Why are there so many young women doing right wing political commentary? Are they just dumb whores trying to get money and attention by being every lonely male republicans dream gf? You got these center right girls who sometimes aren't even white that have accounts less than a year old but are getting 100k+ subs.
Why are there so many young women doing right wing political commentary...
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It's because previously there were no women to represent conservatives. It's only now through the power of beta orbiters that the untapped market is being discovered.
oh that made me disgusted
That's America.
It sounds like you're upset attractive young women are making the right sexy.
good doubles. i think it's more revealing about what women are than they'd like it to be.
Cashing into an untapped market. They're all worthless in actuality, I've not seen one yet that actually is intelligent, sensible, or not a Jew.
The shame is that people still eat it up anyway, and constantly flock to them claiming "/ourgirl/".
Women conform to whatever side they sense is winning, and White people are starting to get our balls back.
t. r9k
She's not perfect but she's clearly on our side and helping the cause
The idea that they must all be disingenuous is kind of ridiculous and comes from Sup Forumss general view of women more than any reality.
CIA hired a new crop of cointel and is trying to co-opt Sup Forums with them
>so many young women doing right wing political
You mean a handful?
you mean r9k crossposters. God i hate these fags almost as much as reddit
What cause? Is she national socialist white ethnocentric? If not go fucking kys!
short sighted retard
not gonna lie, i would fuck lauren's brains off.
Even the most right wing of these young women are barely center right who are light years away from even thinking about the jewish question
Women are incapable of independent thought or logical reasoning.
They choose to align themselves with whatever they deem hip or trendy in order to grab attention.
So you want to get from point A to point Z but you refuse to cooperate with anyone from points B-Y? Good luck with that, sport.
demand for rightwing politics hasn't been served enough by television
it's been up to the internet to pick up the slack
women are more marketable than men
there are also relatively few female personalities on the right
so naturally these girls are going to explode in popularity compared to other aspiring pundits
He'd call her a FBI plant in an instant if she did, garanteed
>You got these center right girls who sometimes aren't even white
>Implying non-white ppl can't be conservative or right wing.
And yes, they're doing it for the attention and the profit. Sure, they might like the ideas behind, but they like the attention more.
There are much easier and lucrative ways 22 year old Lauren Southern could make money, than risking her safety by attending riots in Paris. I doubt anyone talking shit about her was a few feet away from cops being roasted with molotovs like she was.
Wrong. Tara McCarthy for example did an interview with Kevin MacDonald
Even Lauren Southern has said that women are the dumber sex. Could a "center right" politician hold that opinion and expect to get elected?
Tara is half indian and half jewish. She wouldn't touch the jewish question with a 1,488 foot pole
Literally any pretty face who doesn't sound like a complete retard on camera can make a career in some form of broadcasting.
1/4 indian, 0/4 jewish dumb shill fuck.
I thought she was in her 30s?
So you're just going to ignore the video?
she's VERY advanced on the cock carousel
Women are natural attention whores. Every thread about them is full of newfag cancer.
>Are they just dumb whores trying to get money and attention by being every lonely male republicans dream gf?
Yep, and Lauren Southern is included in that.
>So many
Name 5, faggot. Other than Lauren Southern aka Ms. Guaranteed replies.
I post almost exclusively in e-celeb threads and I've been here since 2006. E-celebs are important.
Why are so many young men doing right wing political commentary? Because they want to spout their opinion.
She's a dot head kike. I don't care what she has to say
are people like you are really this fucking stupid ? Im not a paranoid dude but I can't even imagine somebody being this fucking dumb. So the only option left is a shill
please tell me youre a shill i dont want to think somebody can be this fucking numb please please
>strongly anti-intellectual
Checks out
Born June 15, 1995
People like her gain a following by being the moderate voice who appeals to normies while still trying to undermine the movement. Milo did the exact same thing. Non whites have no place in a white movement
youre the reason the world thinks america is stupid you fucking shill kike, get out
How the fuck is Tara Mccarthy undermining the movement? She brings white nationalists on her show all the time and their conversations pretty much imply she is one too. Stop talking out of your ass already.
Of course Ching chong and Mohammed are fine with the idea of a white movement being infiltrated by non whites saboteurs
That. OP is a faggot.
She can't be a white nationalist because she isn't white. She has no place in a white nation and cannot be trusted
The problem with this analogy is that for example games can be enjoyed among men without women. But a society and a community can't exist without women. Right-wing women are needed.
This is why letting women vote is a mistake
Just stop posting. I feel bad for other Americans on here that they have to see you make these retarded posts.
Why are the so many leafs doing right wing political commentary? I'm starting to unironically believe we are the master race.
can you like not be on my side ? please go back to being a leftist. Fucking inbred piece of shit youre barely worthy of being canon fodder
If you think finns are white then you obviously have very low standards.
