuela, they don't have guns and are trying, i'm pretty sure you guys would be able to do it, considering you have more resources and can get guns easier (you and your brother, that is).
If you decide to come to Scandinavia, you should consider finding a woman before you leave, and take her with you. Slavs and Balts here seem pretty lonely, and many end up going home/without a family.
>Don't destroy a culture because of forced guilt. And that's what it is, its FORCED. These people are forced to feel bad.
It is easy to say for you, but forcing the guilt is constantly happening by (((media))) in Europe. We feel it here in Slovakia as well, and in Germany it must be much worse.
>Look at Venezuela, they don't have guns and are trying, i'm pretty sure you guys would be able to do it, considering you have more resources and can get guns easier (you and your brother, that is).
I dont feel it is necessary. Apart from immigration and some forced leftist agenda, EU is still doing quite fine. We just need to turn right, stop the immigration, and it will get better.
the allies were successful in brainwashing them into collective guilt and denazification was built into the essence of the state of west germany which remained strongly in touch with (((americans))) for decades
Indeed, i would say eastern europe is fine right now, but things will get worse somehow, and given how you guys have more attitude due to not being brainwashed like the western countries, i'm sure it could happen.
funny my mother went to an oracle or whatever it's called. And just by telling the dates of birth of our family the oracle was able to tell lots of things about us. Now I usually don't believe these things, but the oracle got so many things right, like that I am going to study IT, etc..
One of the things the oracle said that I am gonna be lonely, while studying and I am gonna get a wife, who is gonna be scandinavian