What would tv look like if Colbert, Seth Myers, Conan John Oliver and Samantha Bee had to shut down?
What would tv look like if Colbert, Seth Myers, Conan John Oliver and Samantha Bee had to shut down?
quick bump cause new threads always need at least 1 bump for some reason
All tv and movies will be affected by it. Pretty much all of hollywood would be shut down. Do you guys get that?
The same, these are propoganda mouthpieces that are expendable and easily replaced
They just did this shit a few years ago.
The last writers strike was 10 years ago(2007).
Okay, got it.
Alright guys I've finally found the perfect plan to get rid of the niggers kikes spics and fish monkies. All we gotta do is meme the strike of this writers guild. Just think about it, 98% of degeneracy would be gone instantly, whites would finally have to look at their surroundings and realize they're in a real life planet of the apes scenario.
it's happening again cause the payments are different now for tv. Like for example we have a lot of 10 episode seasons instead of 22 or so. Not to mention syndication on tv is almost nonexistent for a lot of shows now so writers aren't getting residuals
poor Sup Forums so small minded and shortsighted in your plans. this is the perfect time to go on the offensive. All Sup Forums writers should submit scripts written by us preemptively. With nothing else allowed to be written this is the perfect opportunity to take our screens back. if we dont then they will simply come back with all antitrump shit
There's actually a discord group of a bunch of nazis who're crowd sourcing right wing literature.
they arent nazis they are alternative antifa
Colbert needs to go.
TV needs to die already. Everything is already going online. It's just a matter of time. Someone needs to just pull the plug and put TV out of its misery.
the online stuff and payments for it is also part of the strike
I don't care. I just want TV to die.
We need to start piling as much dirt we can on all and I mean ALL Leftist broadcasters of every kind. We need to use their own tactics to our advantage. We need to destroy them, no mercy.
We must attack every slip up they have, send letters to their sponsors, organize boycotts, partake in basic non-violent economic warfare; people respond to money.
We must expose (as we have been doing) Leftist hysteria and the lengths they will go to, by using memetic warfare.
We can't just idly sit by, we must do something meaningful in the war on the Left. HWNDU was a good start, it showed our potential, but now we need to go all the way and start dismantling the real cogs of the media machine.
>Hollywood goes on strike
Holy shit, my boner can't grow any larger than it already is.
Oh heaven forfend! I cannot imagine living life without the fucking zogmachine!
this is why i refuse to go full trump supporter. Everyone you hate you say "let's shut them down" yet everytime you go after them they just get more fanatical and loyal support from the left.
you also have to be borderline retarded not to realize companies are actively trying to resist trump as well so complaining about a employee that is resisting trump is like asking a company to fire a employee for kicking out an unruly customer.
You're totally missing what Hollywood and these groups are doing. They know they are not acting morally. They don't give a fuck, they want their side to win. Your notion that "everyone should play fair" is why you are losing the war overall
You have zero strategy and unless you change your tactics to involve some nuance and finesse you're gonna keep running into walls trying to break them down
You keep crying about Bill Nye on Netflix but yet I never hear you guys talk about George Soros buying up majority stock in Netflix. You guys are being incredibily thick about your approaches to things. Be surgical not blunt
What's your approach, then?
>still watching the televised jew
read books instead
So it's good news for Canadian and Australian production companies.
They would just have Trevor Noah on for 5 hours.
1. save your silver bullets when they most effective. Stop repeating your plot points every argument. Eventually it just becomes noise to anyone who doesn't already agree with you. Remember the CIA waited a year to use that pedo stuff of Milo waiting for him to get big enough for it to be really hurtful
2. Pick the right targets. George Soros is your version of the boogie man like Trump is to the left. Push him farther as he is doing a lot of current damage.
3. Organize! You guys act like chickens with your heads cut off. Jumping at every infraction and constatnly getting bullied out by the lefts numbers.
I'll remind you of a game of thrones quote. You guys talk about being the movement of the people but most visiable powerful people aren't on your side and you just keep attacking them instead of getting them on your sider. The quote from Game of thrones to Dany from Tyrion after the city was in civil war. tyrion asks her "what was it like ruling without the rich or the wealthy?" answer bad.
Translation the common folk is good but if you don't start tempting more high profile people on your side you can't do shit. And the only way you will get more people is to show a smart unification publicly. That DOESN"T revolve around Trump.
One of your biggest issues is everything you do is associated with trump. And people already have their minds up about him. You want to convert him you have to be pro trump without being pro trump. Push your ideals outside of trump. Stop letting everything you pursue be about politics. Recruit more people with kindness
I have yet to see a story about a trump supporter doing anything that wasn't some kind of rally. I don't see trump supporters volunteering at the VA or homeless shelters or anything. i dont see trump supporters in real life doing anything helpful