>implying americans make better posts than those
implying Portugal's relevant enough to make a comment on americans
blablabla always the same answer
>we have the best military in the world
>your country is irrelevant
>richest country in the world
Cant you fuckers learn how to bantz already?Jesus what a simple minded country
ez cesh meyt
Portuguese are Moor rape babies
Heh at least youre better at this than the other fucker,I salute you for that
Because we're living in an age where nobody trusts the media and it's so fucking easy these days for a (((white))) girl to pick up a microphone and make youtube videos and garner attention.
Because white men have been propagandized as oppressors who should not be listened to, white women have to use their fabricated victm status (of womanhood as their whiteness is still under attack; regardless, they can still identify with the white plight and how our goals are for the betterment of all) to carry the torch of socially palatable conservatism. They are the new gateway pundits due to having become necessary replacements for the exiled male conservative pundits (who still exist but are not allowed to achieve mainstream notoriety) and they are a necessary segue.
Sup Forums likes to shit on people who aren't full blown in their own identity without acknowledging that the very people they rail against may serve as a stepping stone to the pundits that they do support.
Lauren southern is a man don't mis gender her now .
She'd be a "honeypot" to you even if she were exactly what you claim to want.
they dont like acid on their face.
This. But the thirst of the average neet here will allow the CIA to win.
>Are they just dumb whores trying to get money and attention by being every lonely male republicans dream gf?
yup, that's pretty much it
Do you people seriously believe this shit? In your heart of hearts. Be honest now.
Yes. How do you not spot obvious plants?
What makes it so "obvious"?
And where are all the real people who are interested in politics? Did CIA put them in an underground gulag?
You'd have the be a faggot to not want to cum all over Lauren or Tomi's face. I don't think either are paid, dna these days make women so independent, these are just some red pilled bitches
National (((socialism))) was never the goal. The goal is a nationalist capitalism.
Also she doesnt make too much money this way, and she hes to spend it on traveling, while other female e-celebs just sit in a chair in their home, earning more money.
>muh movement
Treating this shit as a crusade will never get us anywhere. It might have worked 100 years ago but we're living in the social media era. All we have to do is chillout, create memes and shitpost. People will want to join the group that looks like they're having more fun. That's the main advantage we have over the humourless cucks and frigid legbeards.
Fuck off you retarded /r9k/ virgin. She could be making more money writing crap for buzzfeed or huffpo. Maybe she has a set of beliefs and fights for them
Because these women see how fucking stupid you retards are and want to exploit you like Trump did.
You retards say you are nationalists, against globalism blah blah bullshit. You fucktards aren't really. You voted an elderly bankrupt incompetent globalist Jew as president and suck his dick every time he embarrasses the country.
Of course more people are going to take advantage of your stupidity. They would be as dumb as you not to.
All I want is for them to show us their tits already. Is this too much to ask!?
Money and attention
Name 1 pure altright girl
Why are there so many young women doing left wing hysteria?
Are they just dumb whores, with useless gender studies degrees trying to recoup money and attention theyve lost through stupidity. Only able to attract lonely, beta-males, cucks and subhumans?
I think someones a little butthurt because Right is Right!
Yeah I'm sure going to France where people are lighting cops on fire with molotovs and being in constant danger in order to do journalism is the best way to take advantage of orbiters on Sup Forums because some of them might give her their NEETbux in support. What a brilliant get-rich-quick plan she has.
Do you even think about what you're saying you moron?
I just put it here to piss off some shills LARPing here.
>Lauren "kike piglet" Southern is trying to be my 'dream gf'
oh man
HAHAHAHAHAHHA- listen to me very fucking carefully, Sup Forums. this is the one place on the internet that is going on. the internet is a reflection of the ENTIRE world. You are the brightest, most driven, most noble people ON THE PLANET...
Do NOT settle for kike pig whores like this youtube cunt shill.
*this is the one place on the internet that knows what is going on
looks like we found the Jew
Looks like we found the guy without any arguments or anything of value to say in general.
We're the hip new counter culture now I guess.
Ever hear of the Overton window?
This point.
Is NatCap a thing? I can get behind that.
>D&C from the DNC
You: "Wah wah she doesn't say what I want her to say!"
Someone else: "But she does, here's a video."
You: "Wah wah I won't watch this."
One can't win with someone as retarded as you.
You again with your fucking bullshit? GTFO!
you stupid ass. This bitch is a kike apologist and she literally used the term 'cultural islam' to imply 'not real islam'
It is a thing, not every capitalist supports globalism and multiculturalism. I belive in open market, small government, but dont want my country fall because of islam and migration so I am strongly nationalist.
I ment free market inside the country.
this is precisely what the USA was founded on in the first place. Small unobtrusive free market governance with a nationalistic white-centric immigration and cultural policy.