After not browsing Sup Forums for smth like 3-4 years, it feels like Sup Forums has become an improved version of what Sup Forums used to be. b looks fucking sad now, degenrative wanker threads are like 90% of it
Am I wrong here?
After not browsing Sup Forums for smth like 3-4 years...
Other urls found in this thread:
Hey, rate me, Sup Forumsro.
Sup Forums is infested with horny middle aged men and edgy teenagers, that's what's wrong with it.
Sup Forums is a strong board with a fixed identity that is willing to defend itself if jeopardized by any kind of degeneracy. It works under the unity of like-minded people with similar objectives.
Went to /soc/ for shits and giggles,all i got was repulsion and sads.
>horny middle aged men
This feels actually disgusting for some reason. Why not just use /soc/ or porn imageboards for posting stuff?
Sup Forums is doing a stellar job considering that it has doubled in population over such a short period of time
an influx like that would destroy any other board or internet community
Sup Forums certainly is sad, like a shitty porn and erotic fanfic board now no real fun
Because Sup Forums predates those boards when it comes to attention whores, trannies and whatever else.
/soc/ and other boards are just derivatives.
Who gives a fuck about Sup Forums anyways anymore, that place died a decade ago when it got too big
So pol is what you get when you mix /jp/ and Sup Forums together. Hmmm
how do i get a EU flag
this is Sup Forums for millennials experiencing growing pains who are nevertheless determined to grow up
>Going to /soc/
It was good in the first year, but after it became full of wannabe hipsters and /cgl/ girls with BPD and pansexuality, it went downhill FAST.
m00t used /soc/ to advertise to normies and betrayed us all.
Politics is extremely broad and covers everything and yet keeps conversations focused on the Macro while avoiding boring personal bullshit. Politics is basically everything and how it relates to everything else.
It was inevitable.
cultural enrichment
By importing 3 million Syrian refugees.
You're 100% correct. It all really went to shit after the primaries.
I forgot Sup Forums exists until just now
Sup Forums is absolute trash now
i agree and i've been here since the last days of /new/ getting removed
Nothing but porn there nowadays, its a damn shame
Anyone remember Sup Forumsoxxy XD kawaii
I feel like this is the new Sup Forums in a way. When shit goes down aren't we usually to blame not instead of Sup Forums? When did that start happening?
Never been on it is it really a sex filled normie board? Thought most were afraid to go on this site.
Sup Forums is a newfag containment board
Agreed. I recently tried going to Sup Forums for the first time in years. It was all porn.
Sup Forums is just traps and animal porn. Sup Forums has all the interesting stuff Sup Forums used to have -anonymous(peace be apon them) because a lot of them went to jail.
I find it funny normies now think anonymous is a legit group who saves the day for them.
I wanted to nail her so bad at the time. Now I realize she was actually mental.
>came here in 2014
>thinks he knows what Sup Forums is or was.
>thinks he knows what Sup Forums is or was.
It's always newfags who think they know shit. Every single time.
used to browse Sup Forums when i first found Sup Forums back in 2009. it's slowly gotten worse and worse over the years and now it's just complete shit. i do remember some epic threads over the years but i just can't imagine it being like it used to. i think the people who were browsing Sup Forums back then have either stopped coming on Sup Forums or moved to other boards like Sup Forums.
You used to think that. Stop lying. That's what brought you here. Easy to spot.
Only one who got it right. nu/pol/ is a mixture of one-time chanology Sup Forumstards who grew out of randomz, and became even more political after the scientology shit.
Been coming on this site since 2008. Don't project your old feelings about Sup Forums and anonymous onto me.
>It's always newfags who think they know shit. Every single time.
Considering that I started using Sup Forums in 2008, I wouldn't call myself a newfag. Although I never spend too much time here, and honestly didn't care for Sup Forums, cuz I wasn't really interested in politics
>implying I am a normie
>implying Sup Forums has hacktivism and active hacker culture threads
>implying you are an old fag that actualy acomplished anything or was apart of anything in the good old days
At least I am honest and admit I don't know shit about hacking.
When is the last time you saw an organized ddos attack?
When was the last data dump? The fapining?
When was the last time you saw a Low Orbit Ion Cannon link or meme?
Admit it Sup Forums does not have the hacker culture present that Sup Forums did.
user died in 2007/8 with chanology, "epic lulz", and the "internet hate machine" which attracted your type. There were no 'epic' threads in 2009.
who you callin a newfag, newfag? I've been around since 2006
I'm with How insecure you have to be about your newfaggotry to call others out, not to mention sound so pretentious
Prove it you fucking gook
If you were here after Chanology, you are a newfag. That's when Sup Forums suffered death by a thousand cuts. Stuff like this:
and this:
Had all sorts of idiots jumping on the bandwagon thinking Anonymous had a leader and were some kind of vigilante fighting for actual "great justice", blah, blah, blah. Who gives a hit anyway. user now is the same as user pre-2007.
Ever since Gamergate, Sup Forums has been a shithole.
And now Sup Forums is following the same example with Trump and the US elections.
This place is not going to get any better. The only option is forming a new board (again).
I came to Sup Forums from ytmnd after the ebaumsworld feud
also not a gook, just have yellow fever
>fine with calling others newfags, until exposed as one. All of a sudden: "h-how insecure are you!"
>using the word pretentious on Sup Forums.
Fuck out of here with your elementary level drivel, snot-pussy.
Heres some good music for you.
2008. lol.
I went to one of the Chanology protests. Looking back, it was pretty cringe. A bunch of ugly teenagers waving signs with longcat and shit like that.
I just made a thread for the first time on Sup Forums in like 4 years...turns out you can't triforce anymore.
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What Sup Forums is has never been stable if you don't agree you were never on long enough. I started frequenting it in 2006/7, thought it was starting to go to shit in '10(I think it managed to stay good at first dispite all the growth, many disagre) and stopped frequenting it in in '11 and I think it has gone downhil since then, well before gamergate.
I followed a similar pattern. 2010 was when all the /soc/-tier threads started showing up iirc. they ended up giving it its own board, but the damage had been done